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Final Fantasy XIII Impressions, Discussion.
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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 18:00:46
I think what that Tabernacle guy on GS is talking about is a exponential build-up of the Stagger Meter.

Choosing Auto-Attack may not select the best move to Stagger an enemy, which quickly become VITAL!

Just try beating those Automaton guys around the Ruins without staggering them first. Those battles will take you FOR-EVER ! ! !
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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 18:02:37
I absolutely love the way the game rates how you play each battle and rewards you accordingly.

It lets me know if I am playing WELL... and makes each and every battle worth while!

I've actually back-tracked into certain areas to gather more materials --AND-- fight for more experience!
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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 22:08:51

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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 22:39:12
Leave Bulbasar alone. 

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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 22:47:36

So after two huge marathon sessions and about 8 more hours of play time I can say that the fighting system is very interesting and well done. It wasn't until characters starting to develop three or so different classes as once that the combat really shined. The game does a good job of giving you a mix of enemies that require certain tactics to beat them, tactics that have you changing paradigms constantly. The main character and party is always changing so you always have different types of attacks. Depending on who you are controlling you get to perform actions you didn't before when you were the basic attacker.

What I have come to realize is that this game has removed all the individual choices of the different classes like choosing cure vs regen, which spell to attack with etc. Of coure your main character can choose but it almost feels weird to do so after getting used to the fast paced nature of paradim shifting. So instead of having to pick one spell in a category you are picking to use the entire category. If you need healing switch to healing and your teamates will pick all the best curing spells for you. If you want buff choose a synergist and the computer will pick all the appropriate buffs. Want to attack choose commando, and if you want to use spells choose ravager. So you are picking the category rather than the action, this makes everything quicker and easier to manage.

The result are fights were you are switching categories on constantly and adjusting to ever changing battle conditions quickly. It almost feels like an action game rather than a turn based RPG. It's so much like an action game that it grades you after each fight like Bayonetta. In fact there is nothing else to do in this game except fight. This is Final Fantasy the action game! Lighting launches enemies in the air and chain combos them as if she were Dante. Now that I think about it they should have removed the damn menu system completely, go full player control real time combat like an action game. The action can still be goverend by stats and such, you can keep the paradigm system for the partners but the main character could have been all action. Blocks, attacks, dodges, it would have been awesome.

What we get is still fun. It is literally all you do in the game, well besides managing the party and such, so it better be good. I love trying to get the jump on enemies. I loved the part where enemies were fighting each other and you had to manage the fight so that one side isn't winning too much. With the removal of MP and all health being recovered at the end of each fight it allows each fight to be its own seperate battle so there is no worry of using your best attacks or buffs to save MP for a future battle or what not. I like that, it makes every skill and attack useful.

I just finished a long section where you controlled Hope and Lightning, it switched from Sazh and Vanille, these parts were easier than before when I had a full team of three. The diffculty is a bit uneven, the part I got through was very easy. The majority of battles were won with the most basic of strategies, I never had to buff almost never had to heal. It was the equivalent of the easy enemies that you can quickly kill by non stop attack in older FF games. That was a contrast to the area before where there were better mixtures of enemies and characters that lead to better battles. So it is a bit up and down in that regard.

The level up system much easier to navigate than FFX and FFXII, like everything else it is more linear with less options. Plus the game decides when you can continue to level up, it slowly opens up new levels to you, i guess from keeping the player from getting overwhelmed. At least it is easy to understand and use. The weapon upgrade system is a bit more complex, I still don't know exactly how you get the added bonuses, I know how to get an EXP multiplier but that is about it. After each team change paradigm shift teams are important to customize, but again it's way easier with two characters than with three, I want three again.

I got my first two summons, I love the way you aquire them. It's a battle where the point isnt to kill the enemy but to impress them. So you need to figure out what actions impress the eidolons and then use them. The summons themselves are interesting, kind of like FFX where they come into the battle to help you, I wish you could control them though. You can do the whole vehicle change where you do crazy attacks and damage, this is more like classic summons each has a super attack. Interesting but I haven't found much use for it outside of boss fights.

I am enjoying the game much more now that the combat has opened up considerably though I still want more complex fights. The locations are still stunning, I stopped in this forest that is eye melting, one of the most beautiful areas in any game. The story has picked up with some excellent cutscenes sprinked throughout. I wish there was more to the game than combat but the combat is so good that it is fine for now. Not my favorite FF so far but a good one.

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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 22:50:28

phantom_leo said:
About 8hrs in or so...

Still with Lightning and Co. exploring some Ruins...

The Crystarium is now H-U-G-E ! ! ! Gone are the simple circles where you simply power up attributes in a line. Characters get multiple, multiple roles, and HOW you level them gets to be critical! There was one part of the game where I powered up Sazh's Ravager skills rather than his Synergist skills and I found it nearly impossible to kill enemies after that point. He was chip, chip, chipping away at health bars, but not really doing much damage at all. I went back, loaded an earlier save, gave him more Synergy skills and --lo and behold-- his Vigilance, Faith and Bravery skills made all the difference in the world.

Pretty soon, Vader, you're going to have to keep in mind WHO you want your characters to be!

I have more options but I still find that I get more than enough EXP to fill up every single ability on all available classes before the game allows me to move onto the next. The only choice I need to make is which abilities to get first.

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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 22:51:28

phantom_leo said:
I am SOOO very happy that:

For a game that's FOCUS is the FOCUS, it is extremely FOCUSED!

Maybe that was Squenix' FOCUS when developing it?

The linearity will turn a lot of traditionalists off, but I feel it FOCUSES you more on the story and its telling.

The straight line keeps you on course, keeps you FOCUSED. It allows for no misinterpretation --AND-- just in case you DO get lost you have a database of EVERYTHING to get you back on track!

This all allows for more of a FOCUS on the game world, the character's back-stories and motivation. In sooo many RPG's things get muddled as you plod through each town, get assigned a billion annoying side-quests, read conversations that mostly have NOTHING to do with the plot, that are just added to make it seem like you are in the game's world...

Again, this game keeps you FOCUSED and urges you to just keep pushing ahead!


Boooo. Side quests and random NPCs that add nothing are awesome.

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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 22:55:13

phantom_leo said:
I also REALLY enjoy how the game switched up your party and forces you to REALLY get to know each character WELL!

Just when you think you are getting to be overpowered and things are going to get too easy... BAM! Plot change, someone leaves or the teams split and you have to reFOCUS your strategy. Reminds me of FF2 (SNES) in that respect.

I think the relationships between the characters in THIS game are among the best i've see in a FF! They're natural. They're not forced. They don't agree on everything from the start.

I like the Light and Hope combo.

The Sazh and Vanille combo is a bit disturbing at times. (Vanille climbing the junk heap, Sazh turning towards her and Woah! a disapproving look from Chocobo Chick! Lol!)'s all very natural and VERY well done!

Loved Lighting and Hope, really opened up each character. I am totally with you on the Sazh and Vanille, its an odd pairing. Vanille is way too loose, she is sending the wrong signals. There is one scene where they go to sleep, she draws a line telling Sazh not to cross (of course while smiling and giggling). So Sazh goes to sleep nearby, he wakes up in the middle of the night to find her sleeping practically on top of him. Mixed messages! Ok so it was a case of a young girl being afraid... either that or she wanted cock. Nyaa

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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 23:33:58

Dvader said:
...either that or she wanted cock. Nyaa

Don't we all, Vader... don't we all...?

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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 23:36:39
I wish you would have kept on going.

At the end of that forest awaits...


HIM! Hrm


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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 01:04:05
One of my favorite parts of the game is this area where there are these lights that come out of the ground. Lightning states "we can use the lights as a guide so we don't get lost". It's a straight line, there is no where else to go except toward the light. LOL
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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 02:34:57
Did you find a way past those orange walls? Some of them had items and monsters behind them. I thought there would be a way to disable them somewhere in the forest and I would have to go back to them like with Sazh and Vanille and the Generator in the area before, but I never found anything!
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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 03:08:14

phantom_leo said:
Did you find a way past those orange walls? Some of them had items and monsters behind them. I thought there would be a way to disable them somewhere in the forest and I would have to go back to them like with Sazh and Vanille and the Generator in the area before, but I never found anything!

Hmmm... you are right. I don't know I never saw a way to disable them.

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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 19:32:44

This game wow has it gotten AWESOME. The locations are some of the most visually stunning worlds I have ever seen in any game. One level gave me control of the weather and depending on whether it was raining or sunny different types of enemies would show up. I am now in this area with floating platforms, once again stunning. The story is picking up as well. As usual with each FF game all the characters have a mysterious past that you slowly learn about. This game is no different, scene after scene more is being revealed, leading to some emotional scenes that are handled surprisingly well.

None of this would matter if the combat wasn't excellent. Choosing of the partners for you is still a bit annoying, I am still mostly switching between two teams of two characters so the fights aren't so complex as they would be with three but there still manages to be surprises. In a previous area I got a game message teaching you to avoid enemies, stating the ahead enemy might be too hard for two characters. So of course I ran straight into the enemy, this armadillo like monster. It was practically immune to everything including debuffs, I couldn't put a dent in it. I had to slowly build up its chain guage, while of course protecting my characters, healing and what not. Once the enemy was staggered it becomes immune to debuffs and normal attacks, so I switched to a saboteour and hit it with deshell and deprotect. The stagger wore off before it would die, this thing has massive HP but because I was able to debuff it while it was staggered that carried over to when he is in a normal state, so now I can do some actual damage. Using that strategy these enemies were easy to take down. A lot of enemies are very simple but there are enough of these tougher ones sprinkled throughout to keep things interesting.

It's a game you grow to love, it's excellent.
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Mon, 15 Mar 2010 00:29:17

Dvader said:

This game wow has it gotten AWESOME. The locations are some of the most visually stunning worlds I have ever seen in any game. One level gave me control of the weather and depending on whether it was raining or sunny different types of enemies would show up. I am now in this area with floating platforms, once again stunning. The story is picking up as well. As usual with each FF game all the characters have a mysterious past that you slowly learn about. This game is no different, scene after scene more is being revealed, leading to some emotional scenes that are handled surprisingly well.

None of this would matter if the combat wasn't excellent. Choosing of the partners for you is still a bit annoying, I am still mostly switching between two teams of two characters so the fights aren't so complex as they would be with three but there still manages to be surprises. In a previous area I got a game message teaching you to avoid enemies, stating the ahead enemy might be too hard for two characters. So of course I ran straight into the enemy, this armadillo like monster. It was practically immune to everything including debuffs, I couldn't put a dent in it. I had to slowly build up its chain guage, while of course protecting my characters, healing and what not. Once the enemy was staggered it becomes immune to debuffs and normal attacks, so I switched to a saboteour and hit it with deshell and deprotect. The stagger wore off before it would die, this thing has massive HP but because I was able to debuff it while it was staggered that carried over to when he is in a normal state, so now I can do some actual damage. Using that strategy these enemies were easy to take down. A lot of enemies are very simple but there are enough of these tougher ones sprinkled throughout to keep things interesting.

It's a game you grow to love, it's excellent.


I did the same, exact thing!

Ironically enough, I didn't find them hard at all! If you sneak up behind them, they are easy to stagger. Once staggered poison, de-protect and de-shell them and pound them! (Which, I know, is pretty much what you just said!)

It's funny. I do BETTER when I am controlling the "weaker" characters. Fighting as Hope with Lightning as my back-up had me dominating everything. Fighting with Vanille with Sazh doing the same, I do MUCH better than if I am controlling the adults!

I haven't gotten to the weather area yet...

Speaking of mysterious characters meeting Cid for the first time...


I can't say what I am thinking for risk of spoilers, but I was surprised. Something HAS to change with HIM!

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Mon, 15 Mar 2010 01:08:21

I'm about 3 hours and 45 min. into the game and have just started Chapter 3. Now I'm getting into Paradigm Shifts and building up characters in the Crystarium, really cool stuff. I am really digging this game. This is why I love me my JRPG's with really imaginative and cool designs both in the world surrounding the game and creatures that inhabit it. Great stuff. Grinning


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Mon, 15 Mar 2010 11:30:40
The movie when you enter the city of Palumpolum...


...all I can say is...

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Mon, 15 Mar 2010 16:23:40

I've been playing it throughout the week. By the looks of things, I'm perhaps the farthest into the game, nearing the 20 hour mark. I'm at the Fifth Ark, and about to enter the Gran Pulse stage of the game, which is when I hear things get really interesting.

I'm okay with the combat. I think it's pretty engaging having it occur in real-time, and knowing when to switch roles. The story I don't really have any comments on. I think I have a handle on the plot, then it throws another twist at me, so I'm just going to have to wait until its finished. Of course it's beautiful graphically.


Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom

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Mon, 15 Mar 2010 20:52:03
At 18hrs in have Lightning and Fang in one group. Snow and Hope in another.

I was juuust about to come in here and write how much Hope's drama was getting on my nerves...

...then he FINALLY did something!


Playing as Light and Fang, trying to reach Hope's home now.
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Mon, 15 Mar 2010 21:35:35
I will miss playing this game...

For the few minutes before the GoW3 title screen starts up
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