Forum > Gaming Discussion > I hate the gamer I've become
I hate the gamer I've become
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Tue, 08 May 2012 01:04:49

Earlier I was pondering my next game to pick up because I am slowly (and mercifully) coming to the end of de Blob 2. I started looking at the host of 3DS games I've been considering like Kid Icarus, RE Revelations, Bit Trip Saga, and even thst rolling armadillo game. Then I started looking at Radiant Story or whatever it was that Leo posted which looked pretty good. I've said I won't pay more than $20 for a game till the holiday season so that pretty much takes them out of consideration, but sadly there's another reason. . .

They don't have trophies or achievements.

God that's pathetic. I can't believe I now care about them, but I do. I'll be playing, do something I think is special and then wonder... "fucking bastards...that at least deserved a bronze." Or if I get that bronze trophy I'll go the "should have been a silver" route. And now to play a game without them? Unthinkable.

I really hope I come back to my senses and get back to playing good games again. I can't take another de Blob 2 again.

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Tue, 08 May 2012 02:04:04

I went from not caring about them cause PS3 did not have them to going nuts about them when the PS3 got them. For a type it absolutely mattered. Now I am back to not caring much, I rarely platinum a game anymore. Playing more games is more important than getting an imaginary trophy for me right now cause my backlog is MONSTEROUS.

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Tue, 08 May 2012 02:37:55

I see where you are coming from. I'm mostly ambivelent about trophies and acheivements, mostly because my style of gameplay (wham-bam-thank-you-maam) doesn't get me many.

But when I do play older games, I feel as though I am missing out on something. Mostly that the people online I know won't be seeing me play the game.

Also, many times I have struggled through a tedious end boss to get the game completion achievement, because I don't want to be called out for saying I've finished a game when I have not. It's made me a better gamer really.

Pictured Below: Robio Hating the Gamer He Has Become.

Edited: Tue, 08 May 2012 03:02:15

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Tue, 08 May 2012 02:47:05

My condolences.

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Tue, 08 May 2012 03:00:24

I'd like to think the trophy system is at the least making me a little better at pushing me along to complete games. Hell without it I would have given up in Journey after the first hour.

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Tue, 08 May 2012 03:12:10
robio said:

I'd like to think the trophy system is at the least making me a little better at pushing me along to complete games. Hell without it I would have given up in Journey after the first hour.

You mean after passing the halfway mark?

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Tue, 08 May 2012 03:19:38

I tried to get into Trophies, but then I realized I just didn't care.

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Tue, 08 May 2012 03:25:21
SteelAttack said:

You mean after passing the halfway mark?

But it felt soooooo much longer. It has now inspired the joke, "I spent two hours playing Journey for a week."

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Tue, 08 May 2012 03:27:05
robio said:

But it felt soooooo much longer. It has now inspired the joke, "I spent two hours playing Journey for a week."

At least you got your money's worth then!

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Tue, 08 May 2012 03:37:37
aspro said:

Pictured Below: Robio Hating the Gamer He Has Become.

Is this because I made fun of the way Australians talk? I'll have you know I got out of my Goth phase in college once I realized other girls would sleep with me.

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Tue, 08 May 2012 06:52:52
I love my achievements/trophies and while I'm not obsessive about them I do really enjoy going after ones that I think I can get reasonably. Sure I'll still play games that don't have them but I certainly notice their absence. The ones in some games like Xenoblade are ok but Nintendo really has to come up with a unified system like Microsoft and Sony. I find that they are useful in building up a community amongst a platform and help give the gamers a stronger feeling of connectivity.


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Tue, 08 May 2012 07:05:30

I just take them or leave them.  It's kind of fun when I ping something but it doesn't affect how I play or what I play.


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Tue, 08 May 2012 11:07:50
robio said:

I hate the gamer I've become.

I hate the gamer you've become too.

No love for Rhythm Heaven or Little Kings Story? BEGONE! angry

As for achievements I have never and can never see myself interested in them.

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Tue, 15 May 2012 16:18:37
robio said:
aspro said:

Pictured Below: Robio Hating the Gamer He Has Become.

Is this because I made fun of the way Australians talk? I'll have you know I got out of my Goth phase in college once I realized other girls would sleep with me.

The thing that upsets me about the douche in this pic is that he has a shirt of a good band on! lol Nightwish is pretty good. Chick's voice is unreal.

But yes, go ahead and slit that wrist.


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Sat, 19 May 2012 01:48:45

I hate that I've discovered the secret to video game dieting. It's called the Steam Diet. You have to have a fixed amount of money you spend each week on food. Browse the Steam Store page Daily for Today's Deals and Mid-Week and Weekend MADNESS and justify your spending habits by sacrificing cups of coffee, burgers, beers and perhaps even entire meals on your steam purchases. Why be satisfied with your 100+ games back catalog and buy Delve Deeper! today. It's only the cost of a beer for a street vagrant.

Edited: Sat, 19 May 2012 01:50:18
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Sat, 19 May 2012 21:45:41
9FragBoxn11cent said:

I hate that I've discovered the secret to video game dieting. It's called the Steam Diet. You have to have a fixed amount of money you spend each week on food. Browse the Steam Store page Daily for Today's Deals and Mid-Week and Weekend MADNESS and justify your spending habits by sacrificing cups of coffee, burgers, beers and perhaps even entire meals on your steam purchases. Why be satisfied with your 100+ games back catalog and buy Delve Deeper! today. It's only the cost of a beer for a street vagrant.

I have done a variation of this with beer, it lasted several months, where I took what I would spend on beer and instead bought games every Friday.

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Thu, 24 May 2012 03:42:18

I like trophies/achievements but I'm hardly hardcore about them. I don't have any platinums. The only game I've gotten all the trophies on is Pac-Man Championship Edition DX. Very fun game.

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