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I bought a game and beat it, why is this so hard for some of you.
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Thu, 27 Aug 2009 21:41:15

For some reason some of you just don't finish games. I dont understand it, I am baffled when someone says "I beat two games this year", what are you doing. I bought Batman on Tuesday, its my week off so I played like mad, I beat it today. Sure most people cant play so many hours in a few days, but it's still only like 15 hours, I know people on this site play lots of games, shouldnt take much longer than a week.

Do you guys have issues concentrating, do you get bored really easily. Why cant you get a game, and play it a few hours every night until its done. It's like buying movies and watching the first hour and then starting another one.

And yeah I play multiple games as well, I stopped playing Castlevania 3, Mario RPG and Alone in the Dark to play Batman. I will go back to each of them and finish them. Clearly the hardest one will be Mario RPG cause stopping in an RPG and going back is a pain. The only games I ever have issues finishing are RPGs.  So stop playing RPGs and finish some damn action games.

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Thu, 27 Aug 2009 21:57:32
i'm guilty of buying way more games than i can play.  i'm a compulsive consumer when it comes to games/records/dvds/books.  when i know something is good, i feel i have to have it, even when i won't have the time for it.  dvds are easy cause you can spend like an hour and a half or so to get through a movie, records are the same since i listen to copious amounts of music daily, but i've built up a massive backlog of games and books because they take much longer to get through.

now when i start a game, chances are i will likely finish it even if it takes me a long time ... that is unless i don't like the game enough to finish it, which happens sometimes but not too often.

i also have some games which i play indefinitely, which keep me from starting and finishing new games.  like animal crossing, or wave race, or more recently wii sports resort, or street fighter.  games which don't exactly finish and which i tend to spend many of my gaming hours on.


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Thu, 27 Aug 2009 22:07:09

bugsonglass said:

i also have some games which i play indefinitely, which keep me from starting and finishing new games.  like animal crossing, or wave race, or more recently wii sports resort, or street fighter.  games which don't exactly finish and which i tend to spend many of my gaming hours on.

Yeah that is one thing I see that effects many games. We have our Animal Crossing crew here, that takes an hour away each day. Some people play MMOs forever. Some people play a ton of online games over and over.

I dont do that, the most I play one game for is about a month, then I am ready to move on. I cant stay on one game for too long.

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Thu, 27 Aug 2009 22:17:08
Dunno. My gaming time is a bit erratic. Sometimes I'll go three or four days without playing anything. Other weeks I'll just play Halo 3 here and there (half an hour or so) for days. I do tend to get bored easily and wander off to another game, no matter what I'm currently playing. I bought Eternal Sonata months ago, started it, played it for about an hour and didn't touch it again until a couple of days ago. Fallout 3? Same thing. My Oblivion playthrough is at about 50 hours, still have Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles untouched. Sometimes even the best games out there won't be enough. I am like 4 or 5 hours shy of finishing RE4, I'm not even halfway Galaxy. I have tried to work on my backlog by buying less games, but even with the ones I own now, it's the same thing.
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Thu, 27 Aug 2009 22:36:08
I don't have problems beating games, but finishing them so quickly.   It takes me an average of two weeks to complete a game.
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Thu, 27 Aug 2009 23:00:56

I rarely rush through a game, and beating a game isn't a priority with me. I prefer to savor my games, and I like to spend a lot of time with them over a period of months or years, which is why I buy fewer games (10 or less per year). I also buy games that simply don't have an end like Animal Crossing or have unlimited replay value like Pac-Man: Championship Edition, WSR and Forza 2.

I suppose I have what you guys would call a "backlog" but I don't call it that because I play the games the way I like to play them, which doesn't always mean reaching the end credits. When a game stops being fun, I stop playing it. I usually do come back to it later on, though. For instance, it took me a year to beat Metroid Prime. I played it a few hours here and there, chipping away at it until it was done. I did the same thing with Super Mario Galaxy. It took me around 8 months to get all 120 stars (I'm still working on the second 121 Star quest), but I kept replaying my favorite levels over and over and over again during those months. I played the hell out of that game even though it doesn't really sound like it considering how long it took me to reach the ending.


BTW Vader, why don't you ever use question marks? Just curious.

Edited: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 07:55:53

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 01:55:45
Maybe you're just used to beating things?

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 02:11:49
Here comes an old-man Leo rant...

You know why whippersnapper?! They just don't make 'em like they used ta!

In MY day, we didn't have no fancy ACHIEVEMENTS...

We had perfectly paced games with more varied environments that kept yer games interesting ALL THROUGHOUT!

We didn't have no pointless rewards jist fer playin' a game! The game itself WAS the achievement...!

You yougin's need to be constantly reminded yer special jist to keep a playin'!

Oooo...! You pressed 'START'... Achievement!

Oooo...! You got yer ass past level One... Achievement!

Jist look at a game like Contra 3: The Alien Wars! NOW THAT'S A MAN'S GAME!

Each and every level built on itself. The difficulty level grew harder and harder as ya' went from stage to stage...!

'Yer fancy-schmancy, modern-type games barely change throughout! 'Yer still fightin' the same thugs, beginnin' to end... Oooo... but YOU shot eleventy-hundred generic thugs in the head... Achievement!

Them developer types, they treat every schtinkin' game as if 'No gamer should be left behind' and make them thar games too darn accessible to the point where they're LIFELESS... They just make it up to ya' with, yep you got it: Achievements!

Games today just got no soul...!

**You just read the whole rant...! ACHIEVEMENT!**

Edited: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 02:13:31
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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 02:30:44

I complete about 60% - 70% of the games that I pick up.  The main ones I don't finish are the Harvest Moon type games that can go on for 100 hours, and even with those I'll spend about 40 hours or so with them before I put it aside and want to move on to something else.   But as a rule, if I'm not having fun with a game I quit playing it.  I don't force myself to finish anything.  

I sort of had that epiphany with Final Fantasy X.  I hated virtually every moment of that game, but I kept pushing, and then as I was about maybe 3 hours away from the end of the game I just sort of sat there and started wondering, "why am I doing this?"  At that point I turned off the game and was suddenly much happier.  

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 02:56:39
I basically went a year without playing anything, so I probably don't really apply to this intervention.


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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 03:07:49

Leo speaks the truth!

Edited: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 03:38:58

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 05:23:05
Because not every game is worth completign! There I said it. Nyaa

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 07:37:13

Foolz also speaks the truth!

Edited: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 07:50:31

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 09:54:38

Well lets see. Firstly its rare for a game to have perfect pacing and grab me enough to want to continually play it through. Mostly the games I complete quickly are the ones that its easy to complete quickly. Ones with no fuss that you can burn through with no consequence. Like RE5 or Overlord Dark Legend or World at War.

If a game has significant barriers to play i.e complex control schemes or menu settings that I wont remember coming back to after a couple of weeks, it becomes a chore to play. Especially if it was boring enough to put down in the first place.

Then there is the fact that I dont have a gaming basement, a place I can retire to, to play to my hearts content. When other people are demanding TV use to watch bullshit, I can't exactly tell them that I'm going to sit all night for hours playing a game.

And HDTV has made it even worse. On the HD set I can't play Wii games and on the SD set I can't play HD games. And I dont feel like spending hours locked away in a little room to do it.

Then there are lots of games and switching between them and getting some variety is preferable to slogging through the same experience.

Then I have a time suck game at the moment which takes up 1 hr of gaming time a day: City Folk.

Lastly gaming isn't that important and there are other things worth doing, like getting the sun on my face or getting out of the house. I'm not a teenager anymore and I'm can't rampantly run through games non-stop.

I get impatient a lot so switch games out for variety. Also I can get very tired and lazy and would rather do something where I dont have to concentrate or think. Things like listening to music or watching TV or just napping in bed. Sometimes all three at once.

Edited: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 15:50:22

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 17:14:15

gamingeek said:

Things like listening to music or watching TV or just napping in bed. Sometimes all three at once.

What are you, a fucking cat? Less napping, moar fapping!

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 17:40:11
I'm trying to be better about that.  I've beaten every game I've bought lately outside of Killzone 2, Little King's Story and Bionic Commando, but that was just because they were boring.Nyaa (That's right.  I said it.  I know an angry Nintendo shitstorm is brewing.)

I'm going to beat Arkham Asylum tonight, and I'm hoping to buy the Metroid Prime Trilogy and beat at least one of the games in it.  I've never beaten a Metroid before, and it is about time.
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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 17:43:40

Yeah I dont watch much TV or sit around listening to music. To me there is no form of media as interesting or as engaging as video games.

There are factors GG that I dont have to deal with, sharing a TV would really mess me up.

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 17:47:43

Dvader said:

There are factors GG that I dont have to deal with, sharing a TV would really mess me up.

Wait until you have kids, D. I own a TV for everyone in my household. And I still get evicted from the living room from time to time. LOL

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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 17:49:28

SteelAttack said:

Dvader said:

There are factors GG that I dont have to deal with, sharing a TV would really mess me up.

Wait until you have kids, D. I own a TV for everyone in my household. And I still get evicted from the living room from time to time. LOL

Yeah, I'm not looking forward to sharing a TV with my new roomie.  Something will have to change there.

Now Playing: King's Bounty, Demon's Souls, BF1943
Now Listening: Karl Blau- Zebra, Atlas Sound- Logos
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Fri, 28 Aug 2009 17:50:58

rragnaar said:

SteelAttack said:

Dvader said:

There are factors GG that I dont have to deal with, sharing a TV would really mess me up.

Wait until you have kids, D. I own a TV for everyone in my household. And I still get evicted from the living room from time to time. LOL

Yeah, I'm not looking forward to sharing a TV with my new roomie.  Something will have to change there.

Poke his eyes out.

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