The first time: a Pac-Man platformer on the GB...does that count? Actually I may have played an arcade version earlier...honestly if I did it wouldn't have been a very memorable experience.
The last time, when the google Pac-Man thing started. My thoughts on it? It's actually quite fun, but not something I have an urge to play for extended periods.
Pac-Man CE for XBLA.
It was a cool little modern twist on it.
But my personal favorite was a GBA one. I forgot what it was called but it had themed levels, which I liked, and a neat little shallow but fun Pac-Man puzzle game.
Pac-Man pinball on GBA and cellphones would've been really good if it wasn't for the horrible ball physics.
Those are the recent Pac-Man games I've played.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Pac-Man (arcade) = Greatest game of all time!
The first time I played Pac-Man was in the arcade when it came out, probably 1980 or '81. I fell in love with the game the first time I played it, and have continued to play it over the past 30 years. Whenever I hear the game's start music and sound effects, a smile warms my face. The last time I played it was earlier this week. I don't go very long without playing that game. I own several versions of it, and its sequels/spin-offs.
- Pac-Man (Namco Museum/Atari 2600/Jakks)
- Ms. Pac-Man (Namco Museum/Atari 2600/Jakks)
- Jr. Pac-Man (MAME/Atari 2600)
- Super Pac-Man (Namco Museum/Jakks)
- Pac-Man Plus (Jakks)
- Pac & Pal (Namco Museum/Jakks)
- Pac-Mania (Namco Museum)
- Pac-Man Championship Edition (Namco Museum)
- Google Pac-Man (bookmarked)
Ask, that's pretty cool. I have the GBA one as well, and like it, though generally it is not considered kindly by fans of the series (but then fans of the series also like PacLand for the arcade, so what do they know) ...Speaking of Raven...
We're about the same age I think Raven, so I can appreciate your love of the franchise.
The first time I played it was on the Atari 2600, and when I got back into the 2600 scene in the late 90's I never understood why anyone did not like it. I still like it, it's probably my fourth favorite 2600 game (after River Raid, Demon Attack and Space Invaders).
The last time I played it was probably on the DS. In the interim years I've played Ms. Pac-Man in the arcade that was close to my house in California. I ripped them off every time, as one quarter would last me about 20-30 minutes (or at least it felt like it).
I dig Pac-Man. It's non-violent (he only attacks in self-defense), it's poetic (the whole prey becoming the predator), and bottom line -- it's fucking fun.
^ Pac-Land is a fun platformer. It was the first game I bought for my Atari Lynx back in the day. Pac-Land > Super Mario Bros! ( )
Yeah, I never understood the hatred people seem to have for the Atari 2600 version of Pac-man either. I had a ton of fun playing it back in the day, and I still boot it up every so often. It's not the best port Atari could have made, but it's still a very fun game.
Ravenprose said:^ Pac-Land is a fun platformer. It was the first game I bought for my Atari Lynx back in the day. Pac-Land > Super Mario Bros! (
Yeah, I never understood the hatred people seem to have for the Atari 2600 version of Pac-man either. I had a ton of fun playing it back in the day, and I still boot it up every so often. It's not the best port Atari could have made, but it's still a very fun game.
Pac-Land may have been my very first experience with having been let down by my own hype. I remember telling my brother or mother how it was "3-D" (upon seeing glimpses of it in the arcades). Nothing changes...
The first I played I think was the arcade, followed very closely by the 2600 version which was my sister's favourite ever game at the time (and probably would still be if it weren't for gameboy tetris).
I actually thoroughly enjoyed Pac-Land and was ridiculously good at it. Pac-mania was another one I thought was great though I didn't play it as much as for some reason I could never find it in most arcades.
Perhaps my favourite Pacman game was an arcade update version I played around the late 90ies which had bosses and pacman had some limited jumping ability (but was not isometric like pacmania). I only played it very few times though as I didn't frequent arcades that much by that time. I have many times tried to find out the name of this game and to check if there was a console version of it but so far without success
I am very much a poster child of the Pac-Man generation. When I was 4 and 5 years old (1981 -1982) Pac-Man fever was all over the country. T-shirts, trading cards, cartoons, etc. And as a little kid I was as into as anyone could be. My 5th birthday was a Pac-Man themed party. If only I kept all of that stuff I got from friends and neighbors I'm sure it'd go for a fortune on eBay. But I still have my sweet Pac-Man sleeping bag though (which has now been confescated by my son).
First time I ever played it I didn't play so much as possibly contract a horrible disease with it. I was 4 and my family was dropping off friends at a train station and I saw Pac-Man. I knew about it, but never played it. I didn't have any quarters but I still didn't quite get it. So I smashed the buttons and for some reason bit the joy stick to try and get it to play. How my immune system didn't keel over at that moment when my mouth my contact with a controller that hundreds of people had handled is still a miracle. And soon after I'd start playing Ms. Pac-Man on my neighbors's arcade version of it and later on our Atari 2600 (worst version ever). Ironiically I never actually played the real Pac-Man until I was about 16 when I found it in an arcade that had a lot of classics.
And as far as the last time I played, it was 2 nights ago when I played my VC copy of Pac-Man.
Oh and one little last bit of Robio/Pac-man trivia for you. Years ago a very foul looking woman tried to lure me away from my then girlfriend (now wife), and one of the little incentives she told me about was her cocktail table Pac-Man arcade game that I could have if we were together. As much of a fan as I am, that still wouldn't be enough to get me to go there.
By the way, has the Championship Edition of Pac-Man shown up on the PS3 yet? I heard it was coming out for it at some point.
robio said:By the way, has the Championship Edition of Pac-Man shown up on the PS3 yet? I heard it was coming out for it at some point.
Not yet. Pretty sure the 'sequel' is though.
Okay it's Pac-Man C.E. DX that'll be on PSN as well as XBLA. Just wanted to know if an old school Pac-Man game would be available for the PSN since I'm getting closer and closer to making the PS3 v. 360 purchase. Just over a month away now.
I like how in the new one one of the options is using a bomb -- you get 3 of them I think - for when shit goes down, just like in a shmup.
It's the reason why Namco still exists, inspired by a pizza and the verb, "eat" (no joke), Pac-Man is a seminole gaming experience.
When was the first and last time you played any version of Pac-Man (or have you never played it?), and what do you think of it?