Forum > Gaming Discussion > Great Things About This Generation
Great Things About This Generation
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Tue, 29 Mar 2011 10:08:17

There is a lot of complaining about this generation, but man, I am so impressed with what all three platforms have served up.

If not for the hardware problems of the PS3 and 360, I think I'd have reached gaming nirvana.  So what would I change?

= 360 hardware failure rate, in addition to charging for playing online.

= Wii should be HD.  That's all I would change.  If it were HD it would have better 3rd party support, which is all it lacks.

= PS3 is pretty much okay, but the user interface software is DAMN clunky. And I've heard enough reports of failing PS3's that I'm worried all the time about my 60 gigger's life-span.

But all in all, if you look at the exclusives library on the Wii, at this point it's surpassed the Dreamcast (no easy feat).  The PS3 has enough exclusives that I'm essentially living on it, and the 360 has online gaming NAILED -- except for the whole paying for it thing.

So let's summon some positive vibes for our gaming systems...

Edited: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 10:09:36

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Tue, 29 Mar 2011 11:00:07


Should change: less fucking pointless updates.

+ Good variety in its exclusives.


Should change: less shovelware if only to shut everyone up.

+ Its plethora of niche exclusives. Best library this gen kthxbai.


Should change: publishers growing some balls and treating PC releases with respect: less DRM, less complaining about piracy etc..

+ You can still mod games.

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Tue, 29 Mar 2011 11:15:48

Agreed on all points.

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Tue, 29 Mar 2011 18:25:35


  • - hardware reliability out of the gate was terrible although much better now
  • + best overall library of games
  • + best online system
  • + achievements
  • - too expensive from the start although much better now
  • - too complex to program for resulted in the weaker version of multiplat games although much better now
  • + solid list of exclusives
  • + free online
  • + trophies


  • - weak hardware
  • - no mass storage device
  • - poor online service
  • + excellent quality of games from Nintendo
  • + Virtual Console
Edited: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 18:30:01


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Wed, 30 Mar 2011 10:33:40

I feel like the current consoles are old now.

I didn't feel this way till I got a 3DS on Monday, but the 3D effects are wild as well as the augmented reality and gyro stuff. I want new consoles now.

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Wed, 30 Mar 2011 18:18:19
gamingeek said:

I feel like the current consoles are old now.

I didn't feel this way till I got a 3DS on Monday, but the 3D effects are wild as well as the augmented reality and gyro stuff. I want new consoles now.

I think if we got new consoles now it would just be beefed up hardware from what we have now with motion controls in some shape incorporated.  None of what impressed you on the 3DS would be implemented, or would it?


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Wed, 30 Mar 2011 18:29:00
bugsonglass said:

I think if we got new consoles now it would just be beefed up hardware from what we have now with motion controls in some shape incorporated.  None of what impressed you on the 3DS would be implemented, or would it?


I guess it is on PS3 with the Eye. So if I bought a 3DTV a PSEye and a PS3 then it would........

.... yeah be too expensive.

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Wed, 30 Mar 2011 19:16:54

Some things I think the companies have nailed:


  • Customer loyalty program - The Club Nintendo points rewards program has been surprisingly good. It's a nice incentive to buy new games, and the rewards are pretty good and not just cheap crap.
  • The Virtual Console - despite the updates being jokes these days, they did put together a library of hundreds of old games that wouldn't see the light of day in a legitimate market any other way.
  • Family gaming - Nintendo nailed this one. With games like Epic Yarn and NSMBW (and even Mario Galaxy to a lesser extent), Nintendo found a way to make games that parents and kids could play together that aren't just more mini-game collections.


  • Free online gaming - it won't last, but it's nice to have it available
  • Right Pricepoint for PSOne Classics - Nintendo can learn from them here. $6.00 for most PSOne games. Perfect price-point.
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Wed, 30 Mar 2011 20:44:37

Agreed Robio. Espeically on the Sony points. PSN+ will become the norm at some point.  Not on this console though. I hope.

Edited: Thu, 31 Mar 2011 04:33:48

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Thu, 31 Mar 2011 00:40:41

This generation has been fantastic because of the games.

Stuff I love include the resurgence of classic gaming through PSN/XBLA/Wiiware. Rereleases of old games through VC and PSN. Platformers gallore. Crazy awesome stuff like LBP that change the way the community interacts with a console game. Some of the best games ever are coming out this gen ranging from action/adventure, to platformers, to shooters, RPGs, its got it all. 6 years in and the graphics still look amazing, of course I am not talking about the Wii.

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