Forum > Gaming Discussion > Gaming Evolutions for the next 2nd half of this generation - JRPGs vs WRPGs, FPS/RPG hybrids
Gaming Evolutions for the next 2nd half of this generation - JRPGs vs WRPGs, FPS/RPG hybrids
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Mon, 08 Feb 2010 07:44:48
With MS and Sony saying that they're going for a 10 year life-cycle, we may only be half way through this generation. Even more, we may just have scratched the surface of how current-gen games will evolve.

Just wondering what you guys think of some of the new gaming trends we're seeing in today's games, particularly for this topic: RPGs.


1. Are RPGs the future of First-Person/Third-Person Shooters?
RPG and FPS hybrids are nothing new, we've seen this with Deus Ex. But with Borderlands, Mass Effect 2, and the upcoming Alpha Protocol...even Fallout 3 was basically a FPS... it's becoming very mainstream now whereas in the past, it was more niche or a cult hit. Will this RPG/FPS gameplay style really be the next evolution for shooters? Cliffy B. thinks so, what about you guys?

2. JRPGs will become more obsolete and more niche than before.
JRPGs dominated the past two generations. Every JRPG, especially Final Fantasy, was always a huge event. Any console that had Final Fantasy usually dominated the system wars battle.

But things really have changed. It seems to me that FFXIII is the first main Final Fantasy game that feels like it's less hyped than the previous ones. I mean it's still hyped, but not as much. It's not the genre defining or momentum changing game that FFVII or FFX was.

I don't see JRPGs, other than FFXIII, making any impact especially with western RPGs taking over mainstream success. Fallout 3, Oblivion, Dragon-Age, and now Mass Effect 2 are huge hits. And the scary part is, it's just the beginning. However, JRPGs have been getting worse and worse this generation. Yes, there are exceptions like Demons Souls, but what other Japanese RPG developer would take those kinds of risks?

I have a feeling JRPGs impact in the industry is waning. FFXIII really could be the swan song or the last biggest JRPG release we may see. Hopefully that's not true but I have a feeling it will be, especially with Mass Effect 2 taking away Final Fantasy XIII's limelight. White Knight Story, although still good for fans, is still a troubling example of how the mighty console JRPG power has faded.


RPGs have always been my genre of choice, but I do admit it's not big for me like it used to be. But these are some trends I'm seeing. It's sort of sad to see JRPGs impact dwindling. I personally still prefer playing JRPGs over WRPGs, but the tides have turned and WRPGs are now more mainstream and more dominant now.

It'll be interesting to see how successful FFXIII will be. But I have a feeling, other than Japan, it won't match Mass Effect 2's numbers.

The mighty truly has fallen? (referring to Square-Enix).


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Mon, 08 Feb 2010 08:18:00

#1. It's a good idea.  I mean, FPS has been around for almost 20 years now, and graphically it almost has no where to go.  So adding a deeper level of character development (which is essentially what RPGs have to offer) is a logical extension, one which I would welcome -- though I'm still waiting for my Guitar Hero RPG (in which you bring a band up from nothing, roaming the land fighting random battles by riffing).

As an example of how this was introduced, and then rejected by the marketplace, the Houser brothers tried this in GTA: San Andreas, when they sought to extend the life of their concept by introducing RPG elements.  They succeeded in implementation but most did not like it and it was not carried on in the PSP sequels or GTA4.

#2. As long as JRPGs are successful in their target country they will continue.  To me JRPG means turn-based combat, and I'd like to see that continue -- I really enjoy the deliberative process over twitch gaming (for my RPGs at least).  

Edited: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 19:27:19

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Tue, 09 Feb 2010 15:16:16

I think your example of FPS becoming RPGs is a good example. Games aren't inventing new things, they are cannabalising other genres and mixing them together to make everyman games. Eventually I hope that games will be able to successfully mix a variety of mechanics and play styles seamlessly.

Zelda has been doing it for years, i.e horseback riding, flying, canoe riding, dungeons, action etc.

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Tue, 09 Feb 2010 19:19:31
I am all for FPS trying different things, the core action FPS will always be there and it is nice to have different styles.  I hope the majority of RPGs remain third person.

Yes JRPG are on their way out or will become something you find mostly on handhelds. The WRPG has taken over. Oblivion, Fallout 3, Mass Effect, Dragon Age are mega hits, I dont see an JRPGs doing that anymore.
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