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Dvaders summer gaming pass thread.
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Fri, 10 Jul 2009 04:59:06


I do wonder how they are able to do ten hour gaming marathons, but can't move their arm slightly for five minutes.

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Fri, 10 Jul 2009 16:36:37

Dvader said:

I think I can officially say that I like Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings. The last two hours has mostly been spent inside temples, tombs and hidden passages. For larg chunks of time I didn't even fight, it was all about puzzle solving or avoiding booby traps. The puzzles are simple, mostly stuff like hit switches in order or move a block to a certain spot. There was one room where it was this large square arena and as you hit switches giant bolders would come out, there were these pieces of spinning floor which would send the boulders in different directions, soon the whole area was filled with giant rocks and you had to avoid them. It's linear and there is tons of hand holding but every I have noticed that there are hidden paths you can take, you need to be aware of the area to find them. There has been plenty of shimming across ledges and in classic video game fashion a piece of the ledge would crumble and you need to shake the wiimote to get up. It's been fun, the locations constantly change and the rooms always present some new puzzle or obstacle. By the time you feel the need for a fight one comes along.

It is a very simple game, it almost feels like it was made for kids. The game is fun, it's not a disaster, the simple gameplay it does have it does it well. While the wiimote implementation not that interesting, it's mostly waggle mania, it is not over the top as some websites *cough*Gamespot*cough* want to make you believe.

I have been looking for hidden artifacts, 36 of them allows me to play as Han Solo. Happy

 Nice impressions, sounds like fun. I think sometimes reviewers can be overly harsh on games for the sake of it. Sure this game doesn't look brilliant, but it looks fun enough. Well if you can get it cheap or rent it. 

The Han solo video is here:

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Fri, 10 Jul 2009 23:35:21

I finished Staff of Kings last night, 6 hour game. Decent game, it's simple as nothing really stands out but it at least keeps you on your toes with puzzles and constantly changing gameplay segments. The combat is of the beat em up variety. Very few moves, you can pick up objects, use the environment to throw people into. Beacuse it uses motion control to punch its not as responsive and can lead to fights where you felt the controls messed you up rather than the difficulty, but it's still ok overall.

I tried the co-op a bit, it's cool, you got Indy's father and him on an adventure. I wish that was the main storyline. There are a few other modes and of course it comes with Fate of Atlantis. In no way is this game terrible.

Overall Score: 6.0

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Sat, 11 Jul 2009 00:13:20
I must say that I miss using the wiimote. Even though its unresponsive at times I still love the design of it and the fact that it still surprises me with the different ways you can use it.
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Sat, 11 Jul 2009 13:58:11
So are you playing Fate of Atlantis now? Happy
Dvader said:
I must say that I miss using the wiimote. Even though its unresponsive at times I still love the design of it and the fact that it still surprises me with the different ways you can use it.

In what context are you saying this? You playing a new wii-mote less game?

The only taste of wiimote fisticuffs I have tried is Bully. It's a direct button replacement but so satisfying. The nunchuk and remote act as your left and right hands, you can swish the nunchuk to kick people on the floor and gesture to throw people into bins.

I like it. I hear the Godfather has great brawling controls too.

Edited: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 14:01:15

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Sun, 12 Jul 2009 21:03:31

gamingeek said:
So are you playing Fate of Atlantis now? Happy
Dvader said:
I must say that I miss using the wiimote. Even though its unresponsive at times I still love the design of it and the fact that it still surprises me with the different ways you can use it.

In what context are you saying this? You playing a new wii-mote less game?

The only taste of wiimote fisticuffs I have tried is Bully. It's a direct button replacement but so satisfying. The nunchuk and remote act as your left and right hands, you can swish the nunchuk to kick people on the floor and gesture to throw people into bins.

I like it. I hear the Godfather has great brawling controls too.

I meant I missed using it for so long and I was happy to have it in my hand again after months of PS3 playing. I love the design of it. I hate looking at my wii games but once that game starts up and I get that controller in my hand its so fun.

Yeah I was playing Fate of Atlantis, definetly a quality point and click game but I didn't finish it. Sorry they are just not my thing, I always knew I could return the game at any time and get a new one. I got half way through and returned it, quality game very fun and if I have nothing to rent I may get it again and finish it.

That said I am very glad I returned it when I did cause I finally got Red Faction!  Leo might be right on this one, only an hour in but this game is freaking fantastic. The question is how well does it hold up for a full game.

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Mon, 13 Jul 2009 00:38:31
My Blockbuster sucks. They have nothing to rent, all dumb stuff. And when they sell pre-played games, they sell it for way too much.

But for me, I always hate to rent. I usually like to just purchase the games. But being able to rent all those games is a great privilege to have. I wish I could've tried out a few games before I bought them since there was no demo to try.


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Mon, 13 Jul 2009 10:33:43
Damnit. They need to put these Lucasarts games on WiiWare. Damn Steam. Sad

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Tue, 14 Jul 2009 04:35:06

Ok the honeymoon with Red Faction is over. It's still a very high quality but it does suffer from way to many repetitive side missions syndrome. The main problem with the game is that you need to travel too much, Mars isn't exactly Liberty City, nor is it whatever the Infamous city was called. Its just hills, its red and it has a few buildings that all look the same. So most of the time you are driving from point A to point B with nothing really going on. Many side missions have you drive to a point where they give you another destination to drive to. Then there are those missions where you need to drive someone back to base, sometimes its the furthest base. GTAs side missions can happen anywhere, hop into a cop car at anypoint and just like that you are doing vigalante. Plus there is fast travel to basically everything and GTA has mostly main missions.

So yeah its not GTA, not that I expected it to be. I have come to the conclusion that nothing will ever be GTA, its on a class of its own when it comes to open world action games. I am still enjoying Red Faction, but I am finding myself avoiding side missions which is not a good sign. I should want to do them.

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Tue, 14 Jul 2009 06:21:47


It sounds too fun to be GTA. Nyaa

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Fri, 17 Jul 2009 07:58:02

Red Faction is finished, the last few missions were pretty cool. The satellite bombing runs were ok, CoD4 did it way better, this was way too simple. Overall the game is blast, the best Mercenaries style open world game I have played. It is so satisfying to blow everything up. The game gives you the guns to do so, great variety in weapons and vehicles. As I mentioned before, some of the side missions are a bit of a pain cause of too much travel but some are excellent. The combat can be a bit sloppy, you cant really stealthly advance on a location. When enemies attack its best to just blow stuff up and escape, trying to take them down like a tactical shooter doesnt work so well. I miss the combat on that level a bit the game sort of teases you cause it gives you a cover system but its almost pointless to use it. Traveling can get boring, home bases are sometimes far from missions, many missions require you to return to the base so after you finish you need to travel out all over again. Too much terrain without anything interesting. It's sad cause driving is blast, it feels like an offroad racing game, something like motorstorm. I tried online and the experience was not so good, it was hard to find a match and when I did it wasn't that great.

Great game, with a few tweaks it could be in the AAA range. But it's right there, on the edge of excellence. It's one of the better games I have played this year.

Overall Score 8.8

I managed to get Protototype, woo! So the open world summer trifecta is complete. The opening segment of this game blew me away, I was ready to declare this game the winner. It was basically a glipse into all your powers, it was sort of a tutorial and showcase of the action. After that you start with a few powers and work your way up which is always fun. This game has you constantly upgrading with a ton of different moves. What I love most about it is the action, out of the three this game feels the best when it comes to fighting. You have all sorts of different powers to switch from, you can grab guns, you can hijack vehicles, throw things, there are so many ways to fight. Variety in combat is in abundance but of course the enemies you face are not, neither are they up to the task in taking you down. Sure you will die cause of the sheer number of enemies that attack you but it's never a true strategic fight. The majority of enemies are grunts which can be killed with one punch. There are these giant mutant monsters which are actually a challenge, if more enemies where like this the game has the potential to feel like a DMC or NG style action game. But no, most of the time you are just beating up on wimpy humans, tearing your way through the battlefield like an unstoppable force.

This might be the least original of the three though, it is very similar to Hulk Ultimate Destruction and I hear its almost the same game as that new Spider-Man game. Side missions are more like mini games, stuff like jump and land in a certain spot or race through the checkpoints. There is also kill a bunch of enemies in a certain time missions. It's repetitive, the curse of this type of game.

The main missions are good but I have yet to play anything as spectacular as the opening segement of this game. There are only 31 main mission, i have done 16 of them already, I feel like I just got started, I hope they really pick up. It's a blast to play and fight but Prototype might have the worst missions of the three games

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Fri, 17 Jul 2009 08:48:13

Dvader said:

Red Faction is finished

How many hours did it take you to get through campaign?

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Fri, 17 Jul 2009 10:38:49

I may have to get Prototype now given your and Leos impressions.

Fallout 3 is next.

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Fri, 17 Jul 2009 23:57:46

aspro73 said:

Dvader said:

Red Faction is finished

How many hours did it take you to get through campaign?

About 22 hours.

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Sat, 18 Jul 2009 00:03:28

Dvader said:

aspro73 said:

Dvader said:

Red Faction is finished

How many hours did it take you to get through campaign?

About 22 hours.

That's pretty good. Usually games are about 8-10 hours.


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Sat, 18 Jul 2009 05:32:01

ASK_Story said:

Dvader said:

aspro73 said:

Dvader said:

Red Faction is finished

How many hours did it take you to get through campaign?

About 22 hours.

That's pretty good. Usually games are about 8-10 hours.

 Completely irelevant, but I was reading an old review of something on GS, and one of the negative points was that it was only 10 hours long.

I miss the old days. Sad

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Tue, 21 Jul 2009 17:31:22

I finished Prototype, its borderline excellent. With some effort into the missions and a few more enemy types I feel this game could have been one of the best of the year. The action is incredible. Say an alarm goes off, tanks, soldiers with missle launchers, helicopters all start to shoot at you. You can use brute strength and pull out a huge claw and destroy your enemies, or you can hop in the air, use a tenticle to lach onto a helicopter, take it over and use that helicopter to rain death on everyone below. If the copter gets shot at and blows up you can fly out and grab another helicopter in midair. When you are done with the copter you can jjump out and dive bomb below to take out any remaining people. Or you can skip all that and absorb a new body and go into hiding.

There are so many options to the combat, so many cool moves to perform but the problem is the game doesn't really take advantage of it. There are like 4 enemy types all can be killed with the same attacks. It's easiest to choose the most powerful form, the blade and just go at them. I could only imagine if some effort was put into these enemies, where they would adapt to one of your forms so you were forced to use another. If they were a challenge like something out of DMC. The devs were satisfied with making this game a Hulk clone or a Spider-man clone or whatever, the fact is you have probably played a game just like this before but never was the combat so dynamic. And I still had a blast with the game, its frustrating to see such potential.

I completed all side missions and got gold on all of them.The game took me about 25 hours, there is still reason to go back and play as there are platinum challenges and a hard mode. The side missions are simple, they are like small mini games but they are all fun. The game is on the edge of greatness but doesn't try hard enough to cross that line.

Overall Score 8.9

I now have Wanted... its a better version of Terminator, but that is not saying a lot.

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Tue, 21 Jul 2009 18:15:02
it's the birthday of a good friend of mine today, he only has a ps3.  i was trying to decide which to get him out of infamous, prototype and red faction.  i ended up getting him the special edition of infamous.  now you played all 3 of them, dvader, did i make the right choice?

...i suppose if he doesn't like it he can always give it back to me i won't mind


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Tue, 21 Jul 2009 19:49:03
Thanks for the impressions, I'm edging towards a prototype purchase.

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Tue, 21 Jul 2009 20:22:21

bugsonglass said:
it's the birthday of a good friend of mine today, he only has a ps3.  i was trying to decide which to get him out of infamous, prototype and red faction.  i ended up getting him the special edition of infamous.  now you played all 3 of them, dvader, did i make the right choice?

...i suppose if he doesn't like it he can always give it back to me i won't mind

I am going to make a separate thread on it, Leo can join in as well since he has played all three (but has he finished all three). I still think Infamous is the best game of the bunch, but its not a landslide and presonal taste will have a lot to do with it.

Do you want a game like Hulk UD, get Prototype. Want a game like the first Mercenaries only better, get Red Faction. Want a sandbox game with platforming elements and a cool story, easily the most unique of the three, get Infamous.

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