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Dota 2.
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Thu, 05 Dec 2013 16:25:08

I don't think we have a thread for this game. Do we?

Not like it would matter anyway, this thread will be just me asking yoda stuff until he gets tired of me and tells me to go choke on a dick.

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Thu, 05 Dec 2013 16:27:20

Yoda, if you have the time someday would you check out the replay of my last match last night? I was Lich. My team had an epic comeback (well, epic for my standards) and I'd appreciate some input about my in-game shenanigans in regards to improvement.

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Thu, 05 Dec 2013 18:35:24
Those poor saps, they'll never understand us


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Thu, 05 Dec 2013 22:16:35

At this point, I think anyone who wants to play Dota 2 is playing Dota 2. You either accept the concept or you don't.

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Thu, 05 Dec 2013 22:26:27
I actually think it's an easily overlooked game.  There are very few games in the genre, and without exposure to the genre, the appeal is hard to grasp.  I'd also say it's very hard to get into, so that's another barrier beyond simply it being around and getting press for a while.


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Thu, 05 Dec 2013 22:32:40

Where I am coming from is if you have a PC and Steam and limited resources (like most young people) at some point the draw of a free, deep, well-praised game from Steam is too powerful to elude.

To me, I've never even seen a screen shot of the game, but I avoid it just like I avoided WoW, it's not so much the type of game, but the endless nature of it.

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Mon, 09 Dec 2013 16:35:12

That was a nice cast yoda, thanks. Really helped me.

I've been playing bristleback these past few matches. I find it hard; the guy is supposed to be tankier than everyone but sometimes my health will vanish in teamfights. I started with some builds but right now I'm focusing on building treads and then pipe. I've had a couple good matches but I never end up being unkillable. Last night a fed/farmed Ursa wiped his hairy ass with me every single time we met.

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Mon, 09 Dec 2013 18:33:51
Pipe's a team-fight item to help break base.  Sure it's some survivability, but the value is in the active which applies to all your allies around you and will act as a shield that will block 400 magic damage.

If you're going just straight Treads->Pipe, you've really not build much in the way of survivability items or midgame items in general.

If you want to be more effective, try a progression of Treads->Vanguard->Assault Cuirass.  Bristleback is one of the few heroes for whom Vanguard is a solid item choice (gives you HP, damage block, regen).  Assault Cuirass will help keep you alive to continue doing damage, amplify your damage, and help your team as a whole; the minus armor also applies to towers.

Start with salve+tango+stout shield+2xbranch.  You can get a Ring of Health for your Vanguard from the side shop, and all components for your boots.  If you feel you're hurting for mana, you can grab a Ring of Basilius, Urn or Medallion.  If you're a secondary carry and your team has a melee carry who won't build it, you could build the Basilius into a Vlads.  Keep in mind that Quill Spray damage is physical, so minus armor from AC and Medallion (and Nasal Goo) increases the damage.

Separately, though, equally farmed Ursa's not a hero other melee heros are going to be able to 1v1 manfight against.
Edited: Wed, 11 Dec 2013 06:46:02


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Mon, 09 Dec 2013 18:57:23

Thank you yoda. Happy

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Mon, 09 Dec 2013 19:11:16
Feel free to grab a cloak after Vanguard if you're against a magic-heavy line-up, just don't think you need to rush a full pipe.  I actually only have one game on Bristleback, though thinking I'll get some more in myself.


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Tue, 10 Dec 2013 14:58:57

Been trying the item progression you recommended, it certainly helps in teamfight survivability.

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Wed, 11 Dec 2013 15:01:49

Oi! I've been having a string of better and better matches as of lately. I'm starting out with Stout Shield, then Basilius, treads and then Vanguard for mid game. I've not really been bothering with Pipe and as my core/late-game item I've been consistently trying to build Assault Cuirass. My teamfight survivability has improved a lot even though in fights I basically go YOLO and spam Goo and Quills while moving about frantically to tank damage and let my DPSs deal with the other team. I'm really liking this hero.

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Mon, 16 Dec 2013 14:44:20

I've moved on to Anti Mage but I cannot possibly fathom how to reach late game without feeding the other team like no tomorrow and farming enough gold to get the good stuff.

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Mon, 16 Dec 2013 15:13:28
Anti-mage is one of the more difficult heroes to have success with in an uncoordinated matchmaking game as you're going to want to just farm as much as you can for about 25 minutes before you consider fighting.

An easy aspect of Anti-mage is his build is basically the same every game.  Treads+Poor Man's Shield->Battlefury->Manta->Heart/BKB (one or the other, not both)->Butterfly.

Start off with salve+tango+stout+2xbranch and get a quelling blade with your first 225 gold after that, then finish poor man's shield.  Get an early ring of health for regen in lane, but finish your power treads before the rest of the battlefury.

Battlefury is for flash farming as it gives melee hero's cleave.  Push out your safelane, then blink through the jungle killing camps, then the ancients, push out the opposite lane, ancients again, back through the jungle, back to the safelane.  You can fairly safely split push sidelanes due to your innate escape and survivability from blink and spell shield. Anti-mage is strong because he can farm faster than anyone like this, and gets way ahead because of it, so long as you aren't set way back early, or your team doesn't lose the game before you get the chance to.

Power treads have a technique called "tread switching" where you switch the mode (strength / intelligence / agility) based on what you need at the moment (intelligence before casting a spell to save mana, agility for attacking, strength for taking damage).  Anti-mage is a good hero to get used to this because of the aforementioned flash farming.  Intel treads when blinking, agility when killing camps, strength treads the rest of the time.  If you aren't going to be tread switching, leave them on strength as the HP is the most valuable.

Manta style is the next item because AM uses everything it provides, the biggest being the illusions get mana burn, so they deal farm more damage than illusions on other heroes.  When going for a kill, you can blink on someone, manta, and they'll die very quickly.  Once you have Manta, then you're in a position where fighting is okay, but preferably you want one more item before you're pushing in for the win.

Your primary factor for success is how quickly you get your treads+battlefury.  Key point is not dying so start with blink, get one point in mana break and spell shield and max blink for longer range and shorter cooldown.  Max mana break second as you only need it for kills, and you aren't picking Anti-mage to get kills early.

Normal timings for everything is treads+battlefury at 18 minutes, Manta 5 minutes after whenever you get battlefury.  Aim for 20, but be okay with a 22 minute battlefury.


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Mon, 16 Dec 2013 15:24:09
And definitely use the last hit trainer or just an empty lobby to practice last hitting.  Benchmark yourself against 10 minutes.  After the last wave that you'll face at around 9:55 and finish around 10:10, there will be a total possible 82 last hits - 80 creeps and 2 catapults.  Clearing 70+ is excellent, 60+ is a the solid place you want to consistently be above, and 50+ is acceptable and will be good enough.


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Mon, 16 Dec 2013 18:56:54

Thank you!

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Tue, 17 Dec 2013 14:39:25

Well, I started practicing with AM last night, a lobby match with bots on hard. My last hits quota by the 10 minute mark was dismal, so I seriously gotta work on that. I chose bots because I wanted pressure on me, like I'm going to find on actual matches. However that showed me I need to be more aggressive in getting last hits, especially in lanes against ranged heroes. I think I did manage to get Battlefury around the 23 minute mark, and Manta shortly afterwards, but I couldn't make any difference in any teamfights. By the 40 minute mark or so I got BKB but the match was already decided with me barely being able to jump in a couple late game teamfights. I need to get farmed faster.

On brighter news I had a public MM match after the practice and I randomed Disruptor. Had a pretty good match and we won. I have found randoming heroes is a great way to avoid falling in comfort zones and forces you to be on your toes at all times.

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Tue, 17 Dec 2013 16:12:46
^ Plus free bonus gold!

The problem with bots is that the harder you make them, the worse your teammate bots are.  So if you try and farm a lot and not dominate the game with kills, your "team" will probably feed to the high heavens.  Then again, that's somewhat analogous to playing with other people.


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Tue, 17 Dec 2013 16:25:41
Had a good Bristleback game the other day

If you wanted to check out the replay, you can filter recent matches by match ID in the Dota client under the Watch tab.


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Tue, 17 Dec 2013 16:50:46
Yodariquo said:
^ Plus free bonus gold!

The problem with bots is that the harder you make them, the worse your teammate bots are.  So if you try and farm a lot and not dominate the game with kills, your "team" will probably feed to the high heavens.  Then again, that's somewhat analogous to playing with other people.

Yeah bots are mentally deficient.

I was farming on radiant jungle and saw the entire opposite team walk nonchalantly into Roshan's pit, while my bot friends were merrily doing whatever bots do. Nobody paid attention. LOL

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