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House of the Dead: Overkill
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Wed, 18 Mar 2009 16:12:04
I got this in the mail today.  I'll try to get to play it over the weekend sometime, maybe have my gaming buddy over and get pizza or something ... make a day of it.  i have high expectations


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Wed, 18 Mar 2009 17:11:51

bugsonglass said:
I got this in the mail today.  I'll try to get to play it over the weekend sometime, maybe have my gaming buddy over and get pizza or something ... make a day of it.  i have high expectations

Did you pay £20 because that is how much you can get it for now?

Also, playing in 2 player will make it far too easy. You should probably wait till you unlock the directors cut first and just play with pistols on two player.

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Wed, 18 Mar 2009 17:43:08

gamingeek said:

bugsonglass said:
I got this in the mail today.  I'll try to get to play it over the weekend sometime, maybe have my gaming buddy over and get pizza or something ... make a day of it.  i have high expectations

Did you pay £20 because that is how much you can get it for now?

Also, playing in 2 player will make it far too easy. You should probably wait till you unlock the directors cut first and just play with pistols on two player.

i paid about 25 i think for the pack that has the comic as well (i ordered it almost two weeks ago but it only came today).  

i see what you say about 2 player but the thing is i have very limited gaming time (especially for consoles) so i don't know how long it will be before i've played through it by myself.  i'm not really going to be playing for the challenge either as i'm not especially big on light gun games, i'm playing just for fun so it should be a good laugh playing it with a buddy.  oh and there will be beer which will make aiming more difficult so that should be challenge enough.


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Wed, 18 Mar 2009 17:52:51

bugsonglass said:

gamingeek said:

bugsonglass said:
I got this in the mail today.  I'll try to get to play it over the weekend sometime, maybe have my gaming buddy over and get pizza or something ... make a day of it.  i have high expectations

Did you pay £20 because that is how much you can get it for now?

Also, playing in 2 player will make it far too easy. You should probably wait till you unlock the directors cut first and just play with pistols on two player.

i paid about 25 i think for the pack that has the comic as well (i ordered it almost two weeks ago but it only came today).  

i see what you say about 2 player but the thing is i have very limited gaming time (especially for consoles) so i don't know how long it will be before i've played through it by myself.  i'm not really going to be playing for the challenge either as i'm not especially big on light gun games, i'm playing just for fun so it should be a good laugh playing it with a buddy.  oh and there will be beer which will make aiming more difficult so that should be challenge enough.

Right. That's a good price for the special edition.

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Thu, 19 Mar 2009 03:02:16
It might be piss easy in two player, but it's a hell of a lot of fun, so go for it.

Man, playing through it again and again and I'm noticing more and more how fucking good it looks. The clowns on the carny level look especially fantastic, and you can chip the skull of mutants and their brain will be exposed. I never noticed that before. A lot of the corridors and officers seriously look as good as FEAR on lower resolutions. It really looks fantastic.

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Thu, 19 Mar 2009 11:36:20

Foolz said:
It might be piss easy in two player, but it's a hell of a lot of fun, so go for it.

Man, playing through it again and again and I'm noticing more and more how fucking good it looks. The clowns on the carny level look especially fantastic, and you can chip the skull of mutants and their brain will be exposed. I never noticed that before. A lot of the corridors and officers seriously look as good as FEAR on lower resolutions. It really looks fantastic.

What I love is when you shotgun someone and the blood splatters onto the wall behind them. And it looks fantastic.

The prison level is great, the boiler room looks like Bioshock and the rest of the level is (minus bumps) as good as Condemned or the Darkness to me. The animation and character model of that boss is 360 quality.

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Fri, 20 Mar 2009 19:38:47

After hearing that in the US it only sold 45k, I am bumping this thread with some more reviews.

Overall, House of the Dead: Overkill is an absurd, playful, arcade-like experience. Every facet of the presentation is hysterical, from the music to the over-the-top plot. Despite some visual quirks, Overkill is a blast from start to finish and holds up well to repeat playthroughs.


The first game in SEGA's early 2009 Wii onslaught is a resounding success. There's no doubt whatsoever that Headstrong lavished a lot of love on The House of the Dead: Overkill and that they hold a lot of affection for the series as a whole - it's completely different from the other games in many ways, but is still just as fun to play, and the new setting fits hand in glove with the series, though it is a step up in maturity levels over the other games for sure. If you want more 'proper' games on Wii this is exactly the thing you need to be supporting. Buy it.


Overall this game is a must buy for anyone who wants fun. Had the game been a standard House of the Dead title it would have been enjoyable no doubt but the unique style, humorous script and over-the-top use of profanity make it truly unique. The game’s creators described the game as one you can show off to friends and I wholeheartedly agree. The graphics themselves are impressive of course but even watching friends play this game is enjoyable too and as such it is perfect for anyone whose bored of popping on Wii Sports when they have company.


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Sat, 21 Mar 2009 02:08:14

gamingeek said:

Foolz said:
It might be piss easy in two player, but it's a hell of a lot of fun, so go for it.

Man, playing through it again and again and I'm noticing more and more how fucking good it looks. The clowns on the carny level look especially fantastic, and you can chip the skull of mutants and their brain will be exposed. I never noticed that before. A lot of the corridors and officers seriously look as good as FEAR on lower resolutions. It really looks fantastic.

What I love is when you shotgun someone and the blood splatters onto the wall behind them. And it looks fantastic.

The prison level is great, the boiler room looks like Bioshock and the rest of the level is (minus bumps) as good as Condemned or the Darkness to me. The animation and character model of that boss is 360 quality.

That looks especially good in the hospital levles. Lots of immaculately white tile wars to turn red! Grinning

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Sun, 22 Mar 2009 13:47:11
I played this with my bro last night in two player. Far too easy in 2 player, especially if you have upgraded weapons. They need an uber mode.

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Thu, 26 Mar 2009 18:48:45
played through the normal story mode yesterday with my buddy.  not 2 player just taking turns.  it's great fun and the dialogue and gags are hilarious.  i didn't find it very easy.  in fact we only managed to max out the magnum and didn't buy a second weapon from the rewards of the entire first run.  

i see why foolz and gg kept saying production values are through the roof.  washington is such a samuel jackson character ... (and agent g could well be david duchovny).

foolz honestly, if you love this sort of thing ... you owe it to yourself to watch some robert rodriguez movies ... particularly "from dusk till dawn" and "planet terror".  you won't regret it.


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Thu, 26 Mar 2009 19:26:33

bugsonglass said:
played through the normal story mode yesterday with my buddy.  not 2 player just taking turns.  it's great fun and the dialogue and gags are hilarious.  i didn't find it very easy.  in fact we only managed to max out the magnum and didn't buy a second weapon from the rewards of the entire first run.  

i see why foolz and gg kept saying production values are through the roof.  washington is such a samuel jackson character ... (and agent g could well be david duchovny).

foolz honestly, if you love this sort of thing ... you owe it to yourself to watch some robert rodriguez movies ... particularly "from dusk till dawn" and "planet terror".  you won't regret it.

Ah so you were playing story mode? First time through with basic weapons.

I had Hand Cannons, shotguns, maxed out and two players you see. I think if you ever play 2 player you should start a new game file and just play with magnums with no upgrades.

Did you see the Prison level? Visually it's great.

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Thu, 26 Mar 2009 19:33:06

gamingeek said:

Ah so you were playing story mode? First time through with basic weapons.

I had Hand Cannons, shotguns, maxed out and two players you see. I think if you ever play 2 player you should start a new game file and just play with magnums with no upgrades.

Did you see the Prison level? Visually it's great.

yeah we played through all 7 levels.  i thought they all looked great with some, like the carny level, being too dark in places (though it could be partly the way the tv contrast was set), to the point where i couldn't see the zombies walking up to me, but it was a minor thing overall.


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Thu, 26 Mar 2009 20:13:15

bugsonglass said:

gamingeek said:

Ah so you were playing story mode? First time through with basic weapons.

I had Hand Cannons, shotguns, maxed out and two players you see. I think if you ever play 2 player you should start a new game file and just play with magnums with no upgrades.

Did you see the Prison level? Visually it's great.

yeah we played through all 7 levels.  i thought they all looked great with some, like the carny level, being too dark in places (though it could be partly the way the tv contrast was set), to the point where i couldn't see the zombies walking up to me, but it was a minor thing overall.

How did you take the sick moments? When Caeser said "Fucking cabbage" my bro said "That's horrible!" I had to stifle a laugh. Good thing we never got to the prison level before he had to leave eh?

I love the bit after the first boss dies. "How can you say that shit without opening your mouth?!"

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Fri, 27 Mar 2009 03:01:13

bugsonglass said:
played through the normal story mode yesterday with my buddy.  not 2 player just taking turns.  it's great fun and the dialogue and gags are hilarious.  i didn't find it very easy.  in fact we only managed to max out the magnum and didn't buy a second weapon from the rewards of the entire first run.  

i see why foolz and gg kept saying production values are through the roof.  washington is such a samuel jackson character ... (and agent g could well be david duchovny).

foolz honestly, if you love this sort of thing ... you owe it to yourself to watch some robert rodriguez movies ... particularly "from dusk till dawn" and "planet terror".  you won't regret it.

I will as soon as I get the chance, do not worry! I've been following Machete too...

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Sat, 28 Mar 2009 08:46:57

gamingeek said:

How did you take the sick moments? When Caeser said "Fucking cabbage" my bro said "That's horrible!" I had to stifle a laugh. Good thing we never got to the prison level before he had to leave eh?

I love the bit after the first boss dies. "How can you say that shit without opening your mouth?!"

i had no problem with any of it and found it all very funny.  i'm neither squeamish nor pc for the sake of it.

Foolz said:

I will as soon as I get the chance, do not worry! I've been following Machete too...

Oh Machete ... i was so happy rodriguez decided to make that into a full movie.  For those who aren't familiar with the Grindhouse project, along with the 2 films tarantino and rodriguez (as well as other directors like rob zombie for example who made the Werewolf Women of the SS trailer)  made a bunch of trailers for movies that didn't exist nor would ever be made ... just so they could show them at the cinema for the full grindhouse experience - for all of the 20 people that went to watch it.  Machete was one of the trailers and watching it really made me sad that it was never to be a movie.  And that guy (i forget his name - angry looking knife wielding mexican guy already made legendary from the desperado movies) i think will be great in his first leading role.  good times ahead


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Thu, 13 Aug 2009 12:39:59

SEGA Wired Interview MadWorld was a widely praised title, but sales were disappointing. Why do you think that is? Do you think that “core” games just don’t sell on the Wii?

Mike Hayes: It’s difficult because it was a critically acclaimed title; it was extreme but good. The thing that we’re saying is, Sega would be extremely arrogant to have a title that didn’t do as well as we thought on a platform and then say, “Those kind of games don’t sell on that platform.” I think if you take our slew of more mature games — House of the Dead Overkill did really well in Europe, and for some reason even though it’s a big (intellectual property) it did less well in North America. So that’s kind of like a win and a miss that’s kind of come out neutral.

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Thu, 13 Aug 2009 13:32:27
Big points for the SEGA guy not being an idiot.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Thu, 13 Aug 2009 18:42:26
I love how he says that it would be incredibly arrogant of them to say that those sort of games dont sell on a platform. His company is making and trying to sell these games and they have a better understanding and balanced opinion than every media source and analyst who wants to neatly pigeonhole things.

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Fri, 14 Aug 2009 04:35:13

gamingeek said:
I love how he says that it would be incredibly arrogant of them to say that those sort of games dont sell on a platform. His company is making and trying to sell these games and they have a better understanding and balanced opinion than every media source and analyst who wants to neatly pigeonhole things.

Wrong, the reason it didn't sell is because all hardcore gamers bought the console for Nintendo games only! Duh. 

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 16:44:32

Some art for ya.








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