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Getting to old for Pokemon
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Fri, 19 Mar 2010 01:52:04
It's a bad habit. Whenever a new game comes out, I just have to have it.

But lately I've been showing some constraint. I didn't get Infinite Space like I wanted to. I plan on not picking up Fragile Dreams or Sakura Wars because I have no money for these. My money went to Final Fantasy XIII and Bad Company 2, which are far better choices in my opinion. And I'm still saving up for Resonance of Fate, also waiting for more reviews to see if I want it.

Than comes Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, out of nowhere. And it's $40, which is quite pricey for a DS game.

Prices aside, I was so close to getting one today. But then I thought to myself for a second and it hit me. I'm too old for Pokemon. I have no time to play these again. I have no money. So why do I need this?

I don't.

And I made a breakthrough today...I decided not to give in and I won't buy Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver. And most of all, I decided not to buy a PS3 at this time. I love my 360 so I came to the conclusion that I don't really need another system. I need to play my Wii more, for example.

But back to Pokemon, of course these are really deep RPGs that even mature gamers, like us here, can still enjoy. But I have to face the music and grow up. I guess I'm glad I did that. I'm glad that I'm not spending money on everything that gets released. I need restraint and not be a spendthrift. Besides there are better things to do with my heard-earned money.


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Fri, 19 Mar 2010 02:16:20

I set a budget for gaming starting 5 weeks ago and set a personal goal for myself in another area of my life.  So if I meet that personal goal I get to spend the money. Limiting my spending and forcing myself to be a more careful shopper has brought back the joy of buying for me.  I dig through game specific forum threads, reviews, research on wiki etc...  It's a lot of fun.

To Pokemon.  I don't like the way they took Pokemon with Pearl, and this is just a remake using that engine, so I'm not getting it.

No PS3 though?  Hey, it's your decision man.

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Fri, 19 Mar 2010 02:19:58

aspro said:

No PS3 though?  Hey, it's your decision man.

Yeah. I wanted the PS3 for Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2's multiplayer. But because of Battlefield Bad Company 2 and my bro recently getting the game, I think I'll stick with those for now.

But I need to save money right now. Money's tight so it's a wise decision I think.


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Fri, 19 Mar 2010 02:20:24

Nobody should get the DS Pokemon games because the design structure is poor, but I hardly see what age has to do with it.


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Fri, 19 Mar 2010 02:28:51

ASK_Story said:

aspro said:

No PS3 though?  Hey, it's your decision man.

Yeah. I wanted the PS3 for Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2's multiplayer. But because of Battlefield Bad Company 2 and my bro recently getting the game, I think I'll stick with those for now.

But I need to save money right now. Money's tight so it's a wise decision I think.

 Yeah, if money is tight, then a new console is not the way to go, 'cause one game will lead to another.  Make the most of what you have.

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Fri, 19 Mar 2010 10:16:35

ASK_Story said:

And I made a breakthrough today...I decided not to give in and I won't buy Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver. And most of all, I decided not to buy a PS3 at this time. I love my 360 so I came to the conclusion that I don't really need another system. I need to play my Wii more, for example.

Now tell this to Archie.

This blog should be called: Pokemon is getting old.

Because when the formula is a repititious, colorised version of the old gameboy games, the series becomes stale.

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Fri, 19 Mar 2010 12:58:03
Pokemon it's the one Nintendo franchise of old which hasn't been "successfully" brought to 3D.  I have nothing against 2D games but pokemon is indeed getting really old, really stale.  i don't know if a new dimension would add new life to the franchise but they need to do something


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Fri, 19 Mar 2010 13:02:12

bugsonglass said:
Pokemon it's the one Nintendo franchise of old which hasn't been "successfully" brought to 3D.  I have nothing against 2D games but pokemon is indeed getting really old, really stale.  i don't know if a new dimension would add new life to the franchise but they need to do something

The cheaper portable games sell in the millions. They have no incentive to bring it into 3D. Which is a shame as its essentially a turn based RPG where you use animals as weapons. 

I would love to see a game with Zelda production values and the old cartoon characters like Misty and Ash in a cel-shaded style. 

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Fri, 19 Mar 2010 13:22:54
I just want a new Pokemon Snap.
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Fri, 19 Mar 2010 18:54:20
Careful, Ask. Thinking you are too old for something illustrates how young you really are!  WinkWink
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Fri, 19 Mar 2010 23:25:13
@ Leo

So how's Resonance of Fate? Did you get a chance to try it out yet?

Post impressions if you can!

Also, do you think I'll like it?
Edited: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 23:25:30


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Sat, 20 Mar 2010 01:00:40
I haven't even popped it in yet. I was taken by surprise how good Infinite Space was and have been devoting time to that. I am still playing FFXIII and won't give up on that one til I am done. I am trying to NOT start too many RPG's at once or I'll never finish ANY of them!

You can see in my sig what I am playing; they are all rpg oriented, but they are all unique enough to not conflict with each other. I think trying out RoF would be too much.


It seems every time I recommend something, every one goes out of their way to do the exact opposite of what I say!

Believe me, the game is tempting me every day. I am a fan of Tri-Ace back from Star Ocean on the PSOne. I was intrigued by the gun-gameplay from the moment I saw it and decided then and there I was getting it. I even posted some movies in the weekly news months ago...

I might, might pop it in for a minute or two this weekend, but I'm not making any promises!

(I already have Star Ocean: The Last Hope started from two months ago --I am about 2 hours in-- that's ANOTHER Tri-Ace game waiting on the sidelines... Starting yet another would be asking for it!)

Edited: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 01:02:04
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Sat, 20 Mar 2010 01:21:17

phantom_leo said:
I haven't even pooped it in yet.

I misread it like that. :lol

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Sat, 20 Mar 2010 02:50:18

SteelAttack said:

phantom_leo said:
I haven't even pooped it in yet.

I misread it like that. LOL

Wouldn't it have been pooped it OUT then?

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Sat, 20 Mar 2010 03:17:21
He wasn't thinking of poop being the thing poop'd. WinkWink

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