Final Steam SS Tally:
- PixelJunk Eden
- WH40K Space Marine (gift)
- Hacker Evolution Duality/Comp
- Alan Wake
- AW's American Nightmare
- Ys Origin (gift)
- Ys The Oath in Felghana (gift)
- Arx Fatalis (gift thanks edge!)
- Trine 2
- EU III: Divine Wind
- Galactic Civilizations II Ultimate
- Recettear (Gift)
- Chantelise (Gift)
- Syberia 2 (Gift)
- Divinity II: Dragon Knight Saga
- Post Mortem
- Grand Ages: Rome
- Grand Ages: Rome - Reign of Augustus
- Patrician IV
- Broken Sword Trilogy
- Still Life
- Still Life 2
- Robin Hood
- Evochron Mercenary
- Legend of Grimrock
My final Steam tally:
- Heretic/Hexen Pack 5.99 USD (Heretic, HeXen: Beyond Heretic , HeXen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel, and HeXen II)
- Wolfenstein 3D 2.99 USD
- Spear of Destiny 2.99 USD
- Final Doom 5.99 USD
- Doom 2 + Master levels for Doom II - 5.99 USD
- Ultimate Doom 5.99 USD
- Star Wars: KOTOR 2.49 USD
- Dark Forces 2.99 USD
- Bastion - 2.49
- Original Quake + both expansions - 11.97
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein- 5.99
- Portal 1 & 2 - 6.24
- Fable: The Lost Chapters - 2.49
- Jade Empire: Special Edition - 7.49
Gave in and added in the Indy Bundle X, so here's my final Steam list:
- Borderlands: GOTY Edition
- Company of Heroes
- Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts
- Darksiders
- Dawn of War II: Retribution - The Last Standalone
- Homefront
- Metro 2033
- Nexuiz
- STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl
- Saints Row: The Third
- Titan Quest
- Titan Quest - Immortal Throne
- Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution
- Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
- Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II
- Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Chaos Rising
- Left 4 Dead 2
- All Zombies Must Die!
- Beat Hazard
- Eufloria
- Machinarium
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileif you ever plan to play with a friend games such as:
- L4D2
- Titan Quest/Immortal Throne
- Borderlands
just let me know.
SteelAttack said:if you ever plan to play with a friend games such as:
- L4D2
- Titan Quest/Immortal Throne
- Borderlands
just let me know.
I own all of those games, add me on Steam: KillerJuan77
Anyways, I got Post Mortem, I remember loving it (It's sequels Still Life and Still Life 2 are pretty good as well) but I didn't own it (I have a piracy heavy background), plus, I kind of missed some details that turns out were absolutely important and... grotesque.
Killerjuan77 said:
I own all of those games, add me on Steam: KillerJuan77
Sure thing. Are you the one with the robot as a profile pic?
I always freak out at the prospect of sending a friend request to the wrong guy.
Hah funny thing. I picked up Post Mortem and the Still Life bundle today.
SteelAttack said:Sure thing. Are you the one with the robot as a profile pic?
I always freak out at the prospect of sending a friend request to the wrong guy.
Yep, it's actually Jehuty from Zone Of The Enders.
Also, a fair warning about the "Still Life" trilogy... they aren't particularly appropiate for children or even teenagers, they can get very dark, disturbing and unpleasant (There's a lot of violence and blood, some nudity and tons of messed up sexual innuendos).
My Steam booty for my make-pretend computer was (thanks for KillerJuan for starting all this)
- Dear Esther
- Theif II - The Metal one
- Bastion
- Torchlight and
- Plants vs. Zombies.
Wasn't planning on buying much this year...
Chronicles of Mystery - The Scorpio Ritual |
1.24 USD |
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals |
1.24 USD |
Post Mortem |
2.49 USD |
Still Life 2 |
2.49 USD |
Double Fine Bundle |
7.49 USD |
Still Life |
2.49 USD |
Bulletstorm |
7.49 USD |
GTA IV Complete Bundle |
7.49 USD |
Railworks 3: TS2012 + Horseshoe Curve |
3.99 USD |
Runaway, The Dream of the Turtle (ROW) |
2.49 USD |
Runaway: A Twist of Fate |
4.99 USD |
Dear Esther |
2.49 USD |
Bioshock 2 |
4.99 USD |
From Dust |
3.74 USD |
Alan Wake Bundle (Summer 2012) |
9.99 USD |
Killerjuan77 said:
Yep, it's actually Jehuty from Zone Of The Enders.Also, a fair warning about the "Still Life" trilogy... they aren't particularly appropiate for children or even teenagers, they can get very dark, disturbing and unpleasant (There's a lot of violence and blood, some nudity and tons of messed up sexual innuendos).
Thanks for the heads up mang.
I think in some ways it's a kind of blessing in disguise that I missed the Steam sales. I always end up buying a bunch of stuff and then hardly playing anything. Instead I bought another bunch of console games I don't know how much I will get to play of them. Keep feeling I want to get into fighting games a bit more seriously (trying to revive my glory days of the 90ies) but so far I'm not feeling it much. Here's the latest batch of fighting games I bought to put on my shelf and hope to play one day.
- Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition
- Tekken 6
- Marvel vs Capcom 3
- Street Fighter X Tekken
- SoulCalibur V
- King of Fighters XIII
I will also buy that Skullgirls game Robio likes so much ones I am back home and I get some PSN credit
Archangel3371 said:Grabbed the 12 dlc characters for Street Fighter X Tekken today. 1600 MSP/$20.
12 characters?!!!!! Bastards, this must be one of those "already on the disc" DLC deals
I bought: Binary Domain
Bought the Complete Edition of LA Noir. Aspro said that the DLC cases are some of the best, and I also read something along the lines of needing the DLC to get the actual ending (or something along those lines). Hate buying games more than once, but I think buying this works out cheaper than paying for all the DLC (and maybe I can sell off the plain edition - though there's not much chance of that).
Not sure if this will come in the post before I leave though, which is what worries me a little. But even if it doesn't I trust I will have enough games to play until I get my hands on it
Cool! Can't wait to get some impressions from you on Binary Domain and LA Noire.
aspro said:Cool! Can't wait to get some impressions from you on Binary Domain and LA Noire.
Thanks. Hope to at least get Binary Domain in the post by Monday. They've both been dispatched, allegedly.
I buy tons of games, but I normally wait until their price goes down to something reasonable (usually £18 or lower). Once every blue moon I will buy a game full price and feel that not only is it worth that, but feel lucky to be in the position to buy the game in the first place. One such game is the latest entry in Nintendo's Rhythm Heaven series. Beat the Beat for Wii. I feel lucky firstly that such games are still being made, and I feel doubly lucky that they are being localised and being released in the West, because some years ago we would be having to pay exorbidant prices to import this game from Japan... and it would have been worth it.
Another such game I got, when I felt that it was almost an honour to get to buy was Bit Trip Complete. A collection of all six of the Bit Trip Wiiware titles, plus lots of extras and unlockables and with a bonus soundtrack CD. Even though I had already bought some of these as Wiiware, this project means so much to me that I felt very glad to be able to support it. I may even get the 3DS version to check the remade graphics and 3D backgrounds. So while, the Wii has been dead in the water for the last two years, it's ironic that some of the most vibrant and important titles are still being made for it. I miss it already.
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep