Yeah I picked up Braid a little while back when it was one of those games on sale for Microsoft's "Deal of the Week". It certainly is a great game that I'm glad I picked up. I need to get back to it and finish up where I left off. There has been some really good stuff put out for these smaller downloadable games but I'm still enjoying the big full-fledged retail games much more though.
I've been a big fan of WiiWare. World of Goo was awesome. And I've said it a dozen times, but I still say that Lost Winds was the best platformer released on any system last year (screw you Little Big Planet!!). Even My Life as King isn't bad.
And as far as the next few months most of my games will be downloads. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, Swords and Soldiers, Contra Rebirth, Eduardo the Samuari Toaster, Icarian, Night Game, Cave Story. . . it's a pretty impressive list and there's likely to be a sleeper or two that I've missed.

Foolz said:Fuck, they all sound awesome to me, but for some reaosn I just can't bring myself to buy them...I honestly don't know why.
Are you afraid that they will be disappointments? Waste of money? I was afraid to buy these games because I feared that since they were cheap they must have been shovelware. Start with World of Goo on Wii. You won't be sorry.
braid was a game i thought i would really love but it left me a bit cold when i tried the demo on steam. i know it's definitely worth another chance though. there are many other XBLA games i would enjoy if i had access to the system as well: pacman, castle crashers etc (the fact that a good number of XBLA games are also on steam makes it ok though)
what i really wish i had access to though is PSN games: flower, pixeljunk games, noby noby, street fighter II HD, wipeout HD, everyday shooter etc. what's really annoying is that even when i get a ps3 i still won't have normal access to the psn (because sony doesn't think it's worth making it available in this country) and i'll have to find round about ways like purchasing japanese network point cards on ebay etc
..Braid is amazing.
I've had more fun with the downloadable, cheaper games than any of the store bought games I've played during the last six months. I've played World of Goo and Lost Winds on Wii. I've experience Castle Crashers, Peggle and Braid on XBLA. My hats off to all of the developers of these games.
All of them are fun games with good controls that I seem to come back to over and over again. There seems to be more creativity in these types of games lately. I'm guessing it has something to do with most of these games being made by small development companies. Big gaming companies need to take more risks and make games like these.
Is anyone else enjoying the downloadable games more lately?