Forum > Gaming Discussion > Endless Ocean 2: Thread of Orgasmic pics and impressions U.S Reviews (Page 21)
Endless Ocean 2: Thread of Orgasmic pics and impressions U.S Reviews (Page 21)
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Thu, 27 Aug 2009 21:38:46

Iga_Bobovic said:

Ravenprose said:

I actually wish this game were coming to 360 too. It looks good on Wii, but I'd like to see how it would look using 360's power. I want the game to look as close to real-life as possible. Happy

Perhaps they'll make a Natal version next year. I don't even like Natal (yet), but that certainly would grab my attention.

Check out the PS3 Ocean game.

BTW I just can't imagine a game like Endless Ocean succeeding with the 360 audience.

well, they could always equip the player with an upgradable diving spear gun


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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 05:24:56

Ravenprose said:

I actually wish this game were coming to 360 too. It looks good on Wii, but I'd like to see how it would look using 360's power. I want the game to look as close to real-life as possible. Happy

Perhaps they'll make a Natal version next year. I don't even like Natal (yet), but that certainly would grab my attention. 

 The PS3 one actaully looks worse to me. It's sharper and all, but the animation is less realistic form the videos i've seen.

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 05:28:36

Foolz said:

Ravenprose said:

I actually wish this game were coming to 360 too. It looks good on Wii, but I'd like to see how it would look using 360's power. I want the game to look as close to real-life as possible. Happy

Perhaps they'll make a Natal version next year. I don't even like Natal (yet), but that certainly would grab my attention. 

 The PS3 one actaully looks worse to me. It's sharper and all, but the animation is less realistic form the videos i've seen.

 Which is why Endless Ocean 2 should go to Xbox 360; 360 > PS3. Nyaa

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 08:14:57

Ravenprose said:

Foolz said:

Ravenprose said:

I actually wish this game were coming to 360 too. It looks good on Wii, but I'd like to see how it would look using 360's power. I want the game to look as close to real-life as possible. Happy

Perhaps they'll make a Natal version next year. I don't even like Natal (yet), but that certainly would grab my attention. 

 The PS3 one actaully looks worse to me. It's sharper and all, but the animation is less realistic form the videos i've seen.

 Which is why Endless Ocean 2 should go to Xbox 360; 360 > PS3. Nyaa

 But teh cell!

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 08:25:46

Foolz said:

Ravenprose said:

Foolz said:

Ravenprose said:

I actually wish this game were coming to 360 too. It looks good on Wii, but I'd like to see how it would look using 360's power. I want the game to look as close to real-life as possible. Happy

Perhaps they'll make a Natal version next year. I don't even like Natal (yet), but that certainly would grab my attention. 

 The PS3 one actaully looks worse to me. It's sharper and all, but the animation is less realistic form the videos i've seen.

 Which is why Endless Ocean 2 should go to Xbox 360; 360 > PS3. Nyaa

 But teh cell!

 Rage runs at 60fps on 360, but only 20-30fps on teh Cell. 'Nuff said. Nyaa

Edited: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 08:30:51

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 10:06:06

Ravenprose said:

I actually wish this game were coming to 360 too. It looks good on Wii, but I'd like to see how it would look using 360's power. I want the game to look as close to real-life as possible. Happy

Perhaps they'll make a Natal version next year. I don't even like Natal (yet), but that certainly would grab my attention.

Aquanaughts' Holiday (PS3) Ocean Exploration now in English  

There is what it would look like.

Foolz said:

Ravenprose said:

I actually wish this game were coming to 360 too. It looks good on Wii, but I'd like to see how it would look using 360's power. I want the game to look as close to real-life as possible. Happy

Perhaps they'll make a Natal version next year. I don't even like Natal (yet), but that certainly would grab my attention.

The PS3 one actaully looks worse to me. It's sharper and all, but the animation is less realistic form the videos i've seen.

Looks worse to me as well for only one reason. The sharpness and mapping. The softer look of SD makes everything seem more naturalistic. When you see normal mapped rocks and bumpmapping on underwater animals it looks incredibly unrealistic. It just looks plastic like.

Look at the squid from Aquanaughts for example:

Or this thing:

And then look at Endless Ocean:

Also you can't forget that Endless Ocean has a focus mode which brings up any surface in the game in HD like detail and animation.

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 10:21:11

After watching the Aquanaughts trailer again:

It does look very good but not that much over and above EO to make EO look like some poor cousin.

LOL strangely the sea actually helps limit the difference. Draw distance and murky water or misting gives the game similar sized environments. You cannot for a second fault the animation in Endless Ocean so there is no difference there. What you get it more details, a few more reflections a few more fish (which EO2 is rectifying).

And the focus more in EO compensates when you can hit the + button and see every surface in this kind of detail:


And even the normal game just running looks as detailed as this:


Go up to the ground and look at the detail on the surface:

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LOL I'm making exactly the same posts as I made nearly 2 years ago in the EO thread on GSpot.


Edited: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 10:28:04

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 10:43:54
All I was saying by my 360 comment, is that I want EO 2 to look like Discovery Channel documentaries (i.e. as realistic as possible).

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 11:05:46

Ravenprose said:
All I was saying by my 360 comment, is that I want EO 2 to look like Discovery Channel documentaries (i.e. as realistic as possible).

I don't think is possible yet, even on a Crysis playing PC.

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 11:29:22

New gameplay video Grinning

Ravenprose said:
All I was saying by my 360 comment, is that I want EO 2 to look like Discovery Channel documentaries (i.e. as realistic as possible).

Yeah but as you can see by the PS3 Aquanaughts, you really aren't getting substantial gains from it being on a more powerful system. It's still far off this:


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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 11:37:09

gamingeek said:

New gameplay video Grinning

Ravenprose said:
All I was saying by my 360 comment, is that I want EO 2 to look like Discovery Channel documentaries (i.e. as realistic as possible).

Yeah but as you can see by the PS3 Aquanaughts, you really aren't getting substantial gains from it being on a more powerful system. It's still far off this:


 You are comparing a PS3 game to a Wii game! Of course they won't look far off!

Make EO on Xbox 360, and you'll see graphical wonders you haven't even contemplated!


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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 11:58:30

The 360 game would have a harpoon gun with a chainsaw on top.

What would you have them do with Natal BTW? Molest dolphins?

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 13:43:49
In ideal conditions, if you have more graphical and processing power, a developer team should get better results, at the expense of more time and money; which is why a  game such as Endless Ocean should look better on an HD console, if properly developed. If Aquanaughts isn't that far off from a Wii game, then its developer team is doing it wrong, regardless of the console. Unfortunately, this game is the definition of niche, so ballooning its budget by going HD would offset any sales the game might have.

It's like comparing that Jambo Safari and Afrika games. Regardless of how they play, there is no question about which one looks best. For games focused on observation of natural life in realistic environments, I'd happily trade off any gameplay feature for competent animations and gorgeous visuals. If a dev team cannot achieve superior results on an HD console, it's either entirely their fault, or a direct result of budget limitations.
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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 14:32:14

SteelAttack said:
In ideal conditions, if you have more graphical and processing power, a developer team should get better results, at the expense of more time and money; which is why a  game such as Endless Ocean should look better on an HD console, if properly developed. If Aquanaughts isn't that far off from a Wii game, then its developer team is doing it wrong, regardless of the console. Unfortunately, this game is the definition of niche, so ballooning its budget by going HD would offset any sales the game might have.

It's like comparing that Jambo Safari and Afrika games. Regardless of how they play, there is no question about which one looks best. For games focused on observation of natural life in realistic environments, I'd happily trade off any gameplay feature for competent animations and gorgeous visuals. If a dev team cannot achieve superior results on an HD console, it's either entirely their fault, or a direct result of budget limitations.

I dont doubt that Aquanaughts had a larger budget than EO. That's the same type of game in HD. High definition and next gen effects try to do certain things like having clarity and sharpness, even a clean picture. That's too clean and too sharp for the naturalistic environment its trying to present. And adding bump and normal maps doesn't make things look more natural either but gives games a plastic effect.

These sorts of games exist in a bubble because they are trying to render very specific things like animation and lighting and have a naturally limited draw distance.

Afrika and Jambo safari are completely different. They aren't trying to present a small microcosm of activity, they are trying to render vast african plains so its pretty obvious that a Wii game would have trouble with that sort of thing.

Aquanaughts for all the PS3s power can look as splendid as this:

Or as poor as this:

As someone who has played Endless Ocean and has presumably seen the Ghost Ship can you honestly say that this looks so much better:

Instead of imagining hypothetical what ifs, just look at the evidence and existing games. Halo is published by Microsoft and will not be on Wii so I can't hypothetically go on about how it would control so much better and be so much more innovative with Motionplus now can I?

This grass is greener mentality grates. Is no one ever happy with what's in front of them?


Sorry Steelo, dont mean to sound whingy, just in every Endless Ocean thread, even on GAF you get the inevitable "wish it was in HD!" comment.

I just find it so defeatist. All these years into the systems life and people still can't reconcile themselves with the hardware's capability and just appreciate the games for what they are, instead of what they imagine they could be.

Edited: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 14:45:21

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 14:57:39
You're barking at the wrong tree here. I bought the fucking game, remember? The only reason I brought this point up is because you guys kept talking about it and comparing it to games on other hardware. I'll try to keep the defeatist attitude down, though.
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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 15:07:12

SteelAttack said:
You're barking at the wrong tree here. I bought the fucking game, remember? The only reason I brought this point up is because you guys kept talking about it and comparing it to games on other hardware. I'll try to keep the defeatist attitude down, though.

Why haven't you bought Aquanaughts yet you bastard? You know its in English and region free? Every PS3 owning fucker here and no one buys it.

Anyway what I'm trying to say is that the game is limited by its environment and what is has to do. It's not a case of having two rpgs on different systems and saying this one can do environments 4 times as big.

Scuba diving games have a certain lighting and mass to the surrounding water and draw distance. Otherwise its all blue with a bit of ground at the bottom.

These Aquanauts pics illustrate the point:

Apart from that all you have is the creatures and the animation which makes it lifelike and the lighting and animation cannot be faulted in EO.

Looking at comparable screens of the only games we can use as reference points it really doesn't look so much better to me.

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 15:16:21

SteelAttack said:
In ideal conditions, if you have more graphical and processing power, a developer team should get better results, at the expense of more time and money; which is why a  game such as Endless Ocean should look better on an HD console, if properly developed. If Aquanaughts isn't that far off from a Wii game, then its developer team is doing it wrong, regardless of the console. Unfortunately, this game is the definition of niche, so ballooning its budget by going HD would offset any sales the game might have.

It's like comparing that Jambo Safari and Afrika games. Regardless of how they play, there is no question about which one looks best. For games focused on observation of natural life in realistic environments, I'd happily trade off any gameplay feature for competent animations and gorgeous visuals. If a dev team cannot achieve superior results on an HD console, it's either entirely their fault, or a direct result of budget limitations.

if that is true then you are much better served by something like

the blue planet

it looks stunningly beautiful, the photography and camera work is astonishing and it has narration by sir david attenborough.  it's a bigger production than any game has ever been and you can get it all for a fraction of the price of a game.  oh and the animations are more than competent, i'd even go as far as to call them ... lifelike Nyaa


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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 15:26:04
Well, I haven't bought the PS3 game because it's an import, and those prices are prohibitive here. If I ever see it, I'll get it, though.

Ho ho ho, Bugsy. I'm peeing myself now. You know with what I would be even better served? With your ASS. Nyaa
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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 15:41:52

Steel did you have any problems with the animation in EO?

I'm wondering what other kind of wildlife documentary games you guys would be interested in buying? Afrika did tempt me for a while but looked a little sparse. I would say a Borneo jungle type game would be cool. Assuming you didn't get lost endlessly.

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 15:55:51

gamingeek said:

Steel did you have any problems with the animation in EO?

I'm wondering what other kind of wildlife documentary games you guys would be interested in buying? Afrika did tempt me for a while but looked a little sparse. I would say a Borneo jungle type game would be cool. Assuming you didn't get lost endlessly.

Not at all. Not underwater, at least. On the boat my girl looked like a robot. But you're never that much time on the boat, though, so it's a non-issue.

I'd love to get a game set on boreal forests, Canadian ones, the russian taiga and so on.

Borneo would be cool, having orangutans fling poo at you.

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