Gamecentral review
GTA: Chinatown Wars (DS)
Chinatown Wars
Review by David Jenkins – This is actually the fourth Grand Theft Auto game on a Nintendo console, with two on the Game Boy Color and one on the GBA.
The previous games all used the same overhead viewpoint as the first two PSone games, but none worked properly in a mix of technical limitations and a sanitising of the GTA experience.
This is nothing like those games, this is getting on for better than GTA IV.
Despite what you may assume, this game has not been compromised to suit the DS's perceived younger audience.
The set-up is the same as any GTA, as you play a Triad slacker drawn into a mob war in Liberty City's Chinatown.
The script is as profanity filled as ever (if otherwise not quite as well written) and the game features such non-child friendly activities as drug dealing and Rampage killing sprees.
Obviously the graphics aren't quite the same here as in GTA IV, but they are still impressively fluid and detailed.
Everything is in 3D and the game uses a quasi-isometric viewpoint, similar to the overhead camera of old but allowing you to see what's ahead of you easier.
There's even a physics engine that lets you ram police cars off the road (a much better way of lowering your wanted rating) and smash through billboards.
In terms of controls the game offers a useful auto assist for driving, which helps you keep a straight line without constantly readjusting the D-pad.
On-foot movement and combat is only a little less successful, but its lock-on system is still at least as good as GTA IV's overcomplicated set-up.
The touchscreen is used for swapping weapons or throwing, which means always keeping the stylus awkwardly to hand.
By far the most interesting use of the touchscreen is in the mini-games, which work like a GTA-style Wario Ware.
Putting together a sniper rifle, hotwiring a vehicle or simply whistling into the microphone for a taxi might sound gimmicky but it greatly aids the sense of immersion and variety.
Other innovations include a "skip trip" option for replaying a mission which should've been mandatory years ago.
The much speculated multiplayer mode turns out to be only for two people wirelessly, with the only online options being to trade items.
There's still a wide suite of options though and they're a lot of fun.
Indeed, for anyone that was upset that GTA IV was a little too realistic, this returns to the more irreverent madness of earlier titles and becomes the best DS game for ages.
IN SHORT: A startlingly well realised iteration of GTA that even does some things better than the home consoles.
PROS: Great use of the DS with as much to see and do as ever. Skip trip and drug dealing mini-game work well.
CONS: Writing and characters aren't at GTA IV levels. Awkward use of touch screen controls outside mini-games.
SCORE: 9/10 Out: Now (UK)
now i just have to find and destroy all the hidden cameras and do all the side missions. awesome!
You completed it? Wow, I'm just starting. I have to say, the drug dealing is so addictive, this is like Animal Crossing turnip buying X 20.
I just did the mission where you recruit more gang members....
The AI is as good as the big brother games? They jumped over barriers, circled my car and got in, jumped out and attacked other rival gangs. Holy crap, they have made a proper GTA game here in just about every single respect.
I did a street race where I had to defend Chan, how cool was that? No camera problems, or getting stuck somewhere or not knowing where you are going. So much fun, the mission variety is something that shows up GTA IV.
Molotovs are fun too.
chan's missions are some of the most fun i think and he is hilarious. if you like molotovs there is an awesome mission later on but i won't spoil it
what stations do you tune into? i love ticklah so much. those augustus pablo and like tracks are so sweet
bugsonglass said:you lose drugs and guns. just a tiny bit of money i think, same as dying, nothing major
what stations do you tune into? i love ticklah so much. those augustus pablo and like tracks are so sweet
I'm a channel surfer. Audio is great, even without vocals the music evokes the same GTA feeling.
Yodariquo said:Yarcofin said:I got it today, but I've only played like 15 minutes and gotten to Uncle Kenny's/My first apartment. I suck balls at driving.
I've been busy being entertained by WiiFit! My fitness age is 35, my dad's is 65. My sister is 18 somehow... great balance I guess. I kick ass at hula hooping even though I look like a total fag. 299 rotations, bitches.
Oh, and I'm obeseYou bastard, you've screwed your birthday gift
Well I'm still looking for an ukulele
Fuck I need a DS.
and side missions seem few and far between and looking for the hidden cameras is not easy either so tips on both of these are appreciated. the sidemissions can be pretty awesome by the way
it's also what i do the most of so i'd have a very high percentage if it helped.
I got like a 70% Bully completion but couldn't find anything else to do other than repeat the same races over and over.
Dont know, maybe it has to do with collectables.
Anyhow, game is awesome, played some more. Love the way Zhou sits on the back of your van and shoots. Love the chainsaw and rampage mode.
They even have the GTA IV toll bridges.
gamingeek said:MAP PICTURE
I want this game to arrive so much. I now have Mrs Aspro playing the RPG within Retro Game Challenge so I can finisht the game faster. it is an 8=hour DQ-like game that I have no patience or interest in.
8 hours? Whoa.
One thing I dont understand in CW is that sometimes I get messages that autoshops have new cars in stock or something but on the map all I can see are pay and sprays. On that map i posted there are bomb shops too, I haven't spotted them.
One great thing about this game is that even without doing the missions, the drug selling minigame is so addictive you can just literally play that forever, amassing huge amounts of cash.
When you buy the game at gamestop you get $10'000 in game money.
This is how Rockstar deliver it.