edgecrusher said:
- Retro Studios new game is Kid Icarus or Zelda
- Microsoft will disappoint everyone by focusing on Kinect crap
- Sony will have a strong show with a nice PS3 lineup
- Wii U will be renamed, console will look very different. Launch in black.
- Lots of surprise announcements by Nintendo
- Resident Evil 6 will be announced for Wii U
- Halo 4 will be just like a Bungie game.
I was right about Microsoft and Halo 4.....wrong about the redesign for Wii U.
phantom_leo said:I predict E3 will be a bigger let-down than past years.
Sony and Microsoft will show no new hardware, but will show tech demos of what the next gen could hold, but will focus on this current generation primarily. You will see pretty much sequels or new information on games we've known about all along. Ass Creed 3, Hitman, Tomb Raider, Darksiders II, BioShock: Infinite, Kingdom Hearts 3, Halo 4, Gears 4, Dragon Age 3...
Nintendo will show the Wii U and it will be all the same franchises, but in HD. The 'Big' Reveals won't be so big afterall: Improved, Customizable User Interface, Two Tablet compatability, User accounts rather than Friend Codes (a-la PSN and XBL), Virtual Console, Slightly improved Online, Downloadable Retail games, more Services no one will use (Netflix, Social Media integration) and 3DS interactivity.
3DS will have a few surprises, but the lineup ALSO won't be much more than we already know about and will leave 3DS owners STILL wondering: What games am I holding onto this system for?
Vita will have a slew of RPG's and PS3 ports.
360 will tout Halo 4, a few Kinect surprises, and showcase some of the few remaining XBLA titles in development (Skulls of the Shogun, Spelunky) and will REALLY push how easy it will be to develop for the NextBox over other consoles. Expect a Windows 8 compatible tablet that will play XBLA titles or maybe make 360 games portable.
I tried to warn you, but you wouldn't listen...
edgecrusher said:edgecrusher said:
- Retro Studios new game is Kid Icarus or Zelda
- Microsoft will disappoint everyone by focusing on Kinect crap
- Sony will have a strong show with a nice PS3 lineup
- Wii U will be renamed, console will look very different. Launch in black.
- Lots of surprise announcements by Nintendo
- Resident Evil 6 will be announced for Wii U
- Halo 4 will be just like a Bungie game.
I was right about Microsoft and Halo 4.....wrong about the redesign for Wii U.
No Retro game. The only surprise from Nintendo was how bad they suck.
Sony was boring.
No Resident Evil 6 Wii U announcement.
I was way off....fuck.
aspro said:Lay them out before next week:
Last of Us gets E3 Game of the Show.
Retro Studio’s project is revealed.
Black ops 2 will be on vita day and date and support COD Elite.
PS3 price drop on “core” unit to $199+No pictures, names or details on new consoles from Sony and MS. Perhaps just vague, "...and as we look toward the next generation we intend to continue to be the leader in X" comments.
I got one --- finally. Well two from the looks of it.
Don't worry Leo, Pachter agrees.