GGTV: Revenge: Not just a show for chicks
I was hoping each one of these would be accompanied by an awkward cast photo.
Thank you for being the one person at least presenting to read these.
Here's your reward
LOL this is NOTHING like the show.
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Archangel3371 (4m)
Because my first one was so popular:
GGTV: Teen Wolf is a modern take on the 80s movie but still kinda fun
Part 1:
Contrary to what you may be thinking Revenge is not just a show for chicks.
With some series there is a period of pain you have to get through and persevere with before the enjoyment begins. When I was forced to watch Revenge I was almost tearing my hair out and gritting my teeth. Womans problems I thought, or rich peoples problems. Boo hoo some dude just lost his stock portfolio he's "ruined". Oh noes... an affair has just been outed, she's shamed for lifez.
This persists for a little while till eventually the show gets much darker, richer and more compelling, dealing with murder, conspiracy and revenge. Here's the basic set up. A young girls father is framed for financially funding a terrorist group involved in a major attack against the United States. After being screwed in a trial he dies in prison. Years later his daughter comes back to the town where she lived with her father as a child to exact revenege on the people responsible for framing her father.
Rating: A -