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E3 Nintendo Direct. 10am EST
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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 16:14:40

Thanks Leo, that proves 3DS is Nintendo's main system, Wii U seems to be this thing on the side now.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 16:17:14
edgecrusher said:


The lack of a price cut really shocks me....what do they have for this year that is going to turn sales around? Especially in the face of competition? NOTHING....Pikmin will be great but its not a system seller and neither is an upscaled Zelda...

My biggest let down too.  I already knew the games we saw were coming.  What I needed was an asking price that WAS NOT a slap in the face.  Even with thos egenuinely fun looking games, who in the world will buy the system to get them at just fifty bucks less than a 500GB PS4?? (and yes the HDD can be upgraded once more as well)

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 16:25:37
Dvader said:

Nintendo is or was clearly still making Wii games. So what, now we have to wait years to see what a fully powered Wii U Nintendo first party game will look like.

Nintendo don't want to spend the bucks making graphics a priority, don't want to expand their teams for the most part. Zelda and Metroid are the series you should be looking too for graphics. Nintendoland looks pretty nice, Mario Kart 8 looks great. Xenoblade and Bayonetta 2 great.

edgecrusher said:


I know not all were new, but you're kinda overeacting, it's E3 and I know what was presented doesn't meet expectations as we want to be "blown away". I personally think a new Endless Ocean, Disaster would have been great. Where was Beyond Good and Evil 2 this year? But you don't think a new Mario platformer, Mario kart, Smash Bros, X, DKC, Pikmin 3, Wonderul 101 will be AAA? Apart from 101 all those games previous titles were AAA.

Foolz said:

So Smash Brothers and new 3D Mario. Was anyone here actually expecting anything more? Pretty much what I was anticipating. Oh, and a new Donkey Kong. That's one more thing than I was expecting. So they outdid my expectations. Plus Mario kart.

As I've said twice already: they promised New Mario, new Mario Kart, new Smash, Wind Waker, X and they delivered. Not saying all of them looked fantastic but they did exactly what they said they would. I wanted Metroid, I got nothing. Sad

edgecrusher said:

Nintendo is clearly sharing the same engines across Wii, 3DS, and Wii doubt about it. Otherwise the games wouldn't look 2 generations behind Xenoblade 2.

It's likely that Smash U has been made so that it scales easily to the 3DS game. DKC I think they are just using the same engine it looks too similar.

Dvader said:

YES. Metroid for one! A Mario game that would be revolutionary in some way, something Galaxy level but using the pad in some way. A WW HD remake that looked like the pictures they released, with new dungeons. More big surprises like a Star Fox or a Star Tropics or anything. They should have had surprise after surprise lined up.

Has Metroid been given up on? Has Retro become the new Rare? I would have prefered Galaxy 3 but I will give this new game a chance. Let's face it mario home console mainline series has always been baseline great. How great is the question.

Watching the new mario game now, certainly is no 3DS game. Though it carries the style of the NSMB game more than Galaxy - why? Yeah it looks like a really fun title but what is with the graphics? Nintendoland has better visuals, Galaxy probably would look better in HD. Hmm, seems it takes after the 3DS game more than Galaxy, why the hell would they do that? It looks really fun though, I think they have given it an isometric perspective because of multiplayer which seems to have defined everything. So when is it out? No date?

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 16:26:48

To be honest it was better than I feared.  Once I got over how painful it was going to be to listen to Iwata plough his way through it in English I can't say I feel too disappointed.

Pokemon X and Y - I don't see me getiing back into Pokemon but I don't think there's anything they could have shown which would have changed that.

Mario 3D World - Visuals are not striking but the game looks tons of fun.  I think it will be a great game.

Mario Kart 8 - I was ready to dismiss this but it's the game that impressed me the most.  

Wind Waker HD - It just looks like the gamecube game to me.  As foolz said, it's still just as beautiful as ever and better looking than most new games but what's the reason for this?  Why not just put the GC title on the Virtual Console?

X - Looks good.  Still need to play Xenoblade though.

Bayonetta 2 - I think the first one is hugely overrated and not all that great so this was always going to be a very hard sell for me.

DKCR2 - This ought to be an e-Shop or 3DS title.  I hope Retro is working on Prime 4 or something else that's as special.

Smash - I'm not a huge fan but I'll reserve judgement until closer to release.

So yeah, overall not much but I think my expectations were much more toned down than a lot of you guys here.  To be honest I don't know what it was in the PS4 conference (unless one is a massive FF/KH fan) that was that much better other than "you'll thank your lucky stars to know that we'll let you lend the games you buy out to your friends"

Randolph I think a pricecut is more likely to be announced at another time than during a games presentation like that.


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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 16:47:31

Nintendo needs to start spending money if they want to remain in the console business...which I prefer they do because when they actually try, they are a gift to gaming.

If they can't get good 3rd-party support, they need to buy up more Rareware N64-level developers, to simply make their consoles worth owning. I personally wouldn't care if they had ANY 3rd party support if they had 2 or 3 developers pumping out 2 or 3 badass games per year each, the way Rare used to do.

What they are doing now, isn't working.

The lack of Metroid or any other edgier title disturbs me. No Zombi 2 either...


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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 16:48:23

Zelda A Link Between Worlds is the best thing Nintendo showed.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:04:14
edgecrusher said:

No surprises AT ALL....most games look like upscaled Wii games...most games coming out next year. NOT GOOD.

With Nintendo Direct, remember that the aim of it is to drip feed information over the year not just a big blow out at e3 anymore. Nintendo Direct in January showed X and Wind Waker, revealed a Fire Emblem vs SMT, told us that Kart, smash, mario platformer was coming at E3. So there are likely to be at least several more of these broadcasts before the year is out. Imagine if they had saved that for E3? I don't think people would find so much objectionable if they were hearing about those for the first time.

I would have liked to see some more things especially Metroid and Endless Ocean but I'm fairly optimistic on most of the titles they showed. If you're anal about graphics I guess you would be super sad but I'm fairly easily pleased by most games as long as the frame rate is good and things are relatively crisp. X looked amazing to me though, borderline next gen but I will have to watch it full screen in HD.

edgecrusher said:


The lack of a price cut really shocks me....what do they have for this year that is going to turn sales around? Especially in the face of competition? NOTHING....Pikmin will be great but its not a system seller and neither is an upscaled Zelda...

Agreed. Plus no third party support. Remember that Namco is making Smash, so if you think it looks shitty, they probably took the wii engine cause they've never made it before and they are trying to get a dirty 3DS port going too.

Randolph said:

Who in the world will buy the system to get them at just fifty bucks less than a 500GB PS4??

People who would rather play Mario, DK, Sonic, Mario Kart, Zelda, Metroid than Beyond, Killzone, Infamous, The Order? I mean really it's not a hard question to answer. That may not be you of course.

bugsonglass said:

Mario 3D World - Visuals are not striking but the game looks tons of fun.  I think it will be a great game.

Mario Kart 8 - I was ready to dismiss this but it's the game that impressed me the most.  

So yeah, overall not much but I think my expectations were much more toned down than a lot of you guys here.  To be honest I don't know what it was in the PS4 conference (unless one is a massive FF/KH fan) that was that much better other than "you'll thank your lucky stars to know that we'll let you lend the games you buy out to your friends"

I pretty much agree, I wasn't impressed by much on any platform this year just in terms of appeal. Mario Kart 8 really surprised me though it looked excellent. Wish it was out this year? Still, no third party games so this system is going to be one of those drought consoles. The shafting is complete. Not even COD?

edgecrusher said:

they need to buy up more Rareware N64-level developers

I don't know what this means, Rare were unusually prolific. Who would you suggest that isn't already owned by someone else like EA? I would love them to spend more too. They're far from done on U though, Zelda, Fire Emblem and Metroid yet to see, maybe they'll throw us a bone and put out a Starfox or F-Zero, Endless Ocean? I get this weird feeling that this Mario U game is some sort of side project, is it confirmed that it is EAD Tokyo and Koizumi? Is this the actual next mainline Mario or is it some multiplayer experiment made by the EAD tokyo team that did Mario 3DLand? I wouldn't be surprised to see Mario Galaxy 3 in the new year.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:09:08

Geoff is so disappointed in Nintendo. Miyamoto will be on stage demonstrating Mario.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:17:09

Watching the Smash Bros trailer in HD, wow they are fighting inside the Spirit tracks train LOL and as miniture toys inside the Nintendogs room. That is awesome LOL

Looks like Brawl in HD I think the Skyloft level was literally the same model they just ripped out of the game. Why the Villager from Animal Crossing, I want to play as Nook.

Ehhhh, it looks decent, nothing brilliant. I gave up on Brawl not sure this can get me back.

I would rather get this on 3DS than U, wait actually no the characters might be tiny.

Edited: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:20:12

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:23:53

I couldn't care less about Smash.

Another thing Nintendo could have done is gotten Timesplitter's 4 exclusive and set it up as the big multi-player game on the console by dropping Crytek a few of Iwata's greenbacks.


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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:24:24

Watching the Mario Kart 8 trailer in HD. All over my fucking face. laugh

Why does this games graphics pee over Mario/DK/Smash?

This looks like serious, serious fun. laugh

I guess the sales of the Wii version were so huge it made Mario Kart the biggest seller they got and they put more into it?

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:25:44
edgecrusher said:

by dropping Crytek a few of Iwata's greenbacks.

Crytek don't even want to self publish a near complete Crysis 3 on the eshop. Or EA won't let them.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:29:51

Here is the problem with Nintendo for me, its like they have become the very stereotype they have been accused of being for years now. Yes Nintendo has always used the same franchises BUT those franchises always changed from gen to gen, game to game to keep things fresh. Lately Nintendo is becoming more and more a sequel pump machine like EA and Ubisoft. We are getting tiny upgrades, almost straight up expansion packs as full games.

It used to be that Mario 64 to Sunshine to Galaxy all was very different. One every gen, Galaxy 2 was fine as everyone wanted more. Each franchise was usually exploring new gameplay ideas. Lately what do we have NSMB series that has been run to the ground. Now DKC is going through the same thing, wasting an excellent teams talents on a cheap quick sequel, the exact same game, just new levels. There are only so many 2D platformers I can play before they all blend together. Nintendo is making dual games for 3DS and Wii U, it used to be the portable games were very different from the console ones to have brand new experiences now we have Mario 3D Land and Mario 3D World. Smash on Wii U, Smash on 3DS. DKC on 3DS, dont see why this new one cant hit either.  Stuff like Mario Kart has always been sort of the same, so I cant complain, graphically it was very impressive. Zelda is literally a remake, i know the real one is coming later but still, most of the time Nintendo adds new stuff in the game, no mention of that yet. Of course they totally lied about the graphics.

This E3 is missing that creative spark that makes Nintendo who they are. They are stuck with no new ideas, just making whatever sells over and over again. They have a new gamepad that should add new game mechanics like Wii did, except none of these games use it. They are sticking to old engines, whatever is cheapest. Nintendo games used to be graphical showcases, even Wii had its moments with Galaxy and Skyward Sword pushing the limits. Nothing like that from Nintendo here (well their main first party, X is crazy amazing). Yeah I know Metroid and Zelda are their "graphical" showcases, but honestly who knows what is happening with Metroid? Could it be another weird as hell game like Other M? The franchise is lost without Retro honestly. Zelda is the only franchise that I have 100% faith in, even the 3DS game is something totally different. Zelda seems like the last franchise that is holding on to the old Nintendo philosphy. Now watch next year we get Alttp 3 and 4.

It is extremely disappointing for someone who has supported their games for so long.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:46:27

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:51:26

Haven't read your post yet Vader.

Just quoting myself from the news page: So for this year, DKC, Mario, Wind Waker, Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, Wii Party, Wii Fit, Game and Wario, New Super Luigi, and a good selection of third party titles - mostly down to Ubisoft.

The Nintendo I know puts out 2 good games a year like Mario, Pikmin, Metroid or Zelda and then other quirky stuff. This is right in line with that. But the dearth of 3rd party games makes it look anemic. Baseline: Mario and Pikmin 3, DKC will be great games out this year. Lego City already is. 2014 - X and Mario Kart?

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:57:08

Wonderful 101 looks amazing!

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:59:03

I am so disgusted at Zelda. I was all ready to get it. See this beautiful remake of WW. But nooooooooo. No sale, I dont need an HD version of it.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 18:09:06

Hands on Mario World, dude trying to be very positive but its mostly just like Land. Will this game even have online play??? Probably not cause its Nintendo.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 18:16:49

Mario Kart does look stunning. That is a true Wii U game.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 18:20:43
Dvader said:

I am so disgusted at Zelda. I was all ready to get it. See this beautiful remake of WW. But nooooooooo. No sale, I dont need an HD version of it.

Fuuuuck. I'm watching the trailer in HD right now and even if it's "just" an HD port it looks beautiful. surprise

I think the AA, resolution and lighting has improved. Yeah lighting definetly bumped up a notch, subtle but good.

Yeah foolz is right, this looks beautiful. They have improved it yeah, you'll see some comparison pics on GAF that will show it I'm sure.

Now I want Skyward Sword HD.

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