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Hosting a Horror Video Games Panel at a convention
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Tue, 20 Jul 2010 03:01:28

As many of you know... screw it, as all of you know I'm a junkie for comic book, sci-fi and other pop culture conventions like that (except anime because that shit is just lame).  One of my favorites is actually a local horror convention called Spooky Empire.  Over the years I've gotten more and more involved in this particular convention, and this year it looks like I'll be hosting a panel on horror video games.  I figured not only is it something I like talking about, but I will also get a chance to get a little more press for Power Level Marketing.

Basically it will be a 30 minute tour of the history of horror games starting with the beginnings of the genre in the 70's on the PC, going through the rise and fall of the survival horror subgenre, and eventually to the "where the hell are all the horror games" question of today (they're on the Wii that's why no one knows).  

Anyway, I was hoping some of you could help me out with it.  I want to make sure I really hit all the high points and mention all the big names like Resident Evil, as well as some obscure classics like Sweet Home for the Famicom (which was arguably the grandfather of Resident Evil).

First things first though... I need a catchy name for the panel.  My wife is hosting a costuming panel called "Dressed to Kill: Costuming for Horror 101."  For my own I'm currently leaning towards MacVentures to Mass Murder:  The History of Horror Video Games.  I'm not 100% sold on it though so if anyone has an idea for the title I'm open to suggestions.

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Tue, 20 Jul 2010 03:24:28
That's a great idea.  Don;t forget Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, Rule of Rose and Siren. Some suggestions:

Horrifying Games That Play Great: The Horror History of Gaming

Mind Games: History of Horror Gaming

Closet Monsters: History of Horror Gaming

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Tue, 20 Jul 2010 03:27:29
Don't forget this!

Edited: Tue, 20 Jul 2010 03:28:06


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Tue, 20 Jul 2010 03:31:55
I'm bad with names so can't help you there. I am an expert on the 90's horror console scene, I know Resident Evil inside and out. There is a TON of resources at We have a whole making of the first RE game up which chronicles Sweet Home and how Mikami used that as inspiration for RE. It spawned many clones like Silent Hill, Dino Crisis (which was Mikami, so its like a sister franchise), Alone in the Dark ironically became a RE clone, Siren, Fatal Frame kind of. The term survival horror was created by Capcom to market RE and that got retroactively applied to almost all horror games as if it were a real genre and because of its use in the media it sort of became its own genre though horribly defined.

During that time you had other kinds of horror games like Clock Tower or D, those were more traditional adventure games.  There were games based on popular horror movies like The Thing or the Evil Dead games. Weird stuff like Illbleed.  

There are a lot of games, I don't how or what you want to cover. Just always remember Resident Evil is the biggest horror game franchise. Happy

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Tue, 20 Jul 2010 03:36:23
Title, title...

It's All Fun and Games...Until Somebody Gets Killed.



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Tue, 20 Jul 2010 05:18:32
Was going to suggest Rule of Rose, but aspro beat me to it. Got to get some controversy in there! Nyaa

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Tue, 20 Jul 2010 05:18:49

Yodariquo said:
Don't forget this!


Spoiler alert!

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Tue, 20 Jul 2010 06:07:40
I can come up with titles using famous RE quotes:

What IS IT?! The History of Horror Gaming

Masters of Unlocking the History of Horror Gaming

It's extremely powerful, especially against the History of Horror Gaming

Jill Sandwiches with a side of History of Horror Gaming

Everyone's gonna die!: The History of Horror Gaming

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Tue, 20 Jul 2010 08:15:28

My contribution of a title would be something along the lines of "The History of Survival Horror Games and how playing in the dark doesn't make it any scarier". Or something a little less wordy.

As for games to talk about, one you should touch on is Enemy Zero. It's made by the same dudes who made D, and has some really unique twists (enemies are invisible, can one shot you and you can only hear where they're coming from and one shot them, and a limited save system where you drain power from your ship to save). Plus, most people wouldn't have heard of it, being a Saturn game and all.

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Tue, 20 Jul 2010 13:50:27

Thanks guys. Good stuff so far. I've got about 2 months to put all of this together.  Should be plenty of time, but I want this to be stellar.  The show has always had some video game stuff.  In 2008 they had Manhunt 2 available to play several weeks before it came out, and last year they had a giant room set up with consoles ranging from the NES to the current gen systems for people to just hang out and play.  Anyway as for some specifics:

Aspro - Good suggestions.  I don't remember Rule of Rose so I need to go back and look at that one up. I remember the name, but that's about it.

Vader - Yes RE will be getting a lot of attention, though I will be a little critical about whether the series in its current form is still horror.  BTW if you happen to be in Orlando of Oct. 8 - 10 you're more than welcome to to sit on the panel and contribute.

Homer - Never heard of Enemy Zero. I will have to put that in the obscure pile of games that I'm going to have to learn about.

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Wed, 21 Jul 2010 19:56:33
Right now RE is an action game in a horror like setting. Then again so is Dead Space, the difference is that DS's environments are far more horror themed than RE at this moment.
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Thu, 22 Jul 2010 13:23:09
I hope someone youtubes your chat so we can see it. Is half an hour enough to discuss the whole history?

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Thu, 22 Jul 2010 16:01:31

I'm going to try and get someone to get video of it for me, and maybe put it up on uStream or something like that.  

And is 30 minutes enough?  No, not at all but it's probably all I can handle on my own.  I haven't hosted any kind of convention panel in about 5 years and that was shared duty with 2 other people. Most of my friends are not gamers so I don't have a whole lot of back-up on this and will likely go it solo.  If this does work out though, next year I'll shoot for 45 minutes to an hour.

As it is I'm still trying not to get too far ahead of myself. It's still not official, but the idea for the panel is sound and I my wife is friends with the guy who runs the show so I think my panel is around 90% approved.  Once it is I'll start going forward and put an outline together for it.

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Sat, 24 Jul 2010 14:25:39
Go to high five everyone in the audience at the end and see how it pans out. Or do a crowd dive. 

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