Forum > Gaming Discussion > Disaster Day of Crisis: The Cheese is about to destroy us! OMG WTH? LOL? YES!
Disaster Day of Crisis: The Cheese is about to destroy us! OMG WTH? LOL? YES!
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Sat, 08 Nov 2008 12:52:19
Iga_Bobovic said:
gamingeek said:

Then they are going to blow up Miami.

Wait, wait. I thought you said they were terrorists!?!

They are, they are going to blow up Miami with a nuke because the city has mostly been evacuted because of the hurricane.

Ravenprose said:

Nintendo should just release Disaster in North America as a budget title, say $30 USD. It may not be a big seller, but at that price, I'm sure they'd still make a fair profit.

It's not really a budget type game though, but I see what you are saying, it's not selling well in either japan or europe so far so a lower price couldn't hurt. OR they could try, effing advertising it. They really messed up the perception of the game by having a hidden development process, no previews whatsoever, no E3 coverage whatsoever and a suprise launch with no hype whatsoever. It's given the game this mystical aura of "It must be crap then" when it's actually quite a fun game. No, I will keep saying it again, it is not AAA, it is not going to wow you, its no zelda, but it is a really fun arcade type game. Shoddy in places, great looking in other places.

edgecrusher said:

Well I've been a fan of Monolith forever, and this is one of the only Wii games I've really had my eye on because of it, even though it doesn't seem like they put as much into it as past games. I'm not totally sold on it, but definitely interested.

Looks like a Dreamcast game eh? What's up with that? These guys are a solid developer, and they have Nintendo backing (or lack thereof) behind them so you'd think this game would be much better than that.

To be fair there are a couple of Dreamcast looking levels so far, but generally it has been quite pleasing with some very nice looking sections too. It doesn't help that all the screens, pretty much released are either from the very first couple of sections of the game and distorted pics at that and the videos are all quite poor quality too. The zoomed in view you see of Ray treating patients in screens do look like that, but you spend roughly 1% of the game in that view so at the right distance generally everything looks okay. It does have a very soft look to it and texture quality is not great up close, but it has some whizz bam effects, runs at a good clip and is one of the better looking wii games depending on the section you are playing. It's a lot better than you would think. I haven't tried it on an HDTV yet, I am going to do that today. I will let you know how it turns out.

Dvader said:

I get to save my own life in that game, sweet!

I just played the section where you run towards a dog to save it from an incoming flash flood LOL OMG it was Independance Day all over again.

One thing I like is that even 7 hours in it is constantly throwing new sections at you, its almost like the game was tailor made in sections. I have played a section where you have to balance beam walk on the underside of a bridge with a raging river underneath and then a section where you dodge between cover to avoid huge gusts of winds. Game also becomes really hard in the shooting sections later, even on normal difficulty, I'm all out of med packs and they introduced super soldiers.

bugsonglass said:

i'm kinda tempted to get it but i'm being stingy about it.  would have been a much more attractive prospect at £18 rather than £35 so I think i might end up doing the 'bad thing' ie staking it out for it to get cheaper.

Asda and Amazon have it for £28 and amazon now do free shipping for anything over £5. If you don't like it there is always ebay.

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Sat, 08 Nov 2008 13:07:02
gamingeek said:
Iga_Bobovic said:
gamingeek said:

Then they are going to blow up Miami.

Wait, wait. I thought you said they were terrorists!?!

They are, they are going to blow up Miami with a nuke because the city has mostly been evacuted because of the hurricane.

Wait, what?! Blowing up Miami while the citizens are elsewhere?! Yep they are terrorist alright! Too bad they could have been heroes!

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Sat, 08 Nov 2008 13:17:26
Iga_Bobovic said:
gamingeek said:
Iga_Bobovic said:
gamingeek said:

Then they are going to blow up Miami.

Wait, wait. I thought you said they were terrorists!?!

They are, they are going to blow up Miami with a nuke because the city has mostly been evacuted because of the hurricane.

Wait, what?! Blowing up Miami while the citizens are elsewhere?! Yep they are terrorist alright! Too bad they could have been heroes!

They basically ripped off The Rock, the concept of the soldiers betrayed by their own government.

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Sat, 08 Nov 2008 19:54:37

Okay played it on an HDTV and it looks like crap on a stick. I loaded up the best looking areas and the low res textures which look okay on an SD, are blown up and scaled to hell and looks like shite. Maybe its because I'm using a 50" screen, but the only Wii games that come out relatively unscathed on an HD set are Mario Galaxy and MP3. And both lose texture detail and gain jaggies.

On another note, the later shooting stages are HARD. So I have to go and redo some stages in an RPG levelling style. The weapon system is really just like RE4 in terms of upgrades. But it has this levelling system and retro inspired shooting galleries.

Edited: Sun, 09 Nov 2008 11:01:58

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Sun, 09 Nov 2008 11:22:56

I found some media, still have a cold so I thought I would put together a little tour.

This is the flood area, I told you this section looked like a Dreamcast game

Disaster: Day of Crisis Picture

One of the best looking sections in the game is Blue Ridge city, that truck in front of you gets blown there by a massive explosion and there are things like buildings smashing about in front of you. Quite impressive.

Disaster: Day of Crisis Picture

The bear fight occurs on your way down a volcanic mountain. It's hilarious. How many other games are there which allow you to shotgun a bear in the face?

Disaster: Day of Crisis Picture

This is the bridge shootout before the tsunami hits. Notable for a boss who yells hilariously "Liiight him up!"

Disaster: Day of Crisis Picture

When you go to save someone the camera zooms in and things generally look ugly, but you are in this view for about 1% of the game. This minigame section is really fun, you have to pump down on the wii remote to start someones heart.

Disaster: Day of Crisis Picture

This is the beggining when your buddy dies. The cheese, OMG the cheese! Is it wrong that I laughed?

Disaster: Day of Crisis Picture

This is a section at the beggining of the game, strangely it is one of the very few section where Ray runs stooped and is slow and annoying to move around.

Disaster: Day of Crisis Screenshot

This is the weapon upgrade screen, obviously mine is in English, it is quite simple actually, it costs cash and you can improve focus, ammo, power etc.

Disaster: Day of Crisis Screenshot

For some reason all the screens seem to be from the early sections of the game. This purple ring shows you when a boss is most vunerable. Hit him now for massive damage.

Disaster: Day of Crisis Screenshot

A head shot, my favourite. Buy a heavy handgun with a 2 bullet magazine. So satisfying.

Disaster: Day of Crisis Screenshot

This is from the opening section. It has some impressive effects this game, especially particle effects and explosions as well as the sense of scale and artistry.

Disaster: Day of Crisis Screenshot

This is the toughest bit so far in the game. It feels like the final end shootout, but it is not. The red crosshair indicates when they are firing at you. When its gone you can pop out of cover and pop them in the face. Once I upgraded my skills a bit I found that I really enjoy the shooting sections, I wish GTA IV had used this style for the shootouts.

Disaster: Day of Crisis Screenshot

This section is suprisingly emotive. The aftermath of the tsunami, survivors are littered about the park. And you gaze about the destroyed cityscape.

Disaster: Day of Crisis Screenshot

Another great example of the game doing things well, this is when a building collapses right in front of you. When a visual event happens you can hit the camera button for a zoomed in view of the action. It can be quite dramatic when you hit the camera button and the camera swings around to show an explosion send some debris flying which lands right behind you.

Disaster: Day of Crisis Screenshot

There are tons of videos here, including my favourite section, the flooded city. You can hit the HQ icon on the video player for better quality but it still looks nowhere near the actual on TV quality.

Edited: Sun, 09 Nov 2008 11:26:52

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Sun, 09 Nov 2008 12:32:50

I finally found a Disaster trailer which managed to encapsulate the crazy feeling of the game:

Crank up the music Grinning

Also there is a half decent gameplay video here but make sure you hit the watch in higher quality option. It still doesn't look as good as it does in game:

And there are some samples from the OST here so you can see how fun the music is:

Edited: Sun, 09 Nov 2008 13:18:28

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Sun, 09 Nov 2008 21:34:27

I'd love to give this game a try.

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Mon, 10 Nov 2008 11:03:01

Batberg on NeoGAF seems to love it.

Beat this on hard last night, about 12 hours in, and it was awesome. Absolutely one of my favorite Wii games, and although the end product is like nothing I would have imagined from E306 or whatever, it has exceeded my expectations of what I thought we'd be getting. I still just can't believe how much I loved it. The game was simply excellent, and a great blast to play. I've already restarted it so I can work on 100%ing it.

I have to say though, I'm really disappointed the alternate outfits don't work in cutscenes Sad They look that much more ridiculous when you go out of them though

It is awesome in some ways, the hilarious prepoustrous nature of it all. But calling it simply excellent? I can understand when he says its a great blast to play though and how he's restarted already. It really is a guilty pleasure, you know its not AAA but it's just stupid, yet fun. Stupid fun.

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Fri, 14 Nov 2008 16:07:14

Okay, i'm on my second playthrough on hard mode, there are at least 3 dogs to rescue in this game, 1 bear to kill, 2 volcanic eruptions and one... asteroid to shoot down LOL

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Fri, 21 Nov 2008 11:48:08
The Drowning Man on NeoGAF impressions:

"So, I'm just over a third of the way through this as far as I can tell (8 levels and 3 hours) and....

It's wonderful! I mean, no it's not perfect but it's a bucket load of fun. It's sheer fun, unbridled fun harking back to the ridiculous plot lines of myriad 8-bit games and a big, melting pot of gameplay reminds me of a superior Die Hard trilogy in that respect (albeit with the core styles of play constantly switching between one another rather than operating in a linear fashion). It's a bit of a throwback, and it's so easy see why the majority of people who're playing it are garnering a great deal of enjoyment from it....Down the line, I suspect it will be seen as a wholly enjoyable cult classic which was bushed aside and buried upon its release.

I'd also like to defend the visuals somewhat - Okay, it looks downright shabby in some areas (npc character models, the overall look during some of the driving stages and - for example - the early office cut-scene) but in others it looks very good in terms of the amount of detail that's gone in there - Many parts of Blue Ridge City have clearly had a lot of work put into them and they really make me wish Nintendo had given the Wii even 25% more technical oomph - A bit of touching up and the ability to output in HD and we could have some really great looking games. As it is, there's a lot of well-done textures hampered by being so low-res."

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Wed, 17 Dec 2008 16:38:09

More GAF impressions, all from different users:

"I just finished the game on normal, I would say a solid 8. The graphics are okay, given that Nintendo hardware always hasn't been the best at making realistic graphics. The voice acting starts out meh, but seems to get much better as the game progresses. Ray's jumping animations bothered the hell out of me.
The search and rescue parts of the game are pretty fun. The wiimote waggles fit well for the game and don't come off as forced. I especially liked the rescues when you had to get people's heart started.
The shooting parts are real fun, but then again, I love Time Crisis so take it as you will. They can actually get difficult towards the end of the game as well. Aiming is pretty dead on too, so that was nice.
The driving parts... This might be biased since I'm not really crazy about driving games. They came off a little difficult. Most of my deaths in the game came from these stages. However, half way through the game I decided to try the driving parts with the Wii Wheel which made them considerably easier for me. The way the game transitions between exploring and rescuing, shooting, and driving is pretty smooth in my opinion.

In the end, it's a damn shame this didn't come out when it was supposed to. Originally scheduled to be a launch game, it really would of shined. Disaster shows off MANY different ways the wiimote can be used by programers responsibly. The pointer is used to shoot, clean wounds, follow targets underwater. The quick timed events (screen says press button, you have to press button to proceed a la RE4 and GoW) work well in the game using different buttons and remote gestures. You have to run at points moving the wiimote and nunchuck which worked really well, too.

It's a nice little action game wrapped in a B movie (one in particular comes to mind) plot. Not to mention that this is Monolith's first attempt at a non-RPG game. I'd love to see a follow up.

Oh, I'd also like to mention that, perhaps this is just a personal preference, but I though the camera was too slow. I like my cameras a b"


"I finally got this game a few days ago, and having played it for 3 hours straight, I have to say that I am really enjoying it. I can see why people say it reminds them a little of MGS, though I think the dialogue, writing, and voice acting are better in Disaster in my opinion.

Graphically, i think it looks pretty good for the most part, and some of the effects are really well done. Especially the tsunami.

I think if Nintendo had treated this game with a bit more respect, it could have been a reasonably big hit for them."


"Jumped on the Disaster bandwagon and I gotta say, it's a hell of a lot of fun. I actually quite like the driving, the action is fun, and there is heaps of variety. The latter is probably the main reason to keep playing; scenarios change fast enough so they don't get too boring.

It actually makes me a bit sad to see a game like this under-realised. It's got practically everything a blockbuster Wii franchise needs; cool main character, heaps of motion control variety, cheesy story, etc. I really wish Nintendo had thrown a higher budget at the title and put some of their own staff on it.

I kinda got the same feeling from Geist. While Disaster is far, far better, Geist was still an original idea (if a bit Messiah-esque) that could have become an AAA franchise exclusive for Nintendo systems.

Instead, it's like Nintendo just got to a point in development where they didn't care, and half-arsed financed it until it was finished, rather than throwing some of their own studios into the works and cranking up the budget.

I also get the feeling that, much like Geist, Nintendo will now shaft Disaster as a flop. A sequel to Disaster with a larger budget, greater production values, and more refined gameplay / engine, would in my opinion make for an absolutely epic and important exclusive to the Wii"

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Wed, 17 Dec 2008 16:58:13
When am I going to be able to buy this here?
Edited: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 16:59:11
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Wed, 17 Dec 2008 18:02:13

All signs point to never. But some US nintendo rep replied to a question saying that 2009 it was coming out. 

Reggie seems to not want it. 

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Wed, 17 Dec 2008 18:38:22

gamingeek said:

All signs point to never. But some US nintendo rep replied to a question saying that 2009 it was coming out. 

Reggie seems to not want it. 

 Screw Reggie! I want cheeze dammit! --er, I mean, I want to rent it. Nyaa

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Wed, 17 Dec 2008 20:11:13

When? When will you guys get to fire a rocket launcher at a Grizzly bear? This is injustice. 

When will you get the chance to rescue a variety of Labradors from natural disasters? 

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Sat, 20 Dec 2008 11:09:37
Ok I might bite, I was going to say I'm not support these shitty titles, but it sounds like it may be pretty good.

How much did you pick it up for GG?

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Sun, 21 Dec 2008 10:03:48

I got it for 28 quid when I heard it might become rare expecting to put it on ebay and re-coup my costs. I never expected to enjoy it as much as i have. Before you get it though you should ask yourself whether you appreciate arcade games, ridiculous cheesy summer blockbusters, time crisis and MGS.
Edited: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 16:40:15

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Sun, 21 Dec 2008 21:21:21

gamingeek said:

you appreciate arcade games


gamingeek said:

ridiculous cheesy summer blockbusters
gamingeek said:

time crisis
gamingeek said:

and MGS.


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Sun, 21 Dec 2008 22:40:02

Then you might just love it. I think maybe there is something about being British and the whole sense of humour thing that might make you love it. 


It's nothing like MGS gameplay, just in the nature of the prepostrous, overblown cutscenes that are really well done, but less pondering and more entertaining. 

Edited: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 17:04:11

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Tue, 23 Dec 2008 20:26:03

£19.99 at game Happy 

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