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GTAV OT - Mega Hype! Update: Loads of pics
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Tue, 13 Aug 2013 18:40:17


It is almost here, the biggest game of the year! Perhaps the biggest game of the generation! We are a little more than a month away so its time to kick off the countdown. Everything is going to be kicked into high gear now, new pics, the official website updated constantly, and a new trailer this thursday. This thread will update as all the new info, media and eventually reviews come in.

The official website has just began to update. Here is what we can expect from the coming month.

and there's more coming in the next couple of weeks.


In case you have been living under a rock here are the links to some of the old GTAV trailers

GTAV Gameplay trailer

GTAV Characters trailer


As they come in...

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Tue, 13 Aug 2013 18:40:52

Lets kick this off with today's update:


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Tue, 13 Aug 2013 18:42:57

OMG there is a ton of info!!!! I am still going through it. More pics:



Is this Grove Street from SA. Looks like it!


OMG Jock Cranley for governor!!!!!

Watch his campaign video!!!



Penis powered Life Invader tablet, click on the bottom of the website to see it.



And more pics

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Tue, 13 Aug 2013 20:33:37

I can't believe they got the console version to look that good....sometimes I wonder if they are actually showing the PC/Xbone/PS4 version and pawning it off as the PS360 game. Because it looks better than the PC version of GTA 4, which looks damn good.

I wonder what the PC version will look like if that is really not it? And thanks to Nvidia for namedropping the PC version, BTW.


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Wed, 14 Aug 2013 03:05:45


I can:

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Wed, 14 Aug 2013 12:44:39

And people complain about the low res textures in Pikmin?

I want this game but I probably won't get it for a while, stupid HDD broke. I have to buy a new HDD for one game? Sad

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Wed, 14 Aug 2013 15:01:34
gamingeek said:

And people complain about the low res textures in Pikmin?

I want this game but I probably won't get it for a while, stupid HDD broke. I have to buy a new HDD for one game? Sad

Yeah, cause they're shit. Just like they're shit here. See, I'm consistent. Happy

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Wed, 14 Aug 2013 15:04:24

You are consistently shit. Nyaa

Kidding bro.

Can't believe this 8gb install crapola

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Wed, 14 Aug 2013 15:08:01



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Wed, 14 Aug 2013 15:16:06

I've never had to buy something like this to play a single game. Kinda pisses me off. I have an old 360 too so I have to buy some corrupted hobo second hand HDD just so it will fit properly. indecision

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Wed, 14 Aug 2013 15:17:22

Anyone else worried about this character swapping heist stuff? I just want to play as one character and blow stuff up.

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Wed, 14 Aug 2013 15:21:34
gamingeek said:

Anyone else worried about this character swapping heist stuff? I just want to play as one character and blow stuff up.

I think most of the time you can choose to be just one character.

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Wed, 14 Aug 2013 18:37:54
Dvader said:

I think most of the time you can choose to be just one character.

But then you have to rely on the AI of the other characters? I had some frustrating AI moments in GTA IV with the bank robbery. I died because the assholes wouldn't get in the car, or they got killed while I was fine. They ran into automatic fire. It was ridiculous.

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Wed, 14 Aug 2013 20:10:38
gamingeek said:

But then you have to rely on the AI of the other characters? I had some frustrating AI moments in GTA IV with the bank robbery. I died because the assholes wouldn't get in the car, or they got killed while I was fine. They ran into automatic fire. It was ridiculous.

This game is going to need some of the most impressive AI ever made. It's one of the most critical aspects, if there is anything wrong with this game my assumption is that it will come from this.

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Thu, 15 Aug 2013 15:31:19

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy Hewitt tits batman!!!!! ONline is insane!!!!!!!!!!

full missions, content creator, classic modes, buy property, an constantly updating with new content!!!!

game of the forever

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Thu, 15 Aug 2013 15:40:38

I can turn on the TV and watch a friends police chase live as a helicopter captures the action?!?! WHHHHHAAATTT?!?!

Thisnis crazy!!!!!

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Thu, 15 Aug 2013 16:10:09

I am blown away, this is everything rocksteady has ever worked on all out together into the ultimate package. Jesus you can buy stock of a car maker Then go around blowing up their cars so that they have to manufacture more and the stock goes up, that's crazy. Everything is see less, going from roaming to missions to playing mini games. It's like GTA MMO.

i h as a feeling online will be sold separately eventually and move to the new consoles. The only bad thing is 16 players at a time in your world, that's too small.

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Thu, 15 Aug 2013 16:36:57

I saw Rockstedy in the news feed and thought you were talking about an online Batman game.Nyaa. I think I'll preorder this during the weekend.  Vader, you say 16 players online isn't enough, but don't you think it would be too crazy with more?

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Thu, 15 Aug 2013 16:54:44
travo said:

I saw Rockstedy in the news feed and thought you were talking about an online Batman game.Nyaa. I think I'll preorder this during the weekend.  Vader, you say 16 players online isn't enough, but don't you think it would be too crazy with more?

True, but we still dont know how it will all work in practice. I think for free roam 16 people is too small but you can instantly warp to a mission or mode if someone starts something up so you are always one press away from action.

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Thu, 15 Aug 2013 17:03:14

Details from CVG interview:

Will go Live Two weeks after GTA Vs Sept 17th Launch
Maximum players online is 16
Will contain all GTAV's single-player features and more.
(Looting, co-op heists, deathmatches, races, gang attacks, crew vs crew playlists, sports (like tennis, BASE jumping, golf and more), plus 'ambient' events like armoured van robberies, crate drops, import/export car acquisition, bounties...)
Deluxe Garage storage online has a limit of 10 Customised Vehicles
(Land, Air, Sea)
Can insure your cars, Cars will also be impounded if left for too long
Custom Cars will show up on map
Online stock market, can be played by damaging or attacking companies
Invite friends playing GTA V Single Player anytime into your game with your ingame phone
Online Arm Wrestling
Mess around like usual
Form Crews
Online Heists, Robberies
Money from heists must be dropped off in bank or portions of it can be lost if your killed
Classic Online Game modes
Reputation Points (RP) used as online mode reputation
Houses and Apartments can be bought online
Houses have live CCTV which can spy on friends
Spectate people in your current game be chased by cops
Content Creatore to make custom races, vehicles, checkpoints
Deathmatches with custom items, item spawn locations, vehicles and locations

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