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E3 MS conference thread. 12:30pm EST
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Mon, 10 Jun 2013 22:17:44

Can you imagine this Project Spark game or whatever it's called creating a female character?

"Kinect, create a woman. Okay now make her nude. Increase the boob size. A little bigger. A little bigger. Smaller. Okay bigger again. Put her in a gladiator outfit. Take it off. Perfect. Now imagine a pool party..."

Yodariquo said:

I'm sure there's a market for that.

By watering I mean peeing on.

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Mon, 10 Jun 2013 22:22:56
Well I am concerned about keeping the games that I buy playable when the next-next-gen arrives I'm not bothered by any used game restrictions or having to be online as I only buy new and don't sell, rent, trade, lend, or borrow games and I'm always connected online these days anyways with a good stable service. I do hope that MS will have a means to keep the games you purchase playable for well into the future.


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Mon, 10 Jun 2013 22:27:37
Yodariquo said:
oh yeah, why was Master Chief wearing a cloak OVERTOP OF A FULL SUIT OF ARMOR?

Its going to be a stealth game.


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Mon, 10 Jun 2013 22:41:38
Archangel3371 said:
I only buy new and don't sell, rent, trade, lend, or borrow games

You've never bought a turd that needed to be disposed of?

Are you so rich that you just fling it into the bin? Begone dull game!

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Mon, 10 Jun 2013 22:47:36

Molyneux on spike now, says MS's X1 conference was redemption and fantastic, just title after title.

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Mon, 10 Jun 2013 23:00:52
I only buy the best of the best. Nyaa

Well I do have the very odd dud like Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 but that was only $10 so I wasn't too broken up over it. May actually play some more of it for shits and giggles but if not then no biggie.


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Mon, 10 Jun 2013 23:06:41
Archangel3371 said:
I only buy the best of the best. Nyaa

Well I do have the very odd dud like Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 but that was only $10 so I wasn't too broken up over it. May actually play some more of it for shits and giggles but if not then no biggie.

I see

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Mon, 10 Jun 2013 23:41:14

I honestly tried to keep an open mind to see if the games, at least, night impress me.  They did not.  The best games shown were Witcher 3 and MGS5, multiplatform games.  The price is absurd too, $500 so I can have the honor of being treated like a criminal?  No, and fuck you, Microsoft.  The 3DS is the best gaming platform on the planet right now anyway, and it's still just warming up. (SMT4 and Bravely Default make me hard as a diamond)

Edited: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 23:44:30
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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 05:47:37

After watching Sony press conference.




Edited: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 05:48:08
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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 06:00:06
Dvader said:

After watching Sony press conference.




I hope your kidding, I mean MS was pretty good I thought, not enough to buy one yet, but Sony sucked too if you are being honest. The only saving grace for Sony was $399. But that idiot babbling on and on about what  a great movie player PS4 that was awful. I won't buy either until after first price drop this time, so many great games still coming on PS3, 360 not to even mention PC, Vita and Wii U ... I should be great until mid 2014. Then I can decide next E3 ..

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 06:11:25

I for one, am being honest, Bear.  I liked what Sony showed.  Especially the indie games.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 06:19:10
_Bear said:

I hope your kidding, I mean MS was pretty good I thought, not enough to buy one yet, but Sony sucked too if you are being honest. The only saving grace for Sony was $399. But that idiot babbling on and on about what  a great movie player PS4 that was awful. I won't buy either until after first price drop this time, so many great games still coming on PS3, 360 not to even mention PC, Vita and Wii U ... I should be great until mid 2014. Then I can decide next E3 ..

This has nothing to do with games. MS practices and price will make sure they are second or last place.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 06:21:57

I swear Vader I'm not going to care anymore I hope Wii U is #1 BTW it still has everything to do with games ....

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 06:23:54

How good MS was on games is irrelevant because they do not respect our game purchases as long term investments.  Sony does.  That's all I need to know.  I'm 32 now, I'll be playing PS3 games into my forties and beyond, I'll be playing PS4 games into my fifties and beyond.  I could still be playing some PS4 games when I start drawing social security or the rough equivalent of it.  Xbone games?  Wouldn't it suck to have a stellar AAA single player game you can't play because the servers for Xbox went offline may years ago?  That game is just a stamp now.  But I'll be able to dust off my PS4, pop a game in, and play.  That counts.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 06:25:54
_Bear said:

I swear Vader I'm not going to care anymore I hope Wii U is #1 BTW it still has everything to do with games ....

Nintendo already squandered their chance.  It can still be turned around and do well, but it will not lead the market.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 06:26:56
_Bear said:

I swear Vader I'm not going to care anymore I hope Wii U is #1 BTW it still has everything to do with games ....

Yes but I wont buy them on a console that doesnt really let me own anything.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 06:29:59


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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 11:27:55
Dvader said:


I just want to know the people behind the design for these boxes.  To come up with something this nasty in this day and age takes a lot of hard work.  I don't think I have room under my TV for either of them.


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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 12:34:27
Randolph said:

Nintendo already squandered their chance.  It can still be turned around and do well, but it will not lead the market.

Nintendo squandered their chance? What chance did they have when no developers made games for it? It was dead because the industry wanted it dead. A few test games then nothing. No EA games, no new Ubisoft games for Wii U at E3 either.

bugsonglass said:

I just want to know the people behind the design for these boxes.  To come up with something this nasty in this day and age takes a lot of hard work.  I don't think I have room under my TV for either of them.

They are so bloody ugly, seriously like it's back to the 80s design. U's tiny sleek box looks like it's from the future in comparison.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 13:18:35

Randolph you said you liked Splinter Cell, have you seen this?

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