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Wed, 14 May 2014 17:49:39

Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. Nyaa


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Wed, 14 May 2014 18:50:26
Archangel3371 said:

Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. Nyaa

And family should be as far away as possible. Nyaa

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Wed, 14 May 2014 19:05:27

LOL So true.


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Wed, 14 May 2014 21:43:36
I will anwer you guys friday, because I have little time now. But I will answer this.

SteelAttack said:
SupremeAC said:
gamingeek said:

But if you want to meet up with friends, you don't threaten to rape them and constantly insult them by calling them pathetic cowards etc?

It's a cultural difference.  This is how it goes where Iga lives.

I'm not well versed in dutch culture or customs, but from the little I have noticed I have the impression that dutch people are like this. Dry, extremely upfront to the point of being confrontational, and unwilling to make any compromises to the way they see things or to accomodate other people's feelings.

Pretty much true this.

Add to the fact that I am serbian and that I am an engineer and you can quadruple the asshole factor!
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Wed, 14 May 2014 22:32:59

GG doesn't want you falling in love with him.


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Wed, 14 May 2014 23:36:17

Or at least his asshole.

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Fri, 16 May 2014 11:04:09

Seriously guys, I am mostly a recluse, I see people, including my own brother very rarely. My best friend I see about twice a year as he moved to a different country. My family dominates virtually all my time aside from other commitments. I don't like pressure to meet anyone, don't like heat so rarely leave the house if it's over 23C. Don't like the rain either. And I am tired virtually all the time as I haven't slept through the night without waking for a decade.

If anyone wants/needs to meet me, a public declaration shouting match is not going to truck with me. Think of me like a visiting cat in your garden, if you want the cat to come to you, you don't point at it and shout in its face "I am coming for you! I will break your legs!"

Don't assume offence if I choose not to meet, this is why my friend(s) live locally and we can just as easily agree to meet another day rather than on a specific day, depending on how we're feeling. And whilst I live in London, it's right on the edge and a long tube journery into central.

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Fri, 16 May 2014 18:58:59

Nobody ever comes to Mexico. ;____;

Can't blame you, I wouldn't come here either, hehehe.

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Fri, 16 May 2014 19:32:26
SteelAttack said:

Nobody ever comes to Mexico. ;____;

Can't blame you, I wouldn't come here either, hehehe.

I did eat Mexican in London does that make you happy my dear?!

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Fri, 16 May 2014 20:27:32

Judgement is coming!

Dvader said:

Perhaps not mud but you view GGs stance as a negative.

No, I view GG as someone that is not a friend. I explained why that is. You might not agree, but that is my stance. Just because I do not view him as a friend does not make my statement negative. There are many people in the world I do not consider to be my friend. That does not make it negative or positive. It just is.

gamingeek said:


But if you want to meet up with friends, you don't threaten to rape them and constantly insult them by calling them pathetic cowards!

The rape thing was clearly in jest, everyone including you were laughing about it! I called you a coward, because you basically admitted you were affraid. Just rephrasing things that you yourself said. You are just making excuses here!

gamingeek said:

Different people are different, some are more comfortable meeting strangers from the internet, some not. By your definition no one on this site can be considered my friend. I talk with my acqauintances here about 8x more than I talk with my real world "friends".

Face to face time is crucial to me and in my opinion is a much healthier way of communicating than via text. I understand that because of distance we cannot have this face to face time, so texting is better than nothing. But in my opinion texting should not replace face to face communication.

And you contradict yourself a bit here GG, you call us strangers from internet than later admit that you talk with us more than you talk with your real friends! If this is true, then you just admitted that you have zero friends. Find some friends then!

gamingeek said:

bugsonglass said:

When I would visit London all the time I remember asking if gg wanted to see Arietty or meet up sometime or whatever ... he made  a passing joke about it being "a trap" (with the famous gif) ... I just left it at that.  I didn't take it personally, it hasn't affected how I feel about the person.

I think perhaps you need to re-assess your definition of friend.

It didn't help that I read it late and had other plans. I have family commitments, so I like to know well in advance what I'm doing anyway with people I know in real life even. For instance this Saturday I'm child sitting all day and as much as I'd love to ditch it, I have to be  there.

Calling BS on this one. Again your making excuses! I announced it 6 days in advance and we had a four full days window! No one is that busy!

gamingeek said:

And I suffer from a mild form of anxiety, so thanks Iga for wringing that out.

Your welcome, I suspect that this is one of the reason you are affraid to meet up! Sure you could hate me, but you also did not meet up with Bugsy who is harmless! I think it is not as mild as you think!

gamingeek said:


I did and was willing to partake in podcasts when I had a mic. Then my laptop was stolen by gypsies.

Wait?! Real actual gypsies? Did they put a curse on you?

gamingeek said:

I'm more likely to meet up with someone who is constantly friendly and respectful, (not occasionally hostile which is how you can be sometimes) who lives in my city, case in point a Miiverse friend who lives in London, who is a male about the same age and we share almost exactly the same sense of humour etc. It's easier to casually meet up rather than having this last minute I'm in London! pressure sprung on me at the last minute.

Again I did not sprung shit up the last minute! And I do not live in London, I cannot wait for you to be comfortable! I am there during those four days, if you wanna meet up it has to happen then! You do not sit there and wait stars to allign, you make time! That is if you want to meet up, but you clearly did not.

Also you find me to confrontational, you rather have someone that is more like you. Again that is fine, but more proof that we are not friends, just aquintances! I for example cannot stand passive aggressive people, because they waste my time! Again we are all different, but us two are clearly not friends!

gamingeek said:

Why is this a separate blog post BTW?

Because the other blog is bloated

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Fri, 16 May 2014 20:33:07
SupremeAC said:
gamingeek said:

But if you want to meet up with friends, you don't threaten to rape them and constantly insult them by calling them pathetic cowards etc?

It's a cultural difference.  This is how it goes where Iga lives.

Yeah man, why you got to diss my culture like that. Just bend over and thou shall receive greatness.

SteelAttack said:

I'm not well versed in dutch culture or customs, but from the little I have noticed I have the impression that dutch people are like this. Dry, extremely upfront to the point of being confrontational, and unwilling to make any compromises to the way they see things or to accomodate other people's feelings.

Honest and upfront is my prefered method, sure you might hurt their feeling a bit, but in the long run it is much more polite. Ignoring someone for example is much more cruel!

SteelAttack said:

Maybe that's some residual, genetic memory from the time when they used to rule the world.

The dutch never ruled the world only K1 and ice skating

SupremeAC said:

On behalf of the good understanding between all our mutual acquintances on this fine site, I shall not confirm, nor deny these rumours and/or assumptions.

Hmmm, I see what you did there

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Fri, 16 May 2014 20:37:01

Iga that big post was super hard to read, you need to differenciate who is speaking.

You are entitled to your opinion.

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Fri, 16 May 2014 20:42:31
travo said:
Archangel3371 said:

Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. Nyaa

And family should be as far away as possible. Nyaa

That situation was with your mum right?! Keep her out of your life, so much easier that will be!

edgecrusher said:

GG doesn't want you falling in love with him.

My heart belongs to you!

gamingeek said:

Seriously guys, I am mostly a recluse, I see people, including my own brother very rarely. My best friend I see about twice a year as he moved to a different country. My family dominates virtually all my time aside from other commitments. I don't like pressure to meet anyone, don't like heat so rarely leave the house if it's over 23C. Don't like the rain either. And I am tired virtually all the time as I haven't slept through the night without waking for a decade.

If anyone wants/needs to meet me, a public declaration shouting match is not going to truck with me. Think of me like a visiting cat in your garden, if you want the cat to come to you, you don't point at it and shout in its face "I am coming for you! I will break your legs!"

Don't assume offence if I choose not to meet, this is why my friend(s) live locally and we can just as easily agree to meet another day rather than on a specific day, depending on how we're feeling. And whilst I live in London, it's right on the edge and a long tube journery into central.

And are you happy living like a recluse, because it sure as hell does not sound like it. My suggestion is to get out f your house more often, find something you like doing, that also involves other people. I made some close friends with the demonstration team, we all share a common passion hurting people, so being friends is easy. You like reading a book? Go to a book reading club! You like writing, how about you write for a play or something. Do something. Get out of your comfort zone. Sure you will take risks and your feelings might get hurt, but guess what you do not see, happy now either. And stand up to your family.

And get in shape you will feel better and sleep better!

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Fri, 16 May 2014 20:43:51
Dvader said:

Iga that big post was super hard to read, you need to differenciate who is speaking.

You are entitled to your opinion.

I did, but then something went wrong and I had to copy paste! And it does not help that I am typing with a fucking IPad

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Fri, 16 May 2014 21:19:45
SteelAttack said:

Nobody ever comes to Mexico. ;____;

Can't blame you, I wouldn't come here either, hehehe.

I plan on going to Cancun in a few years.


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Fri, 16 May 2014 23:19:22

There is one thing that GG does in real life that bugs me and it's more jealousy than anything else, he can do what he wants. It's when he has access to some cool video game show or movie that he probably would love to go to but doesn't go.

Nintendo could host their E3 conference in his block and announce everyone who comes gets to play all the new games and take some home for free. GG would be like eh, too much effort to go. Nyaa

i still love you and if I lived there I would go all solid snake and extract you from your home by force if necessary to go to those events.

Edited: Fri, 16 May 2014 23:20:12
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Sun, 18 May 2014 10:56:43
Ah, people are people. I'd love to meet any of you in person. But I'd understand if you didn't want to meet me. Life can be busy.

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Sun, 18 May 2014 20:35:17
Dvader said:

There is one thing that GG does in real life that bugs me and it's more jealousy than anything else, he can do what he wants. It's when he has access to some cool video game show or movie that he probably would love to go to but doesn't go.

Nintendo could host their E3 conference in his block and announce everyone who comes gets to play all the new games and take some home for free. GG would be like eh, too much effort to go. Nyaa

i still love you and if I lived there I would go all solid snake and extract you from your home by force if necessary to go to those events.

GG is stuck in a rut and needs to get out of his comfort zone!

aspro said:
Ah, people are people. I'd love to meet any of you in person. But I'd understand if you didn't want to meet me. Life can be busy.

Bullshit no one is that busy, if you really want to meet up, one would make time!

See the Brad Pitt rule, it applies to setting up shit with friends to, just replace Brad Pitt with Scarlett Johansson!

Click here for the Brad Pitt rule

Edited: Sun, 18 May 2014 20:36:09
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Fri, 23 May 2014 11:39:36

WTF at your editing Iga, it's barely readable and hardly condusive for quoting and replying.

In regards to being "afraid" as you say I am I coward, I am afraid, afraid that I wont be able to tolerate your abrasive personality and basically end up hating you. I am afraid that that would change the relationship. But seeing as you are all too quick to label people cowards and chew them out in intolerant terms, that's not surprising at all.

"If this is true, then you just admitted that you have zero friends. Find some friends then!"

Stop being a fucking idiot Iga.

"Again your making excuses! I announced it 6 days in advance and we had a four full days window! No one is that busy!"

You literally have no clue what you're talking about.

"You do not sit there and wait stars to allign, you make time! That is if you want to meet up, but you clearly did not. "

Yep, I did not and do not. Not with you.

" I for example cannot stand passive aggressive people, because they waste my time!"

I hope you're not referring to me as aggresive.

"Why is this a separate blog post BTW? Because the other blog is bloated"

No, it's because you're a tool who's hurt that anyone is not grovelling to meet the almighty Iga.

So I take it anyone you know online that doesn't want to meet in person and record a podcast is not your friend?

Hands up everyone who wants to meet in Iga in person, please stand up and be counted. Fuck what melodramatic bullshit man, get a hold of yourself and drop this lifestyle advice crap you dish out to people.

And for the record I would rather cut my own anus rather than meet someone in person to record a podcast. If you want to go to lunch or see the sights in the city etc it might be mildly tempting. A forced meet up for a forced podcast with an aggressive idiot is not my idea of a good time. You're right, you're definetely not my friend.

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Fri, 23 May 2014 20:17:07
gamingeek said:

WTF at your editing Iga, it's barely readable and hardly condusive for quoting and replying.

Sorry about that, I blame the fucking iPad

gamingeek said:

In regards to being "afraid" as you say I am I coward, I am afraid, afraid that I wont be able to tolerate your abrasive personality and basically end up hating you. I am afraid that that would change the relationship. But seeing as you are all too quick to label people cowards and chew them out in intolerant terms, that's not surprising at all.

You are taking the coward thing out of context here chief. Go read the quote, you were affraid to meet up with the VG Pressers because you were affraid it would affect our friendship! It was not about me, but about VG pressers in general. Not doing stuff, because you are affraid is a definition of being a coward! If you do not like being called a coward stop acting like one! If you are brave I will call you brave! It is also very pessimistic of you to assume the worst when we meet up, our friendship can be ruined, we might not get eachother! The opposite can happen also, why assume the worst?

To be blunt, reading your post you do not sound happy at all! Frankly your situation as a recluse do not sound healthy at all and if you keep going as you are, your situation will not improve! You can hate me all you want, tell me to stop this lifestyle advice crap, but only you can help you! Stop making excuses and improve yourself! This is my advice to you, you can choose to ignore it, if you want!

gamingeek said:

Stop being a fucking idiot Iga.

You literally have no clue what you're talking about.

I doubt that, if one wants to meet up one will make time. Brad Pitt rule is never wrong!

gamingeek said:

Yep, I did not and do not. Not with you.

If if was your Turkish crush and I wanted you to fuck me, you would drop everything and get you ass over here pronto! Again the Brad Pitt rule! So we are in agreement here!

gamingeek said:

" I for example cannot stand passive aggressive people, because they waste my time!"

I hope you're not referring to me as agressive.

No I was not, It was just a general example. And I was talking about passive aggressive, not aggressive!

gamingeek said:

"Why is this a separate blog post BTW? Because the other blog is bloated"

No, it's because you're a tool who's hurt that anyone is not grovelling to meet the almighty Iga.

Hey, you can believe that if it make you sleep better, but it is not true! The reason is, because I thought a seperate blog would gather more attention. But if you think I am hurt because you did not want to meet me, please?! I am used to a lot worse!

gamingeek said:

So I take it anyone you know online that doesn't want to meet in person and record a podcast is not  your friend?

No, I cannot consider persons that avoid me like the plague to be friends. Being friends is not just a default setting, it is something that is earned.

gamingeek said:

Hands up everyone who wants to meet in Iga in person, please stand up and counted.

There where various people that said they would meet up with me, but even if they are lying! Foolz and Homer met up with me! Not sure why you want to include others in this argument!

gamingeek said:

Fuck what melodramatic bullshit man, get a hold of yourself and drop this lifestyle advice crap you dish out to people.

If you do not like my advice you are free to ignore it!

gamingeek said:

And for the record I would rather cut my own anus rather than meet someone in person to record a podcast. If you want to go to lunch or see the sights in the city etc it might be mildly tempting.

Dude stop lying to yourself, you never had any intention to meet up with me, podcast or otherwise!

gamingeek said:

A forced meet up for a forced podcast with an aggressive idiot is not my idea of a good time.

No your idea of a good time is watching fairy tail! What was that quote again? You do not die for your friends, you live for them?! Guess what, you won't find those friends hiding behind your computer!

gamingeek said:

You're right, you're definetely not my friend.

So we reached a concensus, nice!

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