I'm starting to think that MS had the best conference so far.
And there wasn't much outside Natal that really interested me.
LOL did you see the Hamster game G-force in the sizzle reel?
Nintendo had the best conference by far, IMO.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 w/ playable Yoshi alone made my day.
Oooooooooooooooh agent.
Oh, they show nothing.
Amazing seamless way the cutscenes blend with the real action.
Ass creed 2.
WTH? Combat looks crap, it automates you into a move then back out?
Square get the good voice actors on the real FF game
But why is Undercover Brotha in the game?

FF 14????
Online? FMV?
Motion control!?
Sony is behind both MS and Nintendo on this.
Motionplus is out in a couple of weeks.
Sony cant even show this thing off with a properly designed unit or graphics or anything? This is like wheeling out the lab guys.
Now they are sassing Natal?
We learned from eyetoy that buttons are needed?
This building game you could do in Elebits 2 and a half years ago.
Now they are talking about drawing out lines for Madden? You can do that in the wii titles.
Swords stuff, Live move showed this a year ago.
Sorry, its good tech, but its all stuff we've seen before.
God this conference is closing in on 2 hours long. Has everyone bailed but me.
So another mario kart racing game? First Avatar racing now this.
This industry is pathetic, so Mario kart is the years best selling game so now we're back into kart racing mode like back in the 90s? Mustn't forget Sonic and SEGA racing!
Track editing is nice, but not something that interests me.
Trico! Another game I cant play. Will the rat pigeon emerge?
Is this the same as that test footage that was a year old? It is. And now I have to relive the horror of the rat pigeon.
All you bastards abandoned me. Sitting here for 2 hrs, watching games I cant play.
God of War being demoed by.......... wait for it............
Stig Assmansan.
So says Jack Tretton.
gamingeek said:All you bastards abandoned me. Sitting here for 2 hrs, watching games I cant play.
Ravenprose said:gamingeek said:All you bastards abandoned me. Sitting here for 2 hrs, watching games I cant play.
F you!! Now its 2 hrs 5 minutes.
God of war 3 looks fun, very conventional though.
Looks, well like high def God of war.
Oh thank god he's wrapping it up. I'm so tired I cant even do the Endless Ocean 2 thread. I need to SSS.
Shit, shower, shave.
I wish E3 had more PC news.
This is over an hour long already. And I know there is tons of PS3 stuff to come.
Damnit. They need to condense.