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Final thoughts on the whole Journey/Walking Dead GOTY thing.
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Thu, 03 Jan 2013 00:43:41

This is taken right from GS, thought I would share it here:

Got further in The Walking Dead and yeah the story is down right fantastic. I totally feel like I am taking part in the show. That said my initial thoughts stand, in terms of game design Walking Dead has stripped almost all elements of adventure games to the point where it is basically an interactive choose your own adventure book. Should we really applaud this direction? I understand adventure games of old had some of the most obscure solutions to puzzles but at least they made you think.

In terms of choices and the impact on the game I feel Mass Effect 3 does it better than Walking Dead. They are pretty similar but ME has done it across three gigantic games, the amount of choices and the way it impacts the cast and the storylines are far more wide spread than Walking Dead. If Walking Dead is being praised for the way your choices matter ME should be the one getting that praise. I understand there is the ending, yes yes yes I get it the ending had no real choice, but everything else in the game did. From what I heard Walking Dead pretty much gives you the same story no matter what you do to so it cant be that much different.

But many people didn't like Mass Effect 3 cause of a variety of reasons. Maybe they didn't like the action. Maybe they didn't like the multiplayer. Maybe they are angry that the RPG elements were simplified. I have heard someone trash the game cause they couldn't holster their weapon. All those reasons only exist cause ME allows the player to take part in all those elements. Games like Journey and Walking Dead DO NOT. And so the gamers get all angry at ME3 cause a few elements are not to their liking, how dare they make me play something I don't want. Oh wait, I remember ME3 having an option to basically remove all the game elements and simply make choices through the story. How many of you actually did that? Of course none of you did, why would you remove the whole point of playing the game... except that is exactly what Walking Dead is.

Then we come to a larger argument which is Walking Dead's story is far better than ME3. I am just using that as an example I really do not feel like discussing which is better, for my point it doesn't matter. My point is are we really boiling it all down to that. Is that what we are using as the ultimate judge as which game is better now, simply which one has a better story. What happened to all the other elements that make a game a game? Don't get me wrong I am not saying adventure games or whatever Journey is can never be equals to a ME, they can as long as they embrace the game aspect as well. This medium can do some incredible things when gameplay and story truly come together to make something we have never seen before. But we have not gotten there and now it seems like some are moving further away from that, with some making minimalist games with deeper stories or experiences. One at the expense of the other, and what bugs me the most is that so many in this industry are praising it.

To me the game media and some in this industry seem like children desperately looking for the approval of the other forms of entertainment. Any time there is a game that has any qualities that can match what the other forms of media do we showcase it like a proud peacock trying to get the approval. Look we can have a story that is worthy of television! Look we can have acting that can be worthy of praise! Look we have music that can win awards! Look we have something that can be called "art"!! This industry seems so desperate to be like all the other forms of entertainment they forget what makes this industry unique. Games can do everything all other forms of media can do but lets face it we will probably never do them as well as those specific forms of entertainment handle their specialty, and we don't have to. We can do something they cannot, create incredible interactive experiences that can include all those elements and put them into game worlds that are expertly designed. OUR ART, this industries major strength, the ability to create incredible gameplay experiences.

I am not trying to say Journey and Walking Dead should not be praised. They are excellent in what they do but I still see them as a categorical winner. Like best story, best graphics, best multiplayer experience if you so want. But best GAME, I fundementally don't agree with it and I think these two games are a step back for the industry not a step forward to what we should really be achieving. But maybe these are all baby steps, maybe these games had to come out and someone out there will get inspired and say what if I can combine the story and emotion of that but mix it with game elements as compelling as the greatest games ever made.

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Thu, 03 Jan 2013 01:13:57
I've never played either of those two, but I agree with your assessment of ME3.   My favorite ME3 criticism: it's too buggy and glitches.
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Thu, 03 Jan 2013 01:42:53

":say what if I can combine the story and emotion of that but mix it with game elements as compelling as the greatest games ever made"

They've done that, and it's called Metroid Prime.

Well, if you replace story with storytelling.

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Thu, 03 Jan 2013 03:06:17
I'm in agreement too. Walking Dead is just so lacking in actusl play, I can't say anything about Journey have not played it. But It looked so boring I would not even try. Walking Dead Is cool yes, I just wish I had more to do, it's like an interactive movie - gameplay. It reminds me of heavy Rain, I like them both. Calling either one a game is kind of a stretch. and GOTY???? Not a chance to me, this year I like Dishonored, ME3, Halo 4, Borderlands 2.
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Thu, 03 Jan 2013 03:35:20
Foolz said:

":say what if I can combine the story and emotion of that but mix it with game elements as compelling as the greatest games ever made"

They've done that, and it's called Metroid Prime.

Well, if you replace story with storytelling.

Wait what?

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Thu, 03 Jan 2013 03:38:20

I love this post. I'd elaborate further on my own opinions, but I'm too damned tired to write something coherant. But, yeah. People can shout that these are the best games this industry had to offer this year, but ultimately it's misleading and I think kind of a slap in the face for games that managed to do more than just one or two things really well.

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Thu, 03 Jan 2013 05:19:58
Dvader said:

Wait what?

Story and emotion mixed with game elements that are as compelling as the best ever made=Metorid Prime.

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Thu, 03 Jan 2013 06:00:17
Foolz said:

Story and emotion mixed with game elements that are as compelling as the best ever made=Metorid Prime.

There is story and emotion in Metroid Prime?

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Thu, 03 Jan 2013 07:42:19
Dvader said:

There is story and emotion in Metroid Prime?

There's no notable story (read: plot) as I implied in my initial post. If you think there's no emotion in Metroid Prime, then you probably shouldn't be commenting on this whole thing. Nyaa

Edited: Thu, 03 Jan 2013 07:58:02

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Thu, 03 Jan 2013 11:07:39
Well, I can see someone enjoying something niche so much that to them it's their best game of the year. Not sure major sites should trumpet them as GOTY as a collective but if individual writers or editors chose it I wouldn't have a problem with it.

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Thu, 03 Jan 2013 18:00:33
Foolz said:

There's no notable story (read: plot) as I implied in my initial post. If you think there's no emotion in Metroid Prime, then you probably shouldn't be commenting on this whole thing. Nyaa

Well emotion through the gameplay, like the feeling of isolation and of course the thrill of combat. But you get that in many games. There is no emotion in terms of the plot. MP is one of the most pure gameplay games ever made. Zelda has far more story blending with gameplay than Metroid Prime does.

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Thu, 03 Jan 2013 23:27:20

I would have no problem with them winning downloadable GOTY, or whatever... but against the retail games? Eeeeeehhh not so much.

I am certainly excited for Walking Dead Season 2 though Happy

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Fri, 04 Jan 2013 01:56:19
Dvader said:

Well emotion through the gameplay, like the feeling of isolation and of course the thrill of combat. But you get that in many games. There is no emotion in terms of the plot. MP is one of the most pure gameplay games ever made. Zelda has far more story blending with gameplay than Metroid Prime does.

The whole blog is now invalid. Sad

I rescind my previous post agreeing with it.

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Fri, 04 Jan 2013 02:07:47
Foolz said:

The whole blog is now invalid. Sad

I rescind my previous post agreeing with it.

Can you please explain yourself. Did all the scanning mean that much to you? Was the plight of the Chozo some incredible tale?

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Fri, 04 Jan 2013 02:08:23
GodModeEnabled said:

I would have no problem with them winning downloadable GOTY, or whatever... but against the retail games? Eeeeeehhh not so much.

I am certainly excited for Walking Dead Season 2 though Happy

? What do you mean? There will be more games? Or the TV show, that is in season 3.

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Fri, 04 Jan 2013 02:11:01

The 5 episodes you just played were Season ONE of the TellTale games. They are now working on Season TWO.

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Fri, 04 Jan 2013 02:17:01
phantom_leo said:

The 5 episodes you just played were Season ONE of the TellTale games. They are now working on Season TWO.


You mean I get to see my little Clementine again!

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Fri, 04 Jan 2013 02:32:14
Dvader said:
Foolz said:

The whole blog is now invalid. Sad

I rescind my previous post agreeing with it.

Can you please explain yourself. Did all the scanning mean that much to you? Was the plight of the Chozo some incredible tale?

Already have.

Iga needs to post more. Sad

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Fri, 04 Jan 2013 02:42:15
Foolz said:

Already have.

Iga needs to post more. Sad

I am still as confused as I was then. You can replace Metroid Prime with any number of games and it fits what you wrote there just fine.

Edited: Fri, 04 Jan 2013 02:42:56
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Fri, 04 Jan 2013 02:47:26
Dvader said:

I am still as confused as I was then. You can replace Metroid Prime with any number of games and it fits what you wrote there just fine.

If you're as confused as you are, yes. Otherwise, no. You couldn't even replace Metroid Prime with Metroid Prime 2...

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