Iga_Bobovic said:meh, posted most of the news already at GGweekly
Could I have my ass kicking now, please!
That's where I got my last update from. This is meant for GDC discussion more than news hogging, mèrde.
SteelAttack said:
So does the Onlive thing! Think about it, instead of having the consumer buy the hardware, you have the hardware at a central place. This computer must be monsterous. I think it would not be pratical at all. In a few years (10 maybe) we will have photorealistic graphics. What would be the point of using a single super computer then?
Unstable, unreliable ISPs, bandwidth caps, limited BB speeds with real speeds far below the advertised ones. They all make for a heavy set of obstacles for a succesful implementation of the service, lag or no lag. Just imagine the size of its servers.
Steel do this for the GGD, its a madhouse over there.
Aggreed on OnLive, its the future but future as in 10-20 years from now. We are no where near ready for this. For now it will be a nice premium service for PC owners, but console makers will still make exclusives, consoles will still be around, etc.
Iga_Bobovic said:I will write about it if you guys are interested!
Do it, rancid penis. What do you think we made this thread for? Discussing the size of Fedor's wang?
SteelAttack said:So, 2009 just started and we already have some meaty stuff to chew on while we sit on the bog waiting for that walrus to come out, right, GG?
He's hibernating. Has been since 2008.
OnLive is an awesome concept. I think that the hardware makers will hate it and not support it though. Technically there is tons to overcome though. I dont quite understand how millions of gamers can be using a few central computers to all play different games at the same time.
Can you imagine playing a game though and having your net connection suddenly wig out for a few seconds and lose your progress? Or a laggy period messing with your controller inputs? Hi def gaming requires a what? Internet connections may be that cheap and that fast in the states, but over here unless you have cash to lay down on super fast fibre optical cables, plus the monthly subscription, well it just aint happening.
So when does the Iwata borefest begin.
The only bomb he's going to drop is a new Tingle game.
SteelAttack said:Iga_Bobovic said:I will write about it if you guys are interested!Do it, rancid penis. What do you think we made this thread for? Discussing the size of Fedor's wang?
Fedor is not hung like a horse, horses are hung like Fedor.
About my vision.
Well I always imagined the computer is going to pay a bigger and bigger role in the future. I am thinking of a central computer in your own home. Huge and powerfull one that is used for everything. For Television, pc duties, internet and simple things like regulating heat and energy. All these devices are connected to a single computer by wireles network.
The same would be true for your 'console'. It would be basically be a box with controllers. The computing power and storage would be done by the central computer. Playing games will be downloading the game on the central computers hard drive and then play it. I think this will be possible in 10-20 years because computers will be way more powerfull then. So generating photorealistic graphics would not be a problem in a technical sense (would still remain a problem to create a photorealistic game, in terms of time and development cost).
So playing Nintendo games for example would mean you buy a 'console' in the store that is basically a box and a controller. Buying this will give you the right to download Nintendo games. Of course you still pay for the games. You download Super Mario Omniverse and play it with you Wii-Emotion double plus. For other 'consoles' you buy other boxes with different controllers or use the same box with different controllers. Another benefit is more flexibility, you do not have to use a tv. If someone wants to make a Virtual Reality helmet, they can. Just connect it to the wireless network.
The central computer is of course connected to the internet and therefore on all the other central computers. Here comes the main difference between this plan and theirs. When you are not using your central computer, your computing power is used to strengthen all the other central computers. They will create a huge neural network. This means the computing power is decentralized. This would make a more robust system.
Why I like this idea better
- Everyone has a PC or some sort of computer at home, and computing power is only going to increase. Might as well use what we have
- No latency issues, you download on your central computer, then you can play with no worries
- Central computer only provides power and storage, the rest can be done by console manufacturer.
- Neural net means more power for the computers, and if one breaks the rest can take the load. It is therefore much more flexible
- No centralization, you decide what you do with your computer, there is no one with a huge supercomputer that can control you.
- Neural network will become so powerful it will become self aware. Then it would wipe humanity of the planet.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
I don't get Steamworks... sounds like just removing DRM?
Foolz said:That Cry Engine 3 is awesome!But, the city was full of jaggies.
I don't get Steamworks... sounds like just removing DRM?
Steamworks is just Steam. Register the copy to Steam, only allow Steam users registered to that account to use the game. They're right, as long as you have Steam you don't have DRM, but that's about the equivalent statement of saying that as long as you have SecuROM, you don't have any DRM. Note the elephant in the room.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYodariquo said:Foolz said:That Cry Engine 3 is awesome!But, the city was full of jaggies.
I don't get Steamworks... sounds like just removing DRM?Steamworks is just Steam. Register the copy to Steam, only allow Steam users registered to that account to use the game. They're right, as long as you have Steam you don't have DRM, but that's about the equivalent statement of saying that as long as you have SecuROM, you don't have any DRM. Note the elephant in the room.
Yeah. Steam, by definition, needs not DRM because they are the DRM.
Yodariquo said:^Not going to happen so long as computers have Operating Systems in the way we do now. People are not going to depend on so many services wherein malicious code can wipe out not just a computer with some work and games, but primary functions of the household.
You are right, I do not think gas and electric companies would like to take a risk with windows. Needed is a better operating system, maybe 20 to 40 years then.
P.S. Steel you cum bucket, why have you not responded? You wanted me to write it down and now you just ignore it!
Yodariquo said:Foolz said:That Cry Engine 3 is awesome!But, the city was full of jaggies.
I don't get Steamworks... sounds like just removing DRM?Steamworks is just Steam. Register the copy to Steam, only allow Steam users registered to that account to use the game. They're right, as long as you have Steam you don't have DRM, but that's about the equivalent statement of saying that as long as you have SecuROM, you don't have any DRM. Note the elephant in the room.
Ah it makes sense now. They remove the DRM, replace it with DRM, then change its name!
Please bear with me as I can only update on a irregular basis. I'll try to keep this baby as current as possible.
Click here to go take a peek at Crytek's new, hot CryEngine3. Watch it and despair.
World of Goo dev calls indie developers to ditch DRM and publishers altogether, and aim to digital distribution first and foremost.
Go here for a sneak preview of Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 (now that's a mouthful), sporting new playable characters, new bosses, new weapons, and Sixaxis functionality for Ninpo attacks. Yeah, that last thing sounds shitty.
OnLive. Could this be the future of gaming? Lag concerns and shitty BB speeds all across the world say otherwise. Still, it looks promising.
BioShock goes mobile. Really.
A new console for emerging markets. This reeks of Phantom 2.
Kodu: Game programming for dummies and Igas.
New Dev Tools from Microsoft. I wonder if those dev kits also RRoD?
EA unleashes its massive wang onto the iPhone platform.
New anti piracy measures from Microsoft. Fuck, do we need more of this shit?
Steamworks update throws DRM into obsolescence.Some Ubi guy thinks games and movies should be joint projects. Perhaps movie tie-ins won't be so shitty that way?
InFamous preview. Two missions. Sounds boring. Even though the premise of the game is neat. And screens!
Ben Matthes ponders about in-game mortality, and perhaps his very own.
Hothead Games talks about Episodic Gaming and the indie scene. Interesting take on the limitations posed by current online services:
* the platforms won't accept all content
* developers can't control when their games are released
* developers can't control pricing or promotions
* current pricing structures are limited
* gamers can't pre-order or prepay
Ubisoft unveils R.U.S.E. An all new RTS.
And what about this Risen preview?
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Video.
Duke Nukem goes portable with a triology. Fo real.
Update on Fat Princess.A preview on a shitty G.I.Joe game. I'd rather play a moose's wang than this game. Yeah, you could say I dislike G.I.Joe.
Raven just had a boner.
Make LOVE, not war.
Microsoft developed suppositories! Thanks to Kaepora for the heads up. He'll become our resident suppository expert.
Wanna squeeze my balls? No? Official announcement.
Sony's upcoming MMOs vaguely dated.
Pata pata pataPON 2 preview.
PixelJunk Eden Encore hands-on.
Treasure World preview. Now this actually sounds neat!
Big SD card support for Wii. A storage solution has been worked out. GG is amazed by the speed they implemented this solution at.
Rock and Roll Climber announced. This game is being developed for Robio exclusively.
3 more FF titles coming. My Life as a Darklord, FFIV: The After Years, and the original FF on VC.
Virtual Console Arcade unveiled. Launch games:
- Gaplus, a Namco Bandai shooter more commonly known as "Galaga 3"
- Mappy, a Namco Bandai platformer starring a mouse police officer
- Star Force, a scrolling shooter developed by Tehkan
- The Tower of Druaga, a Namco maze game
New Zelda DS title coming. Vader is happy?
Punch Out Wii allegedly to sport multiplayer features?
Moving Memo and WarioWare for DSi.
Here's an Eurogamer hands on session with PunchOut!!.
1000 DSi points for euro buyers.
DSi Gallery. Neat.
A new Kojima game in the works, to be announced at E3.
More Halo 3 content on its way. After that new game and the Mythic map pack.
Game Designer Extravaganza! SUDA talks about pooping!
Military Madness Hands On.
Insomniac goes Nocturnal again.
Fat Princess developer walkthrough.
Crytek talks about CryEngine3.
DSiWare launch lineup.
Braid cost 200 grand to make.
Blizzard's Rob Pardo talks about The Living Room Wars.
Pachter says we have seen the last generation of consoles.
New Resistance 2 DLC.
Media Molecule: Halfway through LBP.
More stuff on R.U.S.E.
New Kojima game to be announced at E3.
Acclaim's David Perry on his OnLive-like service.
Censorship in Videogames.
IGF Award Winners 2009.
OnLive video demos. Crysis on a measly laptop? Sure!
Details on Star Trek XBLA/PSN game.
News on Unbound Saga.
Worms on their way to PSN.
GT5P And Motorstorm2 in 3D.
Atlantica Online trailer.
Legio trailer.
GDC Virtual Console Arcade video.
R.U.S.E. dev interview.
aaaand gameplay demos: One, two and three.
Lots of PunchOut gameplay videos for youuuu!
Elven Legacy game presentation. Huh? And an ingame trailer.
Postal 3 trailer.
Phyre engine dev walkthrough.
ID CEO talks about Quake Live and Rage.
Kojima practically confirms MGS6, offers jobs for devs, and raises the bar in PowerPoint presentations.
It might be about Raiden, after all.
Are Game ratings broken?
Sony to match dev budgets with guaranteed royalties. For PS exclusivity, of course.
Learn from Legends. And laugh at EA's expenses in the process.
Noby Noby Boy coming to iPhone. Good. Let him stay there.
Diner Dash hands-on.
Miami Law hands-on. Dvader not included.
Modern Warfare tosses away the CoD name.
Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time announced. Hehehe. Crack.
WiiMotion Plus still scheduled for spring.
The Future of Fable. Ol' Petey talks about what's next.
The Sims 3 will not have DRM. Someone's head is slowly going out of an ass.
30 Minutes with Nintendo.
Peter Molyneux interview.
Crysis Warhead's autopsy report.
Parabellum update.
Meet the gaming press. Is it up to the task?
L4D is not about zombies, Valve states.
Blueberry Garden wins indie awards.
BioWare tallks Mass Effect 2.
Why are Valve games so polished? Or...why Gabe Newell owns?
Kojima talks touch.