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Dvader's 360 Adventure
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Wed, 30 Nov 2011 04:05:13

It's done, I have one. My Live tag is BarryburtonMIA.

So i started it up and it updated in like 2 seconds, Sony you suck. Oh the controller freaked me out, batteries?? BATTERIES. So I had to buy a power pack thing, how dumb. So I sign up, pretty easy process. I get to the dashboard and I dont know what is up with this thing, its more like a giant billboard than an actual menu. I like Sony's setup way more.

I start to look for games to try out and I find N64 Rare classics, I totally forgot they had them! So which one should I get Banjoo Kazooie or the sequel? Never played any. Of course I will get Shadow Complex and Geometry Wars 2. I started to realize that I can get many of these games much cheaper on steam, like Super Meat Boy and I think Bastion. So what should I do? Plus what other Live games do you recommend. I am downloading Reach, I didn't know it was a game download, not a physical copy, oh well.

I have a ton of games to play and I will keep a giant checklist like Leo does.But i may not play this much at first since I want to finish Skyrim first. But maybe I play an action game at the same time, maybe start with Gears. Why don't you choose, I am open to suggestions.

Games to beat:

  • Halo 3
  • Halo Reach
  • Gears 1
  • Gears 2
  • Gears 3
  • Alan Wake
  • Bulletstorm
  • Fable 2
  • Fable 3
  • Crackdown
  • Banjo Nuts
  • Viva Pinata
  • Mass Effect
  • Ninja Gaiden 2
  • Perfect Dark Zero
  • Condemned
  • Crysis 2
  • Splinter Cell Conviction

Lets start knocking off that list.

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Wed, 30 Nov 2011 04:05:43

Wow this avatar thing is exactly like the wii, they are not even trying to hide it.

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Wed, 30 Nov 2011 04:49:01

Geometry Wars 2 is a blast. I didnt even know there was a sequel.

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Wed, 30 Nov 2011 06:24:13

Well Steel and I played some Halo 3, wow not as I remembered it. That was rough.

I love the powered off downloading feature, great stuff.

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Wed, 30 Nov 2011 06:25:01

Oh and updating games takes like 5 seconds on this thing. What the hell is wrong with the PS3???

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Wed, 30 Nov 2011 06:25:37

You are going to have to get that dual system Sig like me now! LOL

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Wed, 30 Nov 2011 06:32:06

Welcome Vader. Get a move on getting started on Banjo!

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Wed, 30 Nov 2011 10:02:40
Gears is a good game to start off with.
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Wed, 30 Nov 2011 10:07:47

Alan Wake!  It's better than Resident Evil Nyaa


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Wed, 30 Nov 2011 13:27:08

Alan Wake really is better than being a more horror type game like RE should be.

I would definitely grab Banjo & Kazooie....the 1st game is still my favorite though the 2nd was great too. I can't believe you never played it....that game was jaw dropping amazing in Mario 64 2! And oyu'll be amazed at how great the graphics look in this enhanced version, as well as Perfect Dark on LIVE. This is why I stopped buying N64 games on the Wii....because these enhanced N64 classics on Xbox make Nintendo's approach look silly. It makes me wish I could get every classic N64 game with enhanced production values and controls like Rare's games.

As for Halo...dude you may as well play them in the order they happen in story-wise.

  1. Halo Wars
  2. Halo Reach
  3. Halo Anniversary
  4. Halo 2
  5. Halo ODST
  6. Halo 3


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Thu, 01 Dec 2011 01:40:36
bugsonglass said:

Alan Wake!  It's better than Resident Evil Nyaa

Why are you comparing a horror game with a third person shooter?

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Thu, 01 Dec 2011 03:55:56

Oh man Dishwasher is awesome!!!! There are two, are both worth owning? Serious Sam HD is blast as well, I never played a Sam game, its so crazy and awesome. FPS need to be like that again. Meat Boy is great as well but I may get it on steam. BTW I bought Too Human for the lols.

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Thu, 01 Dec 2011 04:34:52

Too Human isn't BAD.....its just not good either. lol

If they had used a normal control method instead of the fuckin' joke twin analog stick crap, and made the combat more focused, it would have been good.

I hate to say it, but its a perfect example of how Nintendo can help a troubled developer create a great game instead of an average one. This game would have been a classic had Nintendo been working with SK like they did on Eternal Darkness.

Edited: Thu, 01 Dec 2011 04:39:35


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Thu, 01 Dec 2011 05:51:02

"If they had used a normal control method instead of the fuckin' joke twin analog stick crap, and made the combat more focused, it would have been good."

Eternal Darkness without the great presentation?

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Thu, 01 Dec 2011 07:12:44
Foolz said:

"If they had used a normal control method instead of the fuckin' joke twin analog stick crap, and made the combat more focused, it would have been good."

Eternal Darkness without the great presentation?



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Thu, 01 Dec 2011 07:49:23

in other words the gameplay and controls in Eternal Darkness were both pretty bad, but the presentation was good enough so that it didn't matter.

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Thu, 01 Dec 2011 10:01:46

I guess but the gameplay and controls in ED fit the type of game it was. That's not so in Too Human.

I think Nintendo could have helped SK more on this game than they did on ED actually.


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Sat, 03 Dec 2011 15:06:29

Gears of War is INCREDIBLE. At first I was wondering what all the fuss was about but since act 2 there has been interesting setpiece after setpiece. I never know what to expect, there are so many cool moments and scenarios. the variety is perfect. It really does feel like RE4 inspired it.

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Sat, 03 Dec 2011 18:10:11

Yeah the 1st one starts slow...I guess because they wanted to ease you into it. But once it gets going its pretty sick. The one-liners in that game are Dudebro to the max.


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Sat, 03 Dec 2011 18:47:04
Dvader said:

Gears of War is INCREDIBLE. At first I was wondering what all the fuss was about but since act 2 there has been interesting setpiece after setpiece. I never know what to expect, there are so many cool moments and scenarios. the variety is perfect. It really does feel like RE4 inspired it.


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