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I am riding my bicycle, I am riding my bike to work...and back
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Wed, 13 Apr 2011 03:20:42
LOL  I'm still walking sideways!
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Wed, 13 Apr 2011 03:54:14


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Wed, 13 Apr 2011 10:30:51
Oh Iga. I need to see video footage of you struggling on your bike. Do you wear a helmet?

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Wed, 13 Apr 2011 19:31:26

Okay round 3.

This time I used my sisters bike. This one is no folding bike, but an ordinary one. The seat height is too low for me, so I can't really stretch my leg fully when peddling. No gears what so ever and a much wider seat.

So after getting out of the subway, I went to my bike. The seat was wet because of the rain so I cleaned it with a tissue. So after cleaning it and unlocking it, it was time to go. So remember the bike route is around 13 km long, so one would think that below 30 minutes must be possible.

So with this new bike I again peddled for queen and country. But this bike with its bigger wheels and wider seat felt much more confortable. It did not feel like being gang raped by Leo and Steel, it felt like being raped by GG. Also known as the flacid one. Also I did not need to peddle as a lunatic on coke to get some speed. Still had trouble with the bridge and people gained on me there, but otherwise it was full speed ahead.

Everytime I stopped because the traffic lights I checked my mobile phone to see how long I've been driving. So after checking my phone at a traffic light and peddling for a bit and I heard a noise. It sounded like something fell off. So I stopped and checked my bike. And everything was there. So I went my merry way. After stopping at the next traffic lights I again tried to pick up my mobile phone, but it was not there. So than it hit me, that sound back there. Yeah that was my phone. I realized that no bike has passed me or was anywhere near me, so the chances that someone run over my phone were slim.

So there I was going back again looking for my phone. Worst case scenario totally broken, but I can still retrieve the SIM card. So there it was, in three piece. Phone, battery and battery cover. After connecting all the parts and checking if it works (it did work) I was off again. I deceided that this will cost me 5 minutes, so again peddling like a bat out of hell. And after some kilometers I arrived. My time from begin bike to end = 50 minutes. Subtract 5 minutes and you have 45 minutes. Better than my folding rape bike. I think 40 minutes should be possible with this bike and under 30 minutes for a actual fast one.

The way back I made it in 40 minutes. Will try again tomorrow. As far as I am concerned they are paying me to ride a bike.

Edited: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 19:31:44
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Wed, 13 Apr 2011 19:33:15
gamingeek said:
Oh Iga. I need to see video footage of you struggling on your bike. Do you wear a helmet?

It took me one hour for 15 km. That is like jogging speed. Do you wear a helmet when jogging?

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Thu, 14 Apr 2011 03:10:52

Can't you raise the seat? Just stand while you pedal!

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Fri, 15 Apr 2011 11:09:32
I don't understand. LOL How can you not cycle faster than jogging speed?
Edited: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 11:10:06

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Fri, 15 Apr 2011 11:54:56

Are you saying "peddling" instead of "pedalling" on purpose?

The meaning is about as different as that between console and council


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Fri, 15 Apr 2011 14:56:34
bugsonglass said:

Are you saying "peddling" instead of "pedalling" on purpose?

The meaning is about as different as that between console and council

I picture him peddling nude pics of himself in an alley. LOL

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Fri, 15 Apr 2011 15:14:22
bugsonglass said:

Are you saying "peddling" instead of "pedalling" on purpose?

The meaning is about as different as that between console and council

It would have been funny to see Frodo go to the console of Elrond.

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Sat, 16 Apr 2011 03:19:17
gamingeek said:

It would have been funny to see Frodo go to the console of Elrond.

Only if he was a bike salesman and peddled all the way there.

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Sun, 17 Apr 2011 18:43:30

bugsonglass said:

Are you saying "peddling" instead of "pedalling" on purpose?

The meaning is about as different as that between console and council

Yes of course I am doing it on purpose.

*Note to self, check meaning of words when you check the spelling on google

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Sun, 17 Apr 2011 19:09:43

Round 4.

This day I decided to sprint like a loon. At least a dozen times I standed on my sisters bike and hit the petalling to the max. I did it until my legs exploded then I petalled normally until I got the feeling back in my legs and did it again. I did that al least 8 times on the way including on the bridge. My time was 45 minutes. Damn you stupid traffic lights, mabe I should have go through red like all the other cyclists. I was really sweaty when I got to work

Round 5.

I had training the day before, so I decided to rest. So I petalled normally, no sprinting or anything. When I got to work I was not sweaty at all. Time was 45 minutes. How the fuck is that possible? Probably the traffic lights. Really need a better bike.

Trading in bike time

So my folding bike is crap, so time to turn it in. I traded it in for a new bike. I got one of the fancier normal bike with larger wheels and comfortable seat. After buying it me and my sister went to pick up her bike. After we got there we tested my bike on the road, while my sister rode her own bike. After a while we switched bike and we rode back. Then I mentioned to my sister that she should ride more to the right. When suddenly a lantern post appeared from nowhere. So I tried to steer around it only to hit it full on. The fork was bended badly and we had to get it to a bicycle repair shop. It will cost me 45 Euros Hrm.

I did hit my knee during the crash, but It did not hurt. But after a while my knee became really stiff. Walking was hard and painful. Which is bad because I need to cycle to work. But I decided to train today and my reckless move worked out. My knee is alot better now. If I keep it moving it kinda warms up and becomes looser. So after training it had become a lot looser. So I can probably cycle to work. With my new bike.

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Mon, 18 Apr 2011 01:43:40

I'd love to ride a bike to work. Too bad it's fucking hot as hell in here, besides I would look pretty goofy riding a bike in formal attire.

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Mon, 18 Apr 2011 03:51:10

"Then I mentioned to my sister that she should ride more to the right. When suddenly a lantern post appeared from nowhere. So I tried to steer around it only to hit it full on."


SteelAttack said:

I'd love to ride a bike to work. Too bad it's fucking hot as hell in here, besides I would look pretty goofy riding a bike in formal attire.

You couldn't look as goofy as riding a bike in latex the bondage suits that pass for biking attire.

Edited: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 03:51:43

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Sun, 01 May 2011 11:48:14

Week 2

Day 1.

Trying new bicycle. Left knee hurts, but I have to keep going. At first I pedal mostly with my right leg. After while my knee warms up and the pain goes away. Bicycle is good, seat not as comfortable as my sister bike. Much better than the crappy folding one.

Day 2.

Bought a ticket so I can park my bicycle in a shed for a month. It is warm outside, so my knee is already warmed up. The way back it is really warm, the heat is making me sweet around the places I carry my backpack (shoulders and back).

Day 3.

Again warm, I think I might have swallowed a few bugs. Also saw some mini bizons. Almost fell off my back there. WTF are mini bizons doing there? Also warm on the way back, I do not want to sweat as much. I put my backpack at the back of my bicycle. After a short and bumpy ride it almost falls off. Not safe, if something gets caught in the wheel I am going to fly. Dammit new plan needed,

Day 4

It was really warm in the morning, so I came in sweaty at work. Damn something needs to be done about the backpack. At the way back, I again put my backpack at the back and even tie it down for added security. Ater a while it begins slipping. Me in my infinity wisdom decided to just ignore it and keep cycling. I tied it down, what could possibly go wrong. After cycling for 20 minutes, I hear something break and suddenly my rear wheel is blocked. I brake immediatley and inspect what happened. My backpack did not fall down, because it was tied down, but the backpack was hanging against the wheel. Dammit, did not work, put backpack on my back and went on. Became sweaty again.

Day 5

It is Good Friday today. But I still have to work. Well I have a new plan to put my backpack at the back of my bike. So I get to the shed, only to see ithat it is closed, because it is Good Friday. Dammit, for a second I thought about walking there, but then I realized quickly that I could take a bus. So no bike today.

Week 3

Day 1

Easter no work today and no bike. Did drive a car for driving lessons. Went well, no bicyclist killed.

Day 2

The streets were wet and rain seemed probable. So I said fuck it I am taking a bus.

Day 3

The morning was windy and chily. Hopefully I won't sweat. It was a weird sensation of being cold because the weather and hot because of the cycling at the same time. Even in then weather the backpack made me sweat. On the way back I put my backpack on my steering handles. It looked stupid, but it worked and it was safe. The sweat problem was solved

Day 4

First time going to work with the backpack on my steering handles. It did not look beautiful, but it did work beautifully. It was hot, but no sweat marks for me.

Day 5

Again same as day 4, I finally found my rhythm.

You know how I hated cyclist before I started?! Well after finally being in there shoes for 3 weeks and finally finding my rhythm I must say that I still fucking hate them. Once I get my driving license I shall be my duty to run as many cyclist over as I can, and reverse over them just to be sure. I shall exterminate them all, there shall none left. The final solution is a world without cyclist. A world without those crazy incompentent idiots that make the road unsafe.

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Mon, 02 May 2011 03:10:41

Don't think I've ever seen someone have so much trouble riding a bike. Nyaa

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