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DeBlob 2 Unofficial Thread.
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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 22:57:39

Recently, THQ announced the upcoming release of DeBlob 2, a sequel to the highly praised Wii-exclusive title from BlueTongue. It's set to be released on February 2011, and it will be a multiplatform title with Wii, DS, PS3 and 360 versions.

This title is set to improve on almost every flaw the first game had, such as level design, gameplay variety,and the horrid wiimote jump, which will be replaced by a normal jump button, as every sane and sentient being in the world should prefer. It will also have powerups, 2D levels, and its soundtrack will be by the same composer, John Guscott.

Here are some hands-on impressions, found at GAF.

Now the only thing left is deciding which version.

Edited: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 23:00:13
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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 23:13:16

De Blob 2 looks good. As far as which system I'm getting it for (assuming I have an HD system by then), I will probably get it for. . .  whichever system it gets reduced pricing for first.  I loved De Blob but it was a short game and I didn't buy it till it hit $20.  Probably will do the same here.

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Fri, 12 Nov 2010 09:19:46

I was fine with everything but the combat in the first game. I'm getting it for Wii as I don't trust my 360 to last for more than a couple of years. I already got the quarter red ring of death and this is my second unit.

That said I'm not really hyped about De Blob 2, it's just not the sort of thing that gets the blood pumping. I will probably get it eventually.

Edited: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 15:26:59

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Fri, 12 Nov 2010 11:49:49
Edited: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 11:56:39

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Fri, 12 Nov 2010 12:19:23

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Fri, 12 Nov 2010 14:09:36

I have read GAF comments about the PS3 and 360 versions of the game being upscaled resolution ports from the Wii one, which would be the lead development platform. If so, then Wii version it is for me. I will keep an eye on possible performance issues for those versions.

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Fri, 12 Nov 2010 15:26:21
SteelAttack said:

I have read GAF comments about the PS3 and 360 versions of the game being upscaled resolution ports from the Wii one, which would be the lead development platform. If so, then Wii version it is for me. I will keep an eye on possible performance issues for those versions.

Wii definetely is the lead platform, I posted the story from E3.

But the 360 PS3 versions are HD obviously and they will be 3DTV compatible. I wouldn't get the 360 version just because I worry about how long my unit will last. But PS3 sounds like a good option.

Destructoid have some bits about this issue.

There is at least one thing that de Blob 2 has over current home console games from Nintendo; on the 360 and the PS3, the game is in HD. As someone who thought the first de Blob looked just fine in standard definition, I wasn't particularly excited to see the game in HD. After seeing it in motion on the 360, I felt a little differently about that. There is no denying that the added range of colors amounts to a more stimulating experience.

That said, I was told the most eye-popping way to play de Blob was stil yet to be shown. The game will be compatible with 3D TVs, which got the developers so excited that they started shouting at me. I tried to harness that excitement into an exclusive, as I asked if they were equally excited about putting the game on the 3DS as well; that killed the mood fast. All I got out of them was the standard smile/awkward pause and "We have nothing to comment on at this time" statement that every secret 3DS developer gives me when they can't talk about their game yet.

With all of this focus on 3D and HD, I got a little worried that the Wii version would suffer in comparison. I was told not to worry; that the Wii version "looks amazing," and is everything that the PS3/360 versions are (minus the HD, of course). The de Blob 2 team took care to listen to fan criticism of the original games, particularly the controls. Jump is now mapped to the "A" button instead of a flick of the Wii remote. That goes for the PS Move controls as well.

I don't quite get what the "added range of colours" has to do with HD. That's resolution, so the colours must be the same on the wii version, the guy must have not seen the Wii version at E3 and just thought that because the sequel has more colours and he's only seen it on 360, that HD has something to do with it.

One thing that made me laugh reading previews was that they said that the HD versions console power meant De Blob 2 could do depth of field which wii can't do. LOL

LMAO they had DOF on GC and Xbox.

Godamn game journo's.

Edited: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 15:36:46

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Fri, 12 Nov 2010 15:29:04

Video preview here, think it's 360 version.

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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 20:20:15

BTW Steel, I never knew you were so into De Blob to make a thread for the sequel.

What are your overall feelings from the first game other than the waggle controls?

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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 20:50:10

It's a good game, but with a lot of room for improvement. I'd say its charm comes largely from its music. It's a game that is 50% music, 25% characters and 25% gameplay. But at its core, it's a platformer, and its painfully dull level design can overcome even the best of musical pieces. In concept, it's great, but its execution wasn't as good as it should have been because of bad game design choices, such as the waggle jump, its boring level design, and its asinine save system, which forces you to replay the whole level if you don't manage to finish it. Early on, it's not much of a deal, but further down the road, with larger levels and more things to do, it's a kick in the balls.

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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 20:59:55

I don't get the 25% characters. I couldn't get a lot of character from the abstract colour blob characters.

What was wrong with the save system? It saved after every level right? I guess if you are pressed for time. I found it easy to complete the levels in time.

The level design I enjoyed too, very relaxed and open world, I just enjoyed bouncing around and enjoying myself. When they started introducing some more complex objectives it could get irritating. Did you try those challenge missions from the main menu?

The only real problem I had with the game was the paper thin combat and the lack of any sort of IR painting. I don't know, De Blob almost seems like Boom Blox. It's great, original and fun, yet I don't see what I would get out of a sequel that I wouldn't get out of the first game. I guess that comes from the lack of story/interesting characters or motive. And the gameplay which I enjoyed very much, is repetitive by nature, but I had no problem with it. It does make me question what I could get out of a sequel though.

I guess the 2D levels interest me more. And since the game is multiformat I would like them to use the IR of the Wii controller to do something original that other consoles can't do natively.

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Sat, 13 Nov 2010 21:53:45

I found all characters charming and appealing. For the type of game it is, they're very well done.

Level design is flat out boring. What you call relaxed and open world means unfocused and way too loose for me. Besides, the missions get repetitive very early in the game. Camera work could use some improvement, too.

I had no quarrel with combat. It shouldn't be the focus of a platformer, so as long as it doesn't get in the way (and in this game it doesn't), I'm alright with it.

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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 04:17:35

The levels were small, saving mid-level would have been pointless, surely. And on top of that, made trying to get everything in a levle when you may actually be pressed for time not as intense.

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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 07:59:56
Foolz said:

The levels were small, saving mid-level would have been pointless, surely. And on top of that, made trying to get everything in a levle when you may actually be pressed for time not as intense.

No. I clocked easily 1 hour trying to 100% even the early ones, so any kind of save system other than the draconian one the game has would have been welcome.

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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 11:07:51
SteelAttack said:

No. I clocked easily 1 hour trying to 100% even the early ones, so any kind of save system other than the draconian one the game has would have been welcome.

You're slow then. Nyaa

Seriously, though, this coming from the man making steady progress in Demon's Souls.

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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 13:07:31

Yeah, sounds like you were really slow steel.

Maybe you could find those trucks that give you brief infinite paint and slop it on.

I liked that the levels had a lot of meat to them. I didn't see a need for focus as you put it. I saw the game as an open world playground of sorts where I just had fun pootling about and splatting things.

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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 17:35:42

I'm slowpoke? What the fuck?

The problem with just pootling around and splatting things is that it can only get you so far. It gets stale pretty fast for me, and other than doing the same kind of things over and over again (race to this point! now beat these inklings! now paint these buildings red! now yellow! now green!) there's not much going on besides enjoying the musical score.

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Sun, 14 Nov 2010 17:48:04

I have to defend Steel on this. I also was findiing myself spending well over an hour with all but the earliest level and at times I was begging for any kind of save feature.  That was my biggest gripe with the game. If you could either save mid-level or f it were chopped up into smaller portions it would have been much better, but the last few levels just got boring after a while and never seemed to end.

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Mon, 15 Nov 2010 11:32:43

I guess the game gave you the freedom to complete the levels without having to paint everything. If you set that goal for yourself, yeah you will have to play for a long time. But it was always optional so I only tried when I felt like it.

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Tue, 16 Nov 2010 02:32:45

And when you are painting anything the lack of saving makes it pretty intense. It's almost an arcade sort of challenge, and if you could save mid level that'd be gone.

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