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Gears of War 3! Let's get our co-op on!
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Sun, 18 Sep 2011 14:36:02


It's here, finally after quite a wait. The end of a trilogy on the 360, the end of an era (till the next trilogy) razz.gif What are you most excited for? The single player campaign? Can't wait to see how it ends? The co-op challenge? Or the multiplayer matches? For the first time, I'm actually more excited to play with friends in multiplayer. I think it's because the beta was so amazing.

In this thread, let's discuss the game. Your like and dislikes. Does it improve the Gears formula or disappoint? Post impressions here and remember the spoiler tags.

Reviews from Metacritic (I'm having trouble linking)

Joystiq- 100


Game Informer-95

Gamespot- 95

1Up- 91

Edge- 90

Games Radar- 90





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Mon, 19 Sep 2011 00:55:45

So what should we look forward to?  A single player experience that rivals or surpasses the other two?  By most accounts, the single player experience never strays too far from the Gears story.  The same tight action where you you're ducking, figuring out the right moment to blow some alien's head off.   Of course there are new weapons and the chance to place a grenade on a grub them toss him towards the others!  But what was most surprising is how engaging and touching the epilogue is.   There's supposed to be many twists and turns to this story.  You can tackle the campaign by your lonesome, in two player splitscreen or four player co-op!

Multiplayer?  To be honest, I never bothered with Gears 2's mp.  I wasn't into that kind of experience back then.  But from my small time with it this past spring, it's gonna be amazing.  It feels slow, sluggish at first, especially if you're used to the fast paced action in Uncharted.  But once you get a feel for it, it's almost as crazy, hectic and fun.  This is best experienced with friends like that night I played with Archie, Bear and Steel. I can't wait to try out every multiplayer option.

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Mon, 19 Sep 2011 19:44:56

Oh man it's finally almost here. I'm looking forward to everything about this game single-player campaign, co-op campaign, horde 2.0, the whole works. The mp beta was fantastic and everything I've seen on the game looks freakin' awesome. There's no doubt that this will be my personal Game of the Year for 2011. Grinning

It definitely feels like the end of an era with this trilogy coming to a close. It also feels like this generation is approaching a time of transition and getting ready for the next gen. I can't wait to see how everything turns out from here story-wise.

GTTV is having a Gears 3 launch special in New Yorks Times Square at 11:30 EST on Spike tonight. Should be awesome.


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Tue, 20 Sep 2011 12:32:25

Logged about an hour so far, and digging. Loving more the little touches and shoutouts more than anything else. Like a pretty neat Aliens reference around the third mission or so.

I'm down for co-op anytime - DarthHomer88 is my gamertag.

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Wed, 21 Sep 2011 01:21:12

There's something so comforting about this game, how it just feels familiar, Marcus barking orders, Baird's sarcasm, the bond between Marcus and Dom.  I'm glad to revisit this universe again.   The action is still top notch, especially the variety of ways to kill.   I cracked up at Dom with his plants and his worry about them being destroyed.

I'm eagerly awaiting the return of Carmine.

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Wed, 21 Sep 2011 01:26:13

*grumble* Playing. *grumble*

Y'all Happy now?! I have WAAAY too many games to play now... +1!


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Wed, 21 Sep 2011 01:37:22

Yay!  I saw you playing earlier.   We must get a 4 player co-op going later....and some multiplayer too!

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Wed, 21 Sep 2011 01:47:15

Yes. We'll definitely have to play. Only problem is, I'm an early riser and early sleeper and you (have to) play late.

We'll have to consciously coordinate something around the weekend.

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Wed, 21 Sep 2011 20:53:51

Edge, the Gears 3 owners are in here.  Got you Homer.  If I see you online, I'll shoot you an invite or you can just join me.   I joined Bear last night for a tiny bit, but had to go. Maybe tonight we can all get together for some co-op or mp.

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Thu, 22 Sep 2011 01:36:18

I am REALLY looking forward to this weekend! Maybe I'll actually get the chance to play a Gears game with you Travo!


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Thu, 22 Sep 2011 03:39:49

Holy shit! Act 1: Chapter's 5 and 6 just kicked this game into high gear.  I was concerned about the challenge, especially after playing in hardcore and still steamrolling enemies, but things have changed now.....and some of these new weapons!

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Thu, 22 Sep 2011 04:08:17

Yes!  Act 1 completed!  That was great how everything tied together at the end.

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Sun, 25 Sep 2011 02:35:43


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Sun, 25 Sep 2011 02:38:58

Glad I was able to play with you a bit. I would have played longer, but I was playing for a while before you joined in!

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Sun, 25 Sep 2011 04:33:04

How long WERE you there, btw...? I was playing for a while then I noticed you had possessed Dom...

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Sun, 25 Sep 2011 04:37:35

No worries.  I thought you might have been peeved that I joined you.  I would have been here sooner but we had to go to my sister's for her birthday.

My character is now a level 15 tonight playing Horde mode with S0lid, Dez, and Metamania.  We reached level 32 in Horde mode which was insane!

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Sun, 25 Sep 2011 04:41:48
phantom_leo said:

How long WERE you there, btw...? I was playing for a while then I noticed you had possessed Dom...

Did it not tell you that I joined?  I feel like a voyeur now.  I did that with Bear as well and I'm beginning to wonder if he knew I played with him the other night.  I started right at the very end of act 1 when we pushed the tickers over the bridge.

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Sun, 25 Sep 2011 04:45:44

I'm gonna have to try some of the online modes!

I didn't know that you even COULD just jump in my game! I thought I had to set something to make it possible for people to join. It's kinda cool that you COULD just jump in like that. I feel bad though; I seldom sit for too long for anyone else to get any enjoyment out of playing with me... and I had already played for something like 45 mins when (I think) you joined me...

I think I am almost level Five. I haven't had much time to play since it came out this week, and A LOT of the time I have had has gone to Disgaea and sleeping!  Nyaa

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Sun, 25 Sep 2011 04:48:13
travo said:

Did it not tell you that I joined?  I feel like a voyeur now.  I did that with Bear as well and I'm beginning to wonder if he knew I played with him the other night.  I started right at the very end of act 1 when we pushed the tickers over the bridge.

I did not notice you AT ALL until we were under the overpasses where the snipers were in the area before the Catapult... creature... thingees...

There was NO NOTIFICATION at all... I just looked over and Travo-basic was hovering over Dom at one point!

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Sun, 25 Sep 2011 04:48:58

If you check your friends list, you see arrows by the ones that you can join.   I thought you had to set it up as well, but that must not be the case.

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