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E3 MS conference thread. 12:30pm EST
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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 16:30:42

That looks great GG, I'd love to get that on Wii U instead of PS3.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 16:32:28

I have to admit, this was the first E3 where, in advance of the show, I wrote off a system regardless of what games it gets.  I was never going to buy a Xbone, even if they had the second coming of Christ pressed into disc form, my answer would hav been "No, fuck you".  I am not a criminal, and I will not be treated like one.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 16:37:00
Randolph said:

I have to admit, this was the first E3 where, in advance of the show, I wrote off a system regardless of what games it gets.  I was never going to buy a Xbone, even if they had the second coming of Christ pressed into disc form, my answer would hav been "No, fuck you".  I am not a criminal, and I will not be treated like one.

Same here....I have never blatantly decided not to get a console no matter what just based on principal before this....because nobody has ever done this kind of shady crap before.


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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 16:37:20

To me that is the only logical response to what they are proposing.  I'm convinced most of the people who preordered their machine don't understand the full implications of MS's business model.


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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 16:39:48
bugsonglass said:

To me that is the only logical response to what they are proposing.  I'm convinced most of the people who preordered their machine don't understand the full implications of MS's business model.

That, and the rest are blind fanboys who would let them kick them square in the balls for a week straight with a smile.


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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:58:12
Randolph said:

I have to admit, this was the first E3 where, in advance of the show, I wrote off a system regardless of what games it gets.  I was never going to buy a Xbone, even if they had the second coming of Christ pressed into disc form, my answer would hav been "No, fuck you".  I am not a criminal, and I will not be treated like one.

Exactly what I was thinking. It didn't really matter how awesome its games looked when it's policies are so alienating.

If you were to ignore all X1's issues the actual conference was probably even, if not better than Sony's in some cases. Nintendo was.... well it wasn't even a conference. I feel sorry for MS in a way, they seem to have nuked themselves because of this game install requirement.

bugsonglass said:

To me that is the only logical response to what they are proposing.  I'm convinced most of the people who preordered their machine don't understand the full implications of MS's business model.

I think some people are going to be in for a rude awakening, a lot of people actually. Some might even get caught out about the online check thing.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 11:42:48

OPINION: Xbox One, not PS4, is the hot topic at E3. And for all the wrong reasons

I was sitting at breakfast yesterday morning with one of my favourite games journalists.

He’s a smart man and a talented writer and he faced a problem. He played some Xbox One games, and he loved them.

The problem? Apparently you can’t say anything nice about Xbox One online without invoking the wrath of the internet. An internet of Xbox fans that are angry – understandably so – over proposed DRM restrictions.

But sod it, here we go. Xbox One is really bloody good. At least when it comes to the actual software.

Microsoft’s PR strategy to only talk about the games at E3 has backfired. Because everyone is talking about everything but the games.

And that, if you excuse the hyperbole, is a tragedy. Because yesterday I sat down with Forza 5 and it is one of the best and most visually stunning racing games I have ever played.

Ryse? Not my sort of game, but it plays a bit like an ancient Rome version of Call of Duty and works nicely. Quantum Break? A candidate for my game of the show. Killer Instinct? Actually I’ve never liked Killer Instinct. But Project Spark looks nice so far.

I feel most sorry for the developers of these games, who are eager to talk about their new titles but are left batting away questions about online check-ins and shared game restrictions. Important questions, but not ones that are relevant to the quality of their games.

The reality is, if consoles wars are won and lost on games alone (and they often are), then Xbox One won E3.

Its line-up is stunning, arguably the strongest at the show. It is definitely a games console. And any Microsoft press conference that closes with an exclusive game from the makers of Call of Duty and a new Halo tease, would usually send fans into fits of hysteria.

But Xbox didn’t win E3.

Its cloud gaming vision, although forward facing and well intentioned, has upset its core fans. It appears restrictive at best and anti-consumer at worst. And those fans have taking to the forums to express their dismay.

Maybe, as I type this, Microsoft’s top brass are in deep discussions about a new compromise for gamers. Perhaps it is busy talking to publishers. Perhaps it is busy coming up with a better PR strategy. Hopefully all three.

And if that’s the case, then they should just say so. Stop this silence. And maybe then gamers can relax a bit and discover what a lovely little machine Xbox One is shaping up to be.

And journalists will feel more confident in telling the world about the things that it does right.

I sort of agree. Personally it was more entertaining than the Sony conference for me.

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