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Dvader's 360 Adventure
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Tue, 07 Feb 2012 02:23:17

Well after getting past the clunky combat I am now in love with ME1.  Now that my powers are super badass the combat is not so bad, its still a mess compared to ME2 but its manageable. The game does repeat the same areas over and over, all side quests take place in the same locations with different enemies and situations so that is pretty lazy.  I dont mind the driving segments, yes most is wasted space and I prefer how ME2 removed it, but when its used in main missions it makes the game feel larger. I like the idea that i am exploring a planet and not just going to a building.

Still the Bioware formula works so well, they know how to keep a story compelling and make you feel like you have real influence on the game world. The nailed the sci-fi feel, it is a love letter to all sci-fi fans of the 80s. The level of detail put into the universe they created is so appreciated and easy to follow (Bethesda take notes). If I had played this game when it came out I would have gone nuts but I didn't but I am so glad the sequel fixed so much that was wrong with this one. Bioware basically makes the same kind of game over and over but choosing to make a sci-fi shooter version of the formula, to do away with the shackles of the RPG rules and focus on action while keeping the story elements is genius. I think this is maybe the franchise of the generation and if the third game nails the landing, with a story you can influence across three full games, it will go down as a landmark for gaming.

Edited: Tue, 07 Feb 2012 20:14:13
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Tue, 07 Feb 2012 10:54:07

Cannot......... read...........^

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Tue, 07 Feb 2012 11:12:42

Mass Effect gets my vote for franchise of the generation...for sure.


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Tue, 07 Feb 2012 19:19:03
gamingeek said:

Cannot......... read...........^

Damn, well highlight it.

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Tue, 07 Feb 2012 19:40:18

It's too small! angry

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Tue, 07 Feb 2012 20:14:28
gamingeek said:

It's too small! angry

There! Now read it! Nyaa

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Wed, 08 Feb 2012 10:35:29
Dvader said:

Well after getting past the clunky combat I am now in love with ME1.  Now that my powers are super badass the combat is not so bad, its still a mess compared to ME2 but its manageable. The game does repeat the same areas over and over, all side quests take place in the same locations with different enemies and situations so that is pretty lazy.  I dont mind the driving segments, yes most is wasted space and I prefer how ME2 removed it, but when its used in main missions it makes the game feel larger. I like the idea that i am exploring a planet and not just going to a building.

Still the Bioware formula works so well, they know how to keep a story compelling and make you feel like you have real influence on the game world. The nailed the sci-fi feel, it is a love letter to all sci-fi fans of the 80s. The level of detail put into the universe they created is so appreciated and easy to follow (Bethesda take notes). If I had played this game when it came out I would have gone nuts but I didn't but I am so glad the sequel fixed so much that was wrong with this one. Bioware basically makes the same kind of game over and over but choosing to make a sci-fi shooter version of the formula, to do away with the shackles of the RPG rules and focus on action while keeping the story elements is genius. I think this is maybe the franchise of the generation and if the third game nails the landing, with a story you can influence across three full games, it will go down as a landmark for gaming.

I loved the combat in mass effect 1. It was all the RPGness of it all that was somewhat overwhelmning when some people might have wanted more streamlined action. If Mass Effect 2 is like this, I might enjoy it a lot more.

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Wed, 08 Feb 2012 19:37:51

ZOMG EDCBIYCBEDB!!! The ending of Mass Effect 1 is incredible!!!! This series is so awesome!! It is no way better than ME2 but still one hell of an adventure and so worth playing. Now I will quickly go through ME2 to recap the story and have it all set up to have all my choices change ME3.

Later I will start from ME1 and do my full series super evil bitch female shepard playthrough.

Edited: Wed, 08 Feb 2012 19:38:22
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Wed, 08 Feb 2012 19:41:22
gamingeek said:

I loved the combat in mass effect 1. It was all the RPGness of it all that was somewhat overwhelmning when some people might have wanted more streamlined action. If Mass Effect 2 is like this, I might enjoy it a lot more.

The combat in ME1 is so simple, by the end of it my guys were so powerful I would wipe out rooms easily. There is nothing to it, just force power the strong enemies, tech blow up their shields and then pound them with gun fire while you strafe back and forth. Cover is garbage in ME1 and gunfire is all over the place. ME2 is far more strategic as cover works and is a necessity. Now you have to command your troops to strategic locations in the battlefield. The weapon variety is far improved and guns feel great. All the uses of your powers remain but feel much more complementary in ME2. It was a big improvement and I wonder how much better it will get in ME3.

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Wed, 08 Feb 2012 20:23:35
Dvader said:
gamingeek said:

I loved the combat in mass effect 1. It was all the RPGness of it all that was somewhat overwhelmning when some people might have wanted more streamlined action. If Mass Effect 2 is like this, I might enjoy it a lot more.

The combat in ME1 is so simple, by the end of it my guys were so powerful I would wipe out rooms easily. There is nothing to it, just force power the strong enemies, tech blow up their shields and then pound them with gun fire while you strafe back and forth. Cover is garbage in ME1 and gunfire is all over the place. ME2 is far more strategic as cover works and is a necessity. Now you have to command your troops to strategic locations in the battlefield. The weapon variety is far improved and guns feel great. All the uses of your powers remain but feel much more complementary in ME2. It was a big improvement and I wonder how much better it will get in ME3.

I just started a new game yesterday, and I just realized how big of a jump the gameplay is in ME2 than the first. Cover is totally fucking garbage, but the story and characters are so much better.

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Thu, 09 Feb 2012 03:52:41
darthhomer said:

I just started a new game yesterday, and I just realized how big of a jump the gameplay is in ME2 than the first. Cover is totally fucking garbage, but the story and characters are so much better.

The story is better but the characters I dont feel are. In ME2 each character has their own mission all about their background. You really get to sink into why they are there and who they are. In ME1 you only get like 2 missions based on characters and they suck.  You dont bond with them the way you do in ME2.

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Thu, 09 Feb 2012 09:10:47

So does ME2 have a summary movie of what happened in ME1 to get everyone up to speed?

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Mon, 13 Feb 2012 23:02:17
gamingeek said:

So does ME2 have a summary movie of what happened in ME1 to get everyone up to speed?

Only the PS version has a comic book but it is very basic. Its best to read up on it online.

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Fri, 24 Feb 2012 03:48:57

I finished Bastion today. Overall I am disappointed in the game as I expected more. The ending was pretty cool and the gameplay is fun but it is basically a hack and slash.

I started Rayman Origins and it is fantastic. Perfect controls, beautiful graphics and all the elements that make a platformer special. The different worlds have new gameplay elements to keep things fresh. Of course there are hidden stuff to find and every level has a speed mode where you must finish in a certain time, so each level is designed to be able to have an awesome speed run.  Finding all the lums provides a totally different challenge so each level can be played in different ways.  Its around DKCR quality though I am not sure if its as good as that one.

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Fri, 24 Feb 2012 04:10:27

Please, Rayman Origins pwns DKCR.

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Fri, 24 Feb 2012 04:48:54
Ravenprose said:

Please, Rayman Origins pwns DKCR.


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Fri, 24 Feb 2012 04:55:24
Dvader said:
Ravenprose said:

Please, Rayman Origins pwns DKCR.


No annoying waggle. Better music. Better level design. Better art (sprites > polygons).

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Fri, 24 Feb 2012 06:35:08
Ravenprose said:

No annoying waggle. Better music. Better level design. Better art (sprites > polygons).

I agree on all except level design.

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Fri, 24 Feb 2012 14:57:04

Waggle IS annoying...IMO it has actually made some great Wii games less-so because of it.

That's why I'm hoping for Wii 2 HD collections with new Wii 2 style controls that completely ditch waggle. The Mario Galaxy games could easily be done, DKCR, etc.


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Fri, 24 Feb 2012 16:10:05
edgecrusher said:

Waggle IS annoying...IMO it has actually made some great Wii games less-so because of it.

That's why I'm hoping for Wii 2 HD collections with new Wii 2 style controls that completely ditch waggle. The Mario Galaxy games could easily be done, DKCR, etc.

You can play DCKR with a classic controller if you hack your Wii.

And waggle works great in Galaxy and NSMBWii. It works and it makes so much sense you use it almost instinctively. The waggle in DKCR can go to hell. Pounding is alright, but blowing and rolling, fuck that noise.

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