Forum > Gaming Discussion > Final Fantasy IV: The After Years - The greatest game WiiWare will ever see!
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years - The greatest game WiiWare will ever see!
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Sat, 02 May 2009 17:02:10

For those who ignore the news SquareEnix just launched the site for FFIV: AY -

I am so stoked for this game it's unreal.  Final Fantasy 2 (aka FFIV) was THE reason I purchased my SNES back in the day.  Prior to that I didn't understand why Nintendo was dumping the NES and it's support for the SNES, and I held a grudge.  As soon as I saw FF2 though all was forgiven.  Now that it's being revisited I could be happier.

Same graphics and turnbased gamplay and to me that's just about perfect.  But there's a whole lot of nice additions here:

  • 10 Returning characters plus 10 new ones
  • Band System which allows characters to team up for special attacks - essentially the dual and triple techs from Chrono Trigger
  • The Moon: Depending on the phase of the moon magic and physical attacks will be altered for both players and enemies - similar to how days of the week influence powers in the Mana series.

So do you see what we've got here?  Final Fantasy IV with elements of Chrono Trigger and Seceret of Mana!!!!  This is going to be the greatest 16 bit RPG of all time!!!  For those of you not excited please promptly drop dead.  You have no right to be in the presence of the God of Trendy.

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Sat, 02 May 2009 18:07:27

So wait a minute, there is a completely new FF game coming out for WiiWare, omg! Nyaa

How much will this game, I will pay anything of course.

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Sat, 02 May 2009 18:37:43
Dvader said:

So wait a minute, there is a completely new FF game coming out for WiiWare, omg! Nyaa

How much will this game, I will pay anything of course.

I think you accidentally the whole question.


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Sat, 02 May 2009 19:51:06

Dvader said:

So wait a minute, there is a completely new FF game coming out for WiiWare, omg! Nyaa

How much will this game, I will pay anything of course.

The game actually came out in 9 parts for cellphones in Japan.  They're combining all of them and putting a little polish on them and putting it on WiiWare.  There's a price cap of $15 for all WiiWare, so it's probably not going to be more than that.  But SquareEnix are masters of price gouging (i.e. My Life As A King, and Crystal Defenders) so they may have some trick up their sleeve with this.  Maybe they'll release the game in several parts??

Regardless I'd pay $50 for this, though I suspect it'll be closer to $15.  Then again who knows?  I was also expecting a Fall/Winter release for this game, but with the launch of this website it suggests that they'll be releasing the game much sooner.

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Sat, 02 May 2009 19:52:53

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

So wait a minute, there is a completely new FF game coming out for WiiWare, omg! Nyaa

How much will this game, I will pay anything of course.

I think you accidentally the whole question.


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Sat, 02 May 2009 20:04:12
so this is like a new "old" game, sort of like Mega Man 9?  

i hope more companies start doing this with more franchises now with wiiware, psn and live arcade.  i'd love some new Snes games etc


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Sat, 02 May 2009 20:46:49

bugsonglass said:
so this is like a new "old" game, sort of like Mega Man 9?  

i hope more companies start doing this with more franchises now with wiiware, psn and live arcade.  i'd love some new Snes games etc

Correct, though in this case we're getting a new 16 bit game instead of a new 8 bit game.

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Thu, 07 May 2009 20:07:23

That's right, we've got ourselves a launch date.  This is awesome.  Originally they were suggesting the game would be launched in early fall, end of summer at best.  Let's all bow our heads and give thanks.

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Thu, 07 May 2009 20:10:15

Edited: Thu, 07 May 2009 20:12:14
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Thu, 07 May 2009 20:33:06
I'll get the GBA version of FFIV to refresh my mind. 
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Tue, 02 Jun 2009 03:14:16

I have spent about 2 hours on the game, and thus far I like it.

Before I get to gameplay let me just mention something about price.  Square-Enix has once again proven to be complete whores when it comes to WiiWare.  Just as they did for My Life As A King, they are not making the entire game available.  Yes, The After Years features microtransactions.  This time, you pay 300 points for additional stories.  The main story is only 800 points, so it's not too much of a jack, but only time will tell.  Right now there is only one additional story available (Rydia's Tale).  According to the website for the game there are 8 additional tales.  I don't know if they'll be bundled or if each will be 3 points.  If so that'll bring the total price of the game to $32.  I won't mind paying if the content is there, so we'll see once I complete the main story.

Getting back to the game, I have to say it's awesome.  After over 15 years it's a trip to return to the same world and see the characters, towns, and how they've changed since we've last seen them (approximately 15 years I'd say).  The music is pretty much composed of the same songs, though slightly enhanced.  There's a few new tunes in there as well that are quite good too.  The same goes for the graphics.  The towns and world are still the same, though slighly enhanced once again.  For instance when you're flying in an airship, the world now has a slight curvature.  Characters have also gotten upgraded a bit and portraits have been changed.

But not all the changes are minor and cosmetic.  They did a good job of actually making this a little more challenging than the standard jRPG.  If you try to just press the attack button over and over and over your game will end quickly.  The phase of the moon plays a big role in regards to what abilities are strong or weak (black magic, white magic, and attacking).  Plus the monsters are just flat out strong.  The first mini-chapter was simple enough, but as soon as you get to Cecil's part the shit hits the fan and if you try to put the game on cruise control it'll be over.  You'll also have to do some experimenting to unlock the Band attacks which are double and triple team up attacks.  It's early to say for sure, but it looks like the Band attacks will be increasingly necessary if you want to really be dominate in battle.

The story is pretty good too.  It's nothing amazing, but seeing how the world goes from the peaceful happy existance to  "we're all doomed!!!" is pretty fun.  Bottom line, if you enjoyed FF IV you'll like this one.  

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Tue, 02 Jun 2009 14:48:01

Just wanted to update my impressions since I played a little bit more last night.  The story is really picking up.  The twists and intrigue that the original was packed with are starting to come out in this one now.  I can now totally vouch for the story and say that, yes it is good.  Not just good by 16 bit standards, just flat out good.  However, unless you played the original there's nothing here for you.  So many characters and cities from the first game don't get much of an introduction and you're expected to remember them from the original.  That's fine for me, and all the other decent members of humanity who played the original FF IV, but for those freaks who missed it just pass on this game for now. You'll just be lost.

Also I wanted to reemphasize the difficulty.  I've actually died in the game.  I don't remember the last time I died in a jRPG outside of maybe a late game boss battle.  It could have been avoided probably, but I wasn't just shrugging it off and got lazy.  So the increased difficulty is welcome and a pleasant surprise.  One of my bigger concerns about the game was if I'd just coast through it.  No chance of that happening.

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Thu, 04 Jun 2009 13:59:37

I just finished the first/main chapter of the game so I thought I'd share my thoughts.  First of all it clocks in at 5 hours.  For $8, that's not too bad.  Not the greatest, but I've paid more and gotten less out of a game.  Additional chapters will be $3 each and it looks like there's 8 or 9 more coming of which 2 others are required to complete the main story.  If each of those ends up be 3 hours or more this will work out just fine in my book.  I'm playing the first (and only) available extra chapter right now - Rydia's story so I'll have a better idea once that's done.

As far as the game itself, I've enjoyed it.  It started out a little slow and it jumps back and forth between different characters and parties a few times which did get a little confusing at times (mainly trying to match up the chronology).  It all resolves itself at the end of the first chapter it a very big way and one major plotline does resolve itself in an extremely satisfying manner.  Unfortunately it also ends right as a major confrontation occurs which will make you cringe out of frustration and anger.

To get an idea of how major, if you played the first, image the game stopping the first time your party meets Golbez and is about to fight him.  Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.  Ending on a MAJOR cliffhanger.  Still it all but guarantees you'll want to pick up the next chapter when its available.  Now to find out if a schedule is being put together for it. . .

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