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E3 Nintendo Direct. 10am EST
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Fri, 14 Jun 2013 09:04:17

This was too good not to share here Grinning

PS all you silly tarts best be PUMPED bout a new Donkey Kong, it's like Nintendos best game they have going right now.

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Fri, 14 Jun 2013 10:22:55
GodModeEnabled said:

PS all you silly tarts best be PUMPED bout a new Donkey Kong, it's like Nintendos best game they have going right now.

That's only because Retro Studios make it.


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Fri, 14 Jun 2013 14:00:02
Dvader said:


That is the Nintendo this E3 needed. Anything less than that was a failure. GG, the truth is the Wii U is drowning, Nintendo needed their absolute best show in years to get excitement forward and they flat out FAILED. You can hang around in the corner all you want looking to the future but look around the web, around all reactions and Nintendo failed to deliver. I guess you expected a non true Mario sequel, no one on the internet did. I guess you expected a Wii upscaled basic sequel to DKCR by Retro, no one else did. You are completely out of touch with the reaction now, you can have your own that is fine but dont crap on mine when most people are thinking the same thing.

No, friend.

For a start  I'm not 'crapping on your opinion' anymore than Nintendo is "shitting on us". If being realistic and disagreeing is "crapping on" someones opinions well I guess I should agree with everything anybody ever says on the internet. Come on.

Your problem is that you are talking in absolutes:

  • "Anything less is a failure"
  • "the truth is the Wii U is drowning "
  • "Nintendo needed their absolute best"
  • "they flat out FAILED"
  • "all reactions and Nintendo failed to deliver "
  • "You are completely out of touch"

Your position of absolutes does not allow for common variations in opinion and basically doesn't allow anyone to have a different opinions without being "out of touch" and "sitting in a corner"? Quite unfair.

And I have read the web, there is mixed reaction, a lot of good, a lot of bad and a lot of more reasonable stuff. E3 is crazy time, you want to go crazy, go nuts that's fine - but I'm a realist and I disagree with you as someone with more realistic expectations and a bit more patience. I don't expect any company to blow me away at E3, I WANT them too, but I don't expect it.

You are saying Nintendo needed the absolute best E3 ever and for the other guys to totally suck - anything less is a failure? - that's realistic? I can hang around in the corner looking to the future? LOL Yes I will sit in the corner of the room in a shadow with nothing to play, woefully running through the image of Iwata shitting on us for the rest of the year. I need an anime gif of this to go here. Iwata not dropping bombs but dropping turds.

I expected a non-true Mario sequel? You're crazy hyperbolic here, Polygon just posted a really in depth interview with EAD Tokyo, this is not some shitty NSMB take on Galaxy. They wanted to do it and they are developing it like a Galaxy game. With Nintendo I expect the unexpected sometimes and take an in depth look at what they are doing before going nuts on it. And you have no clue whether DKCTP was initially suppossed to be a Wii game or not.

Dvader said:

I am not validating anything, just showing GG it is not just me, as if I am the only one reacting negatively.

That's not what I said bro, there are plenty of others upset on the internet , I'm just giving my view on things from my perspective.

Dvader said:

All I want is for GG to repeat after me.

"This E3 was disappointing for Nintendo"

There are different levels of disappointing, he doesnt have to be as dissapointed as me but come on, even you have to admit you expected at least a little bit better. You already admitted to not caring for Retro did so there you go. So say it GG. SAY IT. Nyaa

I'll say the reverse which I believe is true, Nintendo's up coming year line up is very good. Mario is the one that stings but I am sure the game we are getting will be another 9 level game and be a ton of fun. Smash will be amazing. DKCR as much as I want to throw up thinking about it should be amazing considering the first is one of the finest platformers ever made. And Mario Kart is well Mario Kart.

Zelda WW you are dead to me though. DEAD. (its about the dungeons more than the graphics.)

I can't say  "This E3 was disappointing for Nintendo" because as a consumer I was quite happy with what they showed. I don't see a 9/10 Mario game or excellent Mario Kart, Smash, DKC, X as disappointments.

I can say that individual games disappointed me, DKC is the big one, but I'm pretty sure it's because we hate the idea of Retro making it and that its graphics do not seem much improved. Smash was less than I was expecting but after viewing the Developer Direct video I think we were a little premature going nuts over it, it actually looks like a quality effort aside from a few rehashed stages. What I can say about Smash is that the camera is very far out like a fixed perspective sports game. So from a distance it looks the same, but when the camera swoops in for close ups the models and animation are much better than Brawl and it looks like it's going to be a quality game. My excitement for it was 0, after watching the developer direct it jumped somewhat.

I am very happy with the improved Wind Waker, ecstatic about X and Mario Kart 8, very pleased with the new Mario - after reading interviews, watching videos.

As for what I want, that is totally different from what I expect. As I said before, I don't live in some magical world where developers make the games I want, how I want it. I want Metroid Prime 4 and Endless Ocean 3, New Disaster Day of Crisis made like Uncharted, New Elebits, Mario Universe, I want new Zelda now, I want an epic Pokemon Snap with the U pad as a camera in a free roaming Jurrasic Park like environment.

For Wind Waker did you really expect new dungeons? All they said is that it would have better visuals and it does:

It also has other pad and miiverse features so I am pretty pleased with it.

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Fri, 14 Jun 2013 14:44:08
bugsonglass said:

Mob mentality and internet sentiment are not necessarily the truth man.

Person 1:  Fuck you man.  That ain't no real 3D super mario.  Where's Super Mario Space Nebulae?  Where's Super Mario Solar System?  Where's Super Mario Infinity?  A cat-suit and 4-way multiplayer?

This is a totally epic post LOL "A cat-suit and 4-way multiplayer?" ROFL

This is Nintendo - their developers came to E3 and posed for pictures wearing cat ears.

I find it hilarious. This is what Nintendo is, what they are like, I understand this and LOL when people find out that they are zagging, once again.

Dvader said:

Leo I didn't want Galaxy 3. I wanted the next evolution of 3D Mario where ever that might take us. Bigger worlds maybe? Crazy new gameplay ideas revolving around touch pad. Some brand new mechanic that defines the game like gravity did in Galaxy.

But this is all ok cause next year they will show Super Mario & Sonic World developed by Nintendo.

If the worlds were bigger it would descend into Banjo Kazooie type levels, where platforming isn't the focus anymore, traversal and collecting is. It might be -this is me speculating- but they had the Galaxy team make Mario 3Dland, where normally they would make a home console mario and then have years to sit around on their asses and prototype a groundbreaking new mario. Normally the home console guys don't make the handheld games. It would mean instead of 4 years or whatever they only have 2 years. Harder to do. You have to ask yourself whether you want a great handheld and great console title or just one amazing console title every 5 years. Or a better question is, now that the 3DS is a 3D graphically capable handheld, who else could do a 3D mario portable game justice?

Dvader said:

Another thing, I don't want Prime 4. I want a full on third person Metroid game that is nothing like Other M, please not like that.

How would it work then?

Dvader said:

If the next Zelda is Skyward Sword 2 I would throw my wii u in the trash.

Whoa, really? Most of the 3D Zelda games have the same base gameplay. So you are saying if Wii U Zelda was cel-shaded with motionplus controls and the usual Zelda dungeons you would throw out your Wii U? I would love it. I want more wiimote use in U games.

edgecrusher said:

I would actually like open world Super Mario and Metroid entries on Wii U, loosly based off of Mario Sunshine and Metroid Prime just less linear.

I see people ask for these kind of things without quite knowing exactly what they want or how it would actually work. Metroid is a tight dungeon like design that unlocks with upgrades. You can't do a sandbox open world like experience without turning Metroid Prime into Arkham City where you have a city backdrop and internal missions. It's not better, in some ways it's worse.  Mario Open world is just like having levels from Sunshine connected with no loading, it's not some amazing concept. Mario Galaxy razor honed the design into the essence of Mario and going the opposite way would dilute it.

edgecrusher said:

On Wii U, I feel like Nintendo is doing the everyone the safe, cheaper, quirky stuff FIRST, Mario 3D World, New Luigi U, Wind Waker HD (REmake it is NOT) New Donkey Kong U, be followed up 2 or 3 years from now with the big grand Push Wii U to the limits experiences that most people want NOW, like a Mario Universe, Metroid U, new Zelda, etc.

Basically, we are getting the filler games first, then the grand course meal 2nd or 3rd.

I don't see 3D World as cheap, quirky or safe. Luigi U is just DLC and WW is just a port like the GC ports of Zelda. This is like criticising Ubisoft for doing Sands of Time HD, or any and everyone in the industry for releasing DLC.

There is a follow up next year with X and MK8 which look amazing and more stuff to be announced. That's not 4 years away.

And BTW all this years-later gushing love for Wind Waker and Mario Sunshine on gamecube, you guys need to try and remember what it was like at the time, Nintendo rushed development after many years of slow development on N64 and cut stuff out of both games. They were also not met with universal praise and are quite neutured compared to Twilight Princess and Galaxy. Let's take these idols off the pedastal for a moment. Sunshine blue coins? Waterpack making things too easy and diluting platforming? Even Pikmin 1 and Luigi's Mansion were a result of Nintendos experience on N64, which is why they made them a 10 hour games which you repeated with time restrictions.

Don't forget that there is a massive difference between making a Wii U HD full experience compared to a Wii game, a massive difference between making a 360 game and an Xbox game, a PS2 game compared to a PS3 game. I have posted interviews on all this on GG weekly and linked y'all up here too, there are growing pains here, there is a scaling up and training process they are going through, even expanding or moving into larger offices. In fact Wind Waker is being used to train up devs for proper Zelda which is exactly what the GC ports of OOT and Majora were used for.

We even heard that Pikmin 3 was delayed because they had to gank devs over to make Nintendoland and NSMB U. We know that there is some cross pollination, Monolithsoft helped on Skyward Sword, Retro helped on MK7. There is a structure and finite resources, Aonuma commented on it a page back in this thread. HD needs more time, more resources more money. Again, they hit the ground running with Wii because the hardware built on GC and they didn't have to scale up or move to a radically different architecture.

edgecrusher said:

That big Mario 64 like experience that makes the statement "This is what the console is capable of" in terms of a big immersive experience.

This is what X and Mario Kart 8 look like to me, I barely saw anything on PS4 and X1 that were more exciting for me personally. You guys are just talking as if they don't exist. Like the conference was just average meh games being shown. It was a couple of amazing looking games and lots of great games too. Even Pikmin 3 looks AAA.

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Fri, 14 Jun 2013 14:49:52

I go into this on the podcast, I think my respose would surprise many of you.

But you can't as Nintendo leak (or say, whatever the case was) that:

  1. We have exciting new news about the next 3D Mario and,
  2. Retro is working on something new.

And then announce what they did. What everyone was expecting was a SMG HD, Perfect Dark/ Banjo and a new Metroid.  What they got was a off-line multiplayer game that is, for the most part 2D, and an awesome 2d revival of DKC.  Yet another 2D game from Nintendo, who at this point, may as well change their name to Ninten2Do.

Edited: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 14:53:38

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Fri, 14 Jun 2013 15:35:00
aspro said:

But you can't as Nintendo leak (or say, whatever the case was) that:

  1. Retro is working on something new.

And then announce what they did.

You know I'm struggling here, I'm searching for any specific article or topic where Nintendo said that Retro were working on a New IP. The closest I can get is some IGN guy saying on a video podcast that he heard a rumour that it was a new IP. As someone who posts news every day and keeps a hawkseye out for Nintendo information I can say that as far as I recollect there has never been any kind of confirmation or hyping about Retro doing a new IP from Nintendo. We get second hand vague rumours from people (not Nintendo) like the Paul Gale Network saying that they were working on "something everyone wanted" we have an IGN guy casually mentioning gossip buried in a video podcast. We don't actually have Nintendo on record saying what Retro is, or was doing. If Reggie casually said in an interview that Retro was working on something new, he would be correct - a new DK game. But I think it was an off the cuff thing in a interview question, he probably had no idea what they were doing - or it was too far out to confirm what it was they had decided on.

All I saw on the internet were fans trying to work out what Retro was doing based on who they were hiring. I have to call bogus on this, we hyped ourselves up, Retro never cock teased.

aspro said:

What everyone was expecting was a Perfect Dark/ Banjo .

aspro said:
What they got was a off-line multiplayer game that is, for the most part 2D. Yet another 2D game from Nintendo, who at this point, may as well change their name to Ninten2Do.

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Fri, 14 Jun 2013 16:31:34
I wrote a post and it got lost. Anyway those are my thoughts GG, just cause I am using absolutes does not mean you can't disagree with them. I totally believe Nintendo had to deliver far more games to have a good E3. I feel they failed to do so. You can disagree it just means we fundamentally disagree on what Nintendo should be doing

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Fri, 14 Jun 2013 17:11:26
Fucking crap another post gone. GG looking back on retro related quotes is hindsight. Forget e3 happened, lets go back to the predictions and tell if you recall anyone suggesting that it would be a DKC sequel. I don't recall any, the reason being cause that was such a stupid idea no one would believe it could happen.

You can go back and find all the quotes you want, the expectations for the first retro title on the wii u were reasonable. When one of your best studios is going to have their first big game for a new console it is usually fine to predict something that isn't a sequel that looks identical to the last game you made.

And aspro never said they were working on a new IP, he just said they did announce a new retro game was coming out.
Edited: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 17:20:25
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Sat, 15 Jun 2013 17:17:47
Dvader said:
You are completely out of touch with the reaction now, you can have your own that is fine but dont crap on mine when most people are thinking the same thing.

That's called "appeal to majority", a logical fallacy.

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Sat, 15 Jun 2013 17:25:32
Randolph said:

That's called "appeal to majority", a logical fallacy.

Who is appealing to what majority. I am simply saying from what I have seen most reactions to Nintendo at e3 tend to be negative like mine.

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Sat, 15 Jun 2013 17:34:53

GG the skyward sword 2 thing, come on you understand what I mean. Every Zelda game is different from the last, new locations, new characters, mostly new characters and new mechanics. When I say skyward sword 2 I mean what they did with NSMB, with Galaxy  and what is happening with DKC. They take mostly the same engine and pinpoint as basic a sequel as possible. SS would look the same, play the same, continue the same story, and have the same world with some minor changes. It would simply be like a yearly AC game.

The reason I say this is cause it's sadly the route Nintendo has been going the last few years when they used to make each sequel it's own new thing. Now I know the next Zelda game will be brand new, totally new gameplay mechanics, total new world, totally new exploration, etc. but Zelda is the franchise that Nintendo takes the most care of. The other ones I don't know about.

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Sat, 15 Jun 2013 17:50:19
Dvader said:
Fucking crap another post gone. GG looking back on retro related quotes is hindsight. Forget e3 happened, lets go back to the predictions and tell if you recall anyone suggesting that it would be a DKC sequel. I don't recall any, the reason being cause that was such a stupid idea no one would believe it could happen.

You can go back and find all the quotes you want, the expectations for the first retro title on the wii u were reasonable. When one of your best studios is going to have their first big game for a new console it is usually fine to predict something that isn't a sequel that looks identical to the last game you made.

And aspro never said they were working on a new IP, he just said they did announce a new retro game was coming out.

I knew DCKR2 was coming as soon as I saw that DKCR easily outsold all the Primes combined. I said this years ago. It is only logical and Donkey Kong Country Returns looks awesome and sounds awesome too, thanks to David Wise. Not seeing what the problem is!

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Sat, 15 Jun 2013 18:10:11
Iga_Bobovic said:

I knew DCKR2 was coming as soon as I saw that DKCR easily outsold all the Primes combined. I said this years ago. It is only logical and Donkey Kong Country Returns looks awesome and sounds awesome too, thanks to David Wise. Not seeing what the problem is!

This is true, it makes perfect sense from a buisness perspective. So does a 4 player Mario game. I don't want to get used to a Ubisoft like Nintendo.

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Sat, 15 Jun 2013 18:13:02

I just have a feeling Nintendo is trying to figure out what to do with Metroid these days. Each Prime sequel sold less than the one before it. Other M barely cracked half a million sales. The name value got tarnished a bit during the Wii era and it doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense to just rush out a new one just because it's been 4 years since the last one.

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Sat, 15 Jun 2013 18:24:08
robio said:

I just have a feeling Nintendo is trying to figure out what to do with Metroid these days. Each Prime sequel sold less than the one before it. Other M barely cracked half a million sales. The name value got tarnished a bit during the Wii era and it doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense to just rush out a new one just because it's been 4 years since the last one.

They should follow up on the masterpieces that were Fusion and Zero Mission, with a classic sidescrolling 2.5D Metroid on the 3DS.  In fact they should make as many of these as they need to while they decide what to do with Prime, but I would hope to see at least one Metroid Prime game on U


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Sat, 15 Jun 2013 18:44:42

Rebuild interest in Metroid from the ground up.  I'd like to see them start with a 3D classics version of Metroid on 3DS, and go from there.

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Sat, 15 Jun 2013 18:57:48

Metroid needs to be their next big project, something groundbreaking. There is a reason there is no 3D mega man, no major 3D contra, and games like it. No one has created a system for a third person action shooter that is very fast paced and deals with tons of jumping.

Its time for Nintendo to invent a new gameplay system that works for games like Metroid. It can't be al about aiming and it CANNOT have cover. It can't be shallow like other m, they have some what of an idea there but the execution was a mess. No melee, it has to be all shooting except for stuff like speed burst and screw attack.

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Sat, 15 Jun 2013 19:04:44

Just make a 2.5D New Super Metroid series, and call it a day. No more FPS.

Edited: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 19:18:46

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Sat, 15 Jun 2013 20:03:21
Ravenprose said:

Just make a 2.5D New Super Metroid series, and call it a day. No more FPS.

No more 2D, I'm sick of it already.

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Sat, 15 Jun 2013 20:06:03
Dvader said:

No more 2D, I'm sick of it already.

Too bad. 2D is awesome. Deal with it. Nyaa

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