I don't want free games, I want to be able to play the games that I paid for online for free.
I don't play online much, already had plus for the wicked good sales on PSN though.
Foolz said:I don't want free games, I want to be able to play the games that I paid for online for free.
Yeah I know it sucks. I am fine with it cause I already pay for Plus so this news does not effect me in any way but it is a bad turn of events
I need two things:
- A link to the video rerun
- A summary from you guys.
Watching now, Tretton talking about Batman. It looks.... a little worse than the Rocksteady games.
- Do we need Andrew House's name up in stars on the big screen?
- Cloud based... wait.... .no....
- The PS4 looks.... wow
"The design is sleek and visually impactful"? Wait
it's two tone like the Xbone.
- Is that a console or a premium box of chocolates he's holding?
- What's this movie shit about? Go away. Why is he still talking?
- They are still talking about movies. Piss off
- Oh jeez Yoshida, just show some shit.
- The Order, no gameplay. Feck.
- Killzone looks all right.
- That Infamous lead character looks like a douche, I could not even play the game because of HIM
- Knack looks fun, but will it be good?
- Drive club = yawn
- Quantic Dream fucking about again.
- What did I just watch?
- So bored right now.
- Greg K... pink shirt. nooooo
- Isometric from a bygone age
- Doesn't look good to me.
- Indie stuff, why?
- End this indie segment man in suit that barely fits him
- Nomura looks like he wants to cut himself
- So this rebranded FF13 versus, will it be inpenetrable to those who haven't played 13 and 13-2?
- Yeah I don't want to play this it looks insanely annoying
- I used to want to play Kingdom hearts, but every demo I have tried on handhelds sucked
- Yes, clap yourself for FF14
- Nooooooo Assasins creed!
- AC4 looks all right.
- Oh god the same track characters while they talk rubbish.
- Running through burning shit. Ah crap
- We did all this boat stuff in AC3
- Elder scrolls, I don't want an online game, I want a solid single player one, NO SALE
- Watchdogs, driving slowly around a city. Great.
- So hacking in the game is pressing one button when an icon appears...
- They should have made this a U exclusive and actually made all this stuff worthwhile.
- If the U version has the action mirrored and you can use the touchscreen to hit all these icons it will be so much easier
- Not sure about this game, it looks cool but a little weird.
- Yuck that NBA face model looks soooo weird like he has a condition and facial tick
- Mad Max? A little late on that one LOL. Next up a game based on Cobra.
Randolph said:$349 for the 32GB. I expect after THAT announcement though that Wii U will see a big drop tommorrow morning. Wii U + PS4 = win.
You should live in the UK, you can get a premium for £200 which for you americans would be $200, you can get a basic for $150.
- Tretton is back
- Nice, no DRM
- LOL they are socking it to microsoft
- But this stuff already applies to Wii U
- Now I'm bored again, online stuff
- Destiny, Nice graphics, very slow walking I'd rather play this than more Halo
- Looks good, but I dont want to watch this demo it's far too long.
- End already!
Dvader said:Yeah online is now paid like Live. But Plus gives you new games for free.
I aint paying for shit. No online PS4 games for me then.
This conference was okay, I'd say it was pretty even with the X1 conference, maybe a little more boring personally but a good price at the end and no DRM is excellent. These games just don't appeal to me, the werewolf london game I would be interested in if there was actual gameplay. Same for the Quantic Dream old man joke thing if I knew what it was. Killzone looked good but I would have to buy move and the PSeye, no way am I dual analoging FPS if I have another option.
Nintendo can just show more X and Wind Waker and they would "win" E3 in my eyes. If they show Smash, Kart, 3D mario and Metroid it will be a total win for me personally. Or.... Endless Ocean.
I don't feel any real need or imperative to buy PS4 or Xbone right now. Maybe holiday 2014. There are more than enough 360 titles to dig into that I haven't got to yet.
Did I miss the vita stuff in the conference? Where was the off screen play from PS4 mandated thing?
I really don't care about any of these game (perhaps a tiny bit more than the games in MS conference but not much). They could have had me with three words "The", "Last", "Guardian" ... but no.
gamingeek said:The Last of Us PS4 would have been nice.
I understand that from your point of view (not having a PS3 and thinking about getting a PS4) but I'm happy with the current gen consoles having as long a tail as possible. Especially since there's always some real masterpieces released at, or close to the end of a console's life. PS2 had God of War II, Okami, Persona 4, God Hand and others after PS3 was out if I'm not mistaken.
Well I know people love to rag on last gen ports but it weren't for Bully and Okami Wii ports I would never have got to play them. So the more the merrier as far as I am concerned.
Bully went on to become one of my all time faves.
I own a 360, but not a PS3 so if they want to throw an Uncharted trilogy up on PS4, yes please thanks.
The PS3 got HD re-releases of most 1st party PS2 titles (Jak Trilogy, Ratchet Trilogy, Sly Trilogy, God of War I&II, ICO+Colossus etc). I wouldn't bet against an Uncharted Trilogy on PS4
Just watched the conference.
I have never seen a console maker just completely embarrass a competitor in every possible way at an E3 show the way Sony just did to Microsoft. My god.
Not to offend anyone but imo you'd have to be a COMPLETE MORON to pick up a Xbox One over a Playstation 4. They are giving you everything MS is and then some, for $100 less, and without any shady big brother bullshit on the side.
My take:
- $400 for this console is a great price.
- I like the design...similar to Xbone but yet more typically Sony stylish.
- No DRM or online pass BULLSHIT...thank you for having a brain!!!!
- Destiny looks awesome....Bungie have a knack for making magic in a TIRED genre.
- The Order looks great.
- Killzone looks really cool actually.
- As does Infamous.
- Final Fantasy 15!
- Kingdom Hearts 3!
- I am pre-ordering PS4 and going Sony/Nintendo like its 1998!!!
Dvader said:Yeah online is now paid like Live. But Plus gives you new games for free.
Well now XBL is giving away free games also and it sounds like that unlike Plus you can still keep them if you stop subscribing. I just got Fable 3 yesterday for free.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile