Except for FIFA and PES.

I'm about 50-50, though I think what's interesting is that most of the new IPs that I played were on the DSi while all of my sequels and spinoffs were on the Wii. The only new sequels I spent a lot of time with on the DSi were DQV, Kingdom Hearts, and Professor Layton. Maybe one or two others.
Then on the Wii most of what I played were existing properties. The only exceptions there were Madworld, Deadly Creatures, and aside from some WiiWare, I think that's it.
Okay scratch that. Let's say 60-40 in favor of existing IPs.
Iga_Bobovic said:God dammit, fix your colours, I can't hardly read it.
It's the source material, I wouldn't deliberatly make things black.
As for me I'd say I was about 50/50 when it came to new IP in 2009, maybe 60/40 with 60 being existing IP. I have a feeling that if I go and check it will be more sided to existing.
Dvader said:I play it all, I assume I play more sequels just cause there are more sequels than anything else.
So what ratio would you be?
gamingeek said:Iga_Bobovic said:God dammit, fix your colours, I can't hardly read it.It's the source material, I wouldn't deliberatly make things black.
As for me I'd say I was about 50/50 when it came to new IP in 2009, maybe 60/40 with 60 being existing IP. I have a feeling that if I go and check it will be more sided to existing.
Dvader said:I play it all, I assume I play more sequels just cause there are more sequels than anything else.So what ratio would you be?
Looking at the games completed last year I would say 60/40 with sequels in the lead.
gamingeek said:Who the hell is voting down this thread?
I've been wondering the same thing.

So back to the question.
Why do you feel you buy in the ratios you do?
Do existing IPs make you feel more comfortable?
Do new IPs seem exciting or like a risk?
^For me. I buy 7 to 3 out of ten original IP. Mostly because I appreciate new content and can spot it when it comes out, from my reading on this site and other meadi inputs.
New IP's do give me a sense of risk, but also it's kind of charity on my part, like I'm giving back to the gaming industry and telling them it's okay to try new things. I'm not as much of an activist in this area as I used to be, but still I do pay full price for content I think needs to be encouraged.
aspro said:^For me. I buy 7 to 3 out of ten original IP. Mostly because I appreciate new content and can spot it when it comes out, from my reading on this site and other meadi inputs.
New IP's do give me a sense of risk, but also it's kind of charity on my part, like I'm giving back to the gaming industry and telling them it's okay to try new things. I'm not as much of an activist in this area as I used to be, but still I do pay full price for content I think needs to be encouraged.
That's an interesting thought, support through cash.
2009: Gamers snub new IPs 126 new IPs in 2009, yet only 7 hits