I don't want to enable Capcom's bullshit for not putting it on PC.
When Legendary Dark Knight mode was initially a PC exclusive mode in the first place, and PC hardware is better suited already for ray tracing and good framerate. But I'm also an action/jackson fiend, and Capcom will probably get me to double dip if I buy one of these new consoles. Otherwise modded DMC5 is how I play a lot of DMC5 right now, so I technically already have turbo mode, and I've never been big on playing as Vergil, as much as I just like the boss fight.
And yeah Tomas the guard flying is sick. Tbh I think if you had saw some of the high level stuff people did in DMC3 you would find it sicker too. Like I think the intended game of DMC has a lot of problems under Itsuno, but the unintended Imma sauce on every mother fucker in the room game of DMC is so supremely godlike. Its so sick in 4 especially. The way Dante just snaps in that game is something else. 5 is a bit slower, and compromises a lot of high level stuff, but its still obviously sick. But DMC4 high level is insanity. Mother fuckers broke their hands trying to do sick shit in that game lol.
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SupremeAC (4m)
I enjoy the back and forth here. So I assume Gagan you are ready for DMCV SE, I'm getting it.