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First and Last Time You Played... With Yourself!
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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 15:49:18

Multiplayer games are great, IF you have someone to play them with. I don't often get the chance to do so, however...

What was the first game, known for its multiplayer, that you played (online then off) and what are you playing currently?


Right now I am enjoying the HELL out of Gears of War 1. The single player mode is visceral and intense! Love catching Locusts off guard and chain-sawing them in half!


One of the first games I played online was probably Jedi Knight II. Tried it, got my ass kicked and decided not to bother with the online mode. This was probably the foundation for my attitude towards Online games to this very day.


The game I played UNDOUBTEDLY the MOST on my own, despite being a "Multiplayer" game was Phantasy Star Online for the GameCube. I believe I played it years and years ago with Vader on the DreamCast... I managed to get a screen capture of Vader's team! In total, I probably logged 10 hours online with PSO... where as Offline the number of hours would EASILY be in the 100's!


Edited: Sun, 17 Oct 2010 15:51:33
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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 17:54:29

How did you play PSO alone, that sounds so weird. I played it alone plenty of course but the online time was where the majority of my time came from.

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 18:09:21

I think Smash Bros will be my first online experience.  It was tons of fun at the time, but would've been a lot better with voice chat.  I hosted many GTA IV nights and those were always a blast.  I can play some multiplayer Gears tonight when the little one is asleep.  Shame that's only two players.

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 18:43:34


Edited: Tue, 28 May 2013 01:49:09
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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 18:52:24

Both. You can play the campaign as Dom and one as Fenix, or there are games like deathmatch.  I've only played online co-op with a friend of mine.  I can play after 9pm EST.

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 19:13:01


Edited: Tue, 28 May 2013 01:49:30
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Mon, 18 Oct 2010 01:33:04


Edited: Tue, 28 May 2013 01:49:42
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Mon, 18 Oct 2010 02:12:22

That is cool, man.  We'll definitely make it happen sometime.

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Mon, 18 Oct 2010 02:15:08


Edited: Tue, 28 May 2013 01:49:57
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Mon, 18 Oct 2010 02:17:53

Take care, man.

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Mon, 18 Oct 2010 03:16:42

I rarely ever played Gears of War 1 or 2 online. I did play co-op and hordes with my cousins but that's about it. This was a while ago, almost a year ago since I last played with them. I tried Gears 1 online by myself but it wasn't a pleasant experience. I think the matchmaking and all that is better now, but when I played it wasn't that great. And I got my butt kicked by really good players.

I usually played single player with Gears of War. I played alone with the first one but played co-op with the sequel.

I used to play a lot of Day of Defeat by myself. This was when I first got into online shooters. I did also play a lot of Modern Warfare 2, World at War, and Bad Company 2 alone, but it was mostly to raise up my stats and unlock new perks/weapons.


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Mon, 18 Oct 2010 03:29:32

Qauke...does lan count? Wait, maybe that's not known only for its online.

Oh well, I'm currently playing Killzone 2's campaign and the online. The campaign is's actually pretty bad to begin with, but it's got better now towards the end. The online is excellent, though.

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Mon, 18 Oct 2010 03:38:59

First online game was Doom deathmatch over dial-up.  It blew my mind.

I think the most recent online playing was Gears1. A bunch of guys from the Candid Collectors Union got together, it was great fun because w were all noobs.  Had a great time.

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Mon, 18 Oct 2010 03:40:38
Foolz said:

Qauke...does lan count? Wait, maybe that's not known only for its online.

Oh well, I'm currently playing Killzone 2's campaign and the online. The campaign is's actually pretty bad to begin with, but it's got better now towards the end. The online is excellent, though.

Really.... Hmmmm... And it's free too.  I might try some tests to see how much bandwidth it uses to play online.  I've let my XBL go silver, which is a bummer, I;d like to go back to Gears one of these days, especially if it was with people from here.

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Mon, 18 Oct 2010 13:01:21
Foolz said:

Qauke...does lan count? Wait, maybe that's not known only for its online.

Oh well, I'm currently playing Killzone 2's campaign and the online. The campaign is's actually pretty bad to begin with, but it's got better now towards the end. The online is excellent, though.

Quake counts because that's what I was going to say. Either Quake or Diablo but I'm pretty sure it was Quake. My roommate and I in college would play on a server from another college about 300 iles away. We were on the T1 and most of the other guys still used dial-up so it was pretty funny to watch the insults hurled at us.  Something like, "screw you, you low pingers!"

Recently I can't think of much I've played online. I guess it would Monster Hunter Tri. Currently I do not have the best high speed connection and it has to be shared with whatever my wife is doing so I'm always a little too slow to be competitive in most games.

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Tue, 19 Oct 2010 11:07:56

Crap that is going back a way. Was Duck Hunt 2 player?

It might have been Streetfighter 1.

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Fri, 22 Oct 2010 14:23:38

How far are you into Gears now, Leo?

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Fri, 22 Oct 2010 14:37:13
gamingeek said:

Crap that is going back a way. Was Duck Hunt 2 player?

It might have been Streetfighter 1.

Duck Hunt was 2 player. One person controlled the ducks while the other shot.

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Fri, 22 Oct 2010 14:41:20


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Fri, 22 Oct 2010 16:56:27

i hate playing games with other people, they are normally worse then me or better and if they are worse it slows me down and cases me to die on co-op play its also no fun beating weaker people on vs and if they are better then it shows me up, i also a angry gamer i have broken a shitload of controllers and other things over the years

but i guess the first muiltiplayer game i knew of was double dragon

Edited: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 17:03:58
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