Gaming Resolutions for 2013
1. Stop buying every single game that is on sale. I don't need to play everything, I don't need to own everything. My backlog is enormous, I need to bring it down.
2. Never pay full price for a game again. With the deals BB offers and all the other competitors offer there is no reason to ever pay $60 for a game on day one. Well I might fork up $60 but I am for sure getting back a big chunk of that money. Over the holiday season I got halo 4, CoD, far Cry 3 and AC3 for $25 and under through deals and price matching even though I bought them on day one.
3. Don't buy RPGs I never intend to play. That means no DQX, FF whatever, Pokemon or any other game until I play the ones I own.
4. Never buy a season pass again. Total ripoff.
5. Only buy a game I intend to play immediately. If I won't play it immediately it can wait.
6. Finish Xenoblade at some point.
7. Play Endless Ocean at some point.
8. Actually play all the Yakuza games I own.
2. Never pay full price for a game again. With the deals BB offers and all the other competitors offer there is no reason to ever pay $60 for a game on day one. Well I might fork up $60 but I am for sure getting back a big chunk of that money. Over the holiday season I got halo 4, CoD, far Cry 3 and AC3 for $25 and under through deals and price matching even though I bought them on day one.
3. Don't buy RPGs I never intend to play. That means no DQX, FF whatever, Pokemon or any other game until I play the ones I own.
4. Never buy a season pass again. Total ripoff.
5. Only buy a game I intend to play immediately. If I won't play it immediately it can wait.
6. Finish Xenoblade at some point.
7. Play Endless Ocean at some point.
8. Actually play all the Yakuza games I own.
Edited: Fri, 04 Jan 2013 16:20:55
Ravenprose said:1. Have fun with gaming again.
Multiplayer with your buddies a th VGPress.
Ravenprose said:Multiplayer? What's that?
Don't worry. There hasn't been a multiplayer game worth a damn since Combat.
I plan to stick to the plan I've had for the last few years. Only buy games I want to play, regardless of the zeitgeist.
Only play games that can be deomonstrably beaten, and beat as close to 40 a year as I can.
I hope to have a 3DS by the middle of the year (or whenever DQ7 drops), a gaming PC sooner, and reasons to buy a Wii U, PS4 and new XB before the end of the year.
100,000 points on Killzone 2. Easy.
Write a positive review for Journey when I play it, whether I like it or not.
Finish at least 24 games.
Do my best to not buy any game on launch day again. They always drop in price after three weeks, unless a store is run by total morons.
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Archangel3371 (51s)
1. Finally get around to playing Zelda: Skyward Sword. I'd probably like this game right? Right? Well, I've never disliked a Zelda game so it's probably high time I check this game out.
2. Get and stick with a Gamefly account. Money will be tight this year so the idea of renting games is starting to look appealing again. Whenever I've tried a Gamefly account though I've always felt bad about not owning the games that I'm playing and eventually I go back to buying. . . only to sell 75% of the games I buy back to Gamestop at some later time. I need to reconcile that dumbass mentality of mine and start saving a few bucks.
3. Play one well reviewed game in a genre that I'd normally never touch. I've kind of gotten back about playing in my comfort zone again, but I used to make it a point to try out different games in the past and on occasion it's panned out. That little rule was responsible for why I ultimately played RE4 and Bulletstorm, two of my all time favorites. Then again I need to choose carefully, lest I get another fucking piece of crap like Journey.
4. Play more multiplayer. I always enjoy multiplayer and have no idea why I don't do more of it. Playing Street Fighter with Leo was always fun, and god knows I loved playing Mario Kart against people (who were far inferior to me). For whatever reason I've barely done that in the past 6 months. Again I think I blame Journey.
5. One way or another play Persona 4. I'm not in a hurry to do so at the moment as Persona 2: IS is keeping me quite occupied, but at some point this year whether it's by picking up a Vita, getting a PS2 again, or by the grace of god Atlus decides to put the original version of it on PSN I am going to play this game.