gamingeek said:Can't you be punished for game sharing?
No, it was Sony's idea. They allow you to share with up to five accounts. Not sure they wanted it to be used in this way but they know whats going on and they dont stop it so it's allowed.
gamingeek said:Can't you be punished for game sharing?
Ask Blackley. You'd love to hear his response regarding this issue.
SteelAttack said:gamingeek said:Can't you be punished for game sharing?Ask Blackley. You'd love to hear his response regarding this issue.
I read that some people who were caught were punished for it.
Virtual Console:
Air "Zonk"
Dragon's Curse
Gunstar Heroes
Kid Icarus
Kirby's Adventure
Lylat Wars (Starfox 64)
Mario Kart 64
Mario's Super Picross
Military Madness
Paper Mario
R-Type III
Sin and Punishment
Soldier Blade
Street Fighter II
Super Castlevania IV
Super Mario 64
Super Mario RPG
Super Metroid
Super Probotector (Contra III)
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Story of Thor
Wave Race 64
Wonder Boy in Monster World
Lost Winds
Swords and Soldiers
Icarian (Nyx Quest)
World of Goo
ps i have completed only super mario RPG, paper mario and world of goo

So no one has Lost Winds 2 yet?
Recieved my free NES game for buying the Wii web browser. Unfortunately they don't give you the 500 points they just allow you to pick one NES game for free. I went with Final Fantasy so I can take that off my "wanted" list and put it on my "have" list. Been a long time since I played this and it sure is old school. No retargeting of attacks when one enemy goes down and no displaying of stat adjustments for weapons and armour. You sure do appreciate the little things we take for granted these days.
gamingeek said:There's only a couple of NES games I would even think of downloading.
Yeah I probably have a few more then you that I would consider downloading but I generally prefer my retro gaming from the SNES era up.
gamingeek said:There's only a couple of NES games I would even think of downloading.
I can still have fun with a lot of the action games like Donkey Kong 3, SMB, and those kinds of games. Not sure what I'll get with my free game credit. Maybe Star Tropics since I need to refamiliarize myself with the series.
robio said:
gamingeek said:
There's only a couple of NES games I would even think of downloading.
I can still have fun with a lot of the action games like Donkey Kong 3, SMB, and those kinds of games. Not sure what I'll get with my free game credit. Maybe Star Tropics since I need to refamiliarize myself with the series.
I was debating over getting FF, ST, or STII with my free game credit. I really enjoyed ST, never played STII though. I'll probably pick them up some time down the road.
Archangel3371 said:
Recieved my free NES game for buying the Wii web browser. Unfortunately they don't give you the 500 points they just allow you to pick one NES game for free. I went with Final Fantasy so I can take that off my "wanted" list and put it on my "have" list. Been a long time since I played this and it sure is old school. No retargeting of attacks when one enemy goes down and no displaying of stat adjustments for weapons and armour. You sure do appreciate the little things we take for granted these days.
You're gonna have to listen to the podcast once it's up later today. All that is in the manual that's missing from the download.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobilePSN:
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Everyday Shooter
Super Stardust HD
Lumines Supernova
Ragdoll Kung Fu
Bionic Commando ReArmed
The Orange Box
Secret of Monkey Island SE
Star Wars Starfighter
Indiana Jones & The Fate of Atlantis
Armed & Dangerous (still need to download)
Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War II
I want to buy a copy of Wipeout HD. Now that I can get both the game and Fury on a disc, that I shall be buying!
Yodariquo said:Archangel3371 said:
Recieved my free NES game for buying the Wii web browser. Unfortunately they don't give you the 500 points they just allow you to pick one NES game for free. I went with Final Fantasy so I can take that off my "wanted" list and put it on my "have" list. Been a long time since I played this and it sure is old school. No retargeting of attacks when one enemy goes down and no displaying of stat adjustments for weapons and armour. You sure do appreciate the little things we take for granted these days.You're gonna have to listen to the podcast once it's up later today. All that is in the manual that's missing from the download.
Yeah I do miss the manuals for some of these games. They usually do an ok job with the help features that come along with the VC games. I haven't checked out this one's yet.
Ravenprose said:I want: (coming soon)
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYodariquo said:Ravenprose said:I want: (coming soon)Soon?
I forgot about it.
- Rocket Knight (XBLA)
- Perfect Dark (XBLA)
- Super Mario Kart (VC)
- Excitebike World Rally (WiiWare)
- Pilotwings (VC)
gamingeek said:Shit boys, still no one else has Lost winds Winter of the Melodias?
I still haven't finished the first one.
My turn.
PSN (I game share so a lot of these I did not buy. And some of them I have needed to delete off of my PS3 cause I need space)
Original Games:
PS1 games: