Forum > Gaming Discussion > Franchises You Love That You Don't Want Sequels To
Franchises You Love That You Don't Want Sequels To
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Tue, 28 Aug 2012 21:39:45

This thread is not for hating. Don't just throw out franchises that you want to die, you've got to be a true fan of the franchise. For example, my love for Halo died at Halo 3. Me saying I want it to die as a franchise now is just hating on something for no good reason.

Also, there are plenty of franchises I love that I do want sequels for. Uncharted, Yakuza, Gears, RE, Condemned, GTA (and I could go on all day).

So on with the thread.

Bulletstorm. I completely love this game. I think it is the most fun I've had with an FPS in a very long time. The weapons, skill development and trick system, along with the self-effacing humor and unique setting make it a game worth noticing.  But I don't want a sequel.  This game was a complete accident, a freak collision of timing.  If Epic made a sequel they would just fuck it up.  I don't know how, they just would.  Plus three top men recently left People Can Fly.

Saint's Row. I enjoyed this series immensely. I played 1 and 2 back to back and played The Third as soon as I could.  I enjoyed the second the most, but the third is a lot like Bulletstorm. An insane crescendo of bat-shit crazy.  And that's where they should leave it.  They can't top The Third.  Even if they bring more bigger, badder, faster, it still won't top The Third because it would be just replicating The Third.

I'd like to see them take it the Heavy Rain/ Silent Hill mature subdued drama route.  THAT would be over-the-top.

Burnout. I've bought and enjoyed all the Burnouts, albeit I was late to the party with Paradise. I've spent hundreds of hours in the franchise. I think Criterion had a perfect understanding of the arcade driving experience.  But I don't want a sequel. I don't even know what a Burnout game would be anymore.  I don't know who Criterion are any more. With EA's generic name-branding of NFS I can't keep track of which games are theirs and which aren't any more.

Well, that's for starters, I'll let you guys at it for a while.

God of War/ Hot Shots Golf. These fall into the, you've-outlived-your-usefullness category. Enough. Just stop. Stop. We get it. Now go away. One new HD retreatment per generation please.

Edited: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 21:47:47

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Tue, 28 Aug 2012 23:39:19

Mass Effect.

I know its cool to say something is a trilogy, then somehow keep making more of them...but in the case of this franchise I really hope Bioware ends it here and moves on. The franchise is legendary at this point...let it be remembered for what it is supposed to be.

Gears of War......same thing.

God Of War...agreed.


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Tue, 28 Aug 2012 23:51:41

Ima just leave this here:

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Wed, 29 Aug 2012 01:14:25

Little Big Planet comes to mind - The PSP version was a step backwards and LBP2 had a horrible story that was painful to complete. All of it's new features could have simply been a $9.99 expansion, and the player community could have taken over from there. I expect the Vita version will be more of the same. No reason to make a full fledged sequel for it.

I think we're also good with no more Katamari Damacy games. The original idea was magnificent and is among my favorite games of all time. The sequel, while not as good still had some innovative levels and was worth playing. Since then the best the series has had to offer was Katamari Forever, which was basically just a bunch of the original levels remade.

Definitely no more God of War. We're good there.

I'd be good with one more Bulletstorm since they left the ending completely open to one. Though they did go on the record saying the sequel, if it happened, would be much less vulgar. And fuck it, if that wasn't part of the game's charm. So maybe we are better off as a one-and-done game.

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Wed, 29 Aug 2012 11:04:31

Halo, Reach was the end for me I do not see what else they can do. They have had enough chances to do something new or radical and do not appear to be making any future games different enough to be worthwhile for me.

Splinter Cell, I got every game in the series but feel like Conviction was enough. They seem to be going faster, more daylight, more shooting. It feels a world away from the original and best IMO.

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Wed, 29 Aug 2012 15:30:23

Wolfenstein. There is just no point to it.


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Thu, 30 Aug 2012 07:46:09

Raven said: "SSX".

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Fri, 31 Aug 2012 00:35:09
aspro said:

Raven said: "SSX".

Hrm No I didn't.

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Fri, 31 Aug 2012 02:51:14


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Fri, 31 Aug 2012 08:32:29

Disgaea.  I think they could take a big break from it (like 10-12 years) so people can play the four existing ones.

Sorry Leo.

Edited: Fri, 31 Aug 2012 08:33:10


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Fri, 31 Aug 2012 08:53:56

I've bought 5 of them and not opened a single one. I've decided I need to play one before I buy another.

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Fri, 31 Aug 2012 09:35:57
aspro said:

I've bought 5 of them and not opened a single one. I've decided I need to play one before I buy another.

I'm in the exact same boat.  I have all of them and haven't played a single one of them.  I tried starting the first one at least a couple of times but I just couldn't put myself to go through all the boring dialogue etc at the beginning.  Don't altogether mind owning them as I'm sure they're quality games but I don't see when (if ever) I'll get around to playing them


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Fri, 31 Aug 2012 10:46:30



In all seriousness, I am still patiently waiting for the day someone else here recognizes the brilliance of the series...

One is kinda old now. Starting with it could be kinda tedious. The gameplay and humor still holds up, but it may seem dated overall. Once you play one and realize what it's all about, you'll never want it to end!

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Fri, 31 Aug 2012 11:00:31

I'm still waiting for you to explain to me how tog et further than a few hours in so that I can discover what it's all about. Hrm

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Fri, 31 Aug 2012 11:22:27

Mrs. Aspro will play them one day Leo.

They are strat games though right (meaning not for me).

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