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I play 2010 in 2011.
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Fri, 11 Feb 2011 02:32:50
phantom_leo said:

Whadya think of that opening sequence?

It probably has a bit less impact if you didn't play the first game, but still...

I thought that was retelling the ending of ME1, but then I found out that is how they start the game, I think that is dumb. You spend an entire game with these characters and in the spand of 5 minutes you destroy everything. It was clearly a stunt so that Bioware can work video game conventions into the story, also so that they could change characters cause I bet they wouldn't know what to do with the same characters cause you already did their backstories. Look at all Bioware games, no sequels keep the same cast, why do you think? So they can use their usual formula again. In this situation I think the fact that I didn't play ME1 helped me as I would have been upset if I did. Seriously, imagine if at the start of Empire the Millenium Falcon blows up, two years go by and Luke joins a new group of characters, wtf.

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Fri, 11 Feb 2011 23:36:40

I am 17 hours into the game, I think I started 3 days ago, this cant be healthy for me but no matter. I still feel like I am just scratching the surface,  I have yet to even visit the main planet of the galaxy. I have recruited about half my crew and fought my first major battle against the collectors. I have explored parts of the galaxy and gotten to drive around in a cool hover vehicle on some planets. I am building relationships, researching for new upgrades and trying to sleep with Sarah Walker from Chuck.  This game is magical.

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Sat, 12 Feb 2011 11:27:56
Dvader said:

I am 17 hours into the game, I think I started 3 days ago, this cant be healthy for me but no matter. I still feel like I am just scratching the surface,  I have yet to even visit the main planet of the galaxy. I have recruited about half my crew and fought my first major battle against the collectors. I have explored parts of the galaxy and gotten to drive around in a cool hover vehicle on some planets. I am building relationships, researching for new upgrades and trying to sleep with Sarah Walker from Chuck.  This game is magical.

I pissed her off in my playthrough and our relationship never recovered.

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Sat, 12 Feb 2011 19:11:14

I guess its time for  a big time status update so this will include minor spoilers. Yesterday I did the Horizon mission which was epic, the first real encounter with the bad guys. I then recruited Kasumi and had to go to a rich dudes party and steal an artifact, so awesome. I finally went to the citadel and loved it. The advertisements were hilarious, like Hamlet read by that boring alien. The video game salesman had me cracking up. I love that Sheppard is a advertising whore, lol. I explored various planets with my cool hover ship, one had all sorts of enemies to battle. Then I boarded a collector ship, that had some incredible battle areas, the combat in this game is fantastic, action game level excellent. Now I was on Illum and did Miranda's loyalty mission. On the way there I saw an alien bachelor party, the dialogue is so sharp in this game, my hats off to the writes.

The game has it all.

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Mon, 14 Feb 2011 02:10:46

I now have Samara and Thane, only two slots left for characters and I have still almost all loyalty missions to do. I am 30 hours in and loving every second. The last thing I did was to simply explore the galaxy. I found a random planet that had creepy giant roach bugs, there was like a dragon bug flying around but you don't fight it, what a tease. I then landed on a planet where a ship crashed, their robots were crazy and they tried to kill me. That lead me to a space station where that ship had docked, the crazy computer killed everyone so i had to solve small puzzles and avoid hazards to shut it down. I found info on the planet where the malfunctioning robots were made, so I go there and get attacked by a ton of killer robots and finally I shut the place down. Randomly I found a three part side mission, so cool. Every world or location is so incredibly detailed, I really feel like I am exploring totally new locations. Most areas are small though and linear but that is the price to pay for the level of detail and uniqueness each location has.

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Mon, 14 Feb 2011 02:14:36

But the question you really have Samara?


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Mon, 14 Feb 2011 02:15:23
SteelAttack said:

But the question you really have Samara?


Hmmmmmm, I dont know...

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 22:27:49

I am 40 hours in and still have two more loyalty missions to do. I just got my last crew member. I still have plenty of side missions to do. The game is still surprising me, each mission has some sort of cool twist to it. Like that planet where sunlight hurts you. The krogan arena mission. The one with the giant geth tank thing sitting in the middle of the level. Its such a good shooter, it has been getting easier (I am on veteran) as I upgrade but the main missions still have points where you need proper strategy to get by and that is where the gameplay shines. I love the world that Bioware has created and its cast of characters. It is the total package and as soon as it ends I am jumping right back in. Oh and Miranda is a damn teasing whore. "Oh I want your body but I am busy right now, I'll get back to you", its like I need to set an appointment to sleep with her. Worst romance ever.

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Fri, 18 Feb 2011 01:41:52

Great Scott! The shadow broker mission is fantastic!!

Sheppard is the most awesome badass Bioware has ever made. He is that perfect hero who always has a firm moral code, he wants to always do goof for everyone but if a bad dude gets in his way he will scare/beat the living shit out of them. He is like a space Jack Bauer without all the self loathing.

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Fri, 18 Feb 2011 03:40:14

A huge, unlikeable hypocrite?

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Fri, 18 Feb 2011 15:49:55
Foolz said:

A huge, unlikeable hypocrite?

He is a natural leader! I would follow him to death if he was my captain. Nyaa

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Sat, 19 Feb 2011 02:37:35
Dvader said:

He is a natural leader! I would follow him to death if he was my captain. Nyaa

He's no Kevin Muscat. Not as dangerous, either!

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Sun, 20 Feb 2011 16:24:28

^ I dont know who that is.

I think today is the day I finish Mass Effect 2. Happy

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Sun, 20 Feb 2011 20:19:24
Wow!!!! ME2 is the best scifi epic I have seen/played in years. This needs to be a movie. It is my GOTY of 2010. Not a 10 cause I believe it can improve in a few areas but still one of the best games I have ever played.
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Mon, 21 Feb 2011 03:07:54
Dvader said:

^ I dont know who that is.

I think today is the day I finish Mass Effect 2. Happy

Good, because if he saw you talking like that about Baur of all people he would break your legs.

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Mon, 21 Mar 2011 20:50:47

Copy pasted from news page:

I started the campaign of Black Ops and I am not really feeling it. I generally really like the CoD campaigns, specifically MW and MW2. WoW was very good as well. This game is a clear drop in quality from MW2. There is a certain kind of polish that IW puts into MW, they know excatly when to change up the gameplay, when to do something totally crazy and how to present the action in such a way to keep thins interesting. This game has none of that, its just TRAT TRAT TRAT TRAT TRAT TRAT TRAT, non stop shooting.

The game is a giant shooting galley and not an interesting one. All the set pieces have been boring. Every moment that I know is supposed to be impressive just falls flat. They had this bike chase that is terrible when you compare something like MGS3 or 4. I don't care for the weapons, half the time I can't even see the enemies cause the down sights hardly help at all. I enjoyed Resistance 2's campaign more, at least that had cool weapons, enemy variety and boss fights. This is clearly a product of the pump out a game every year machine. The multiplayer must be god like for it to get the reviews it did.

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Thu, 24 Mar 2011 20:33:42

I am really enjoying Mafia 2, I love the setting, atmosphere and story.

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Fri, 25 Mar 2011 02:54:03

The soundtrack in this game is fantastic. I love 50s rock classics and doo-wop.

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Tue, 29 Mar 2011 22:07:47

Mafia 2 is done, moving on to Castlevania!

I played Castlevania LoS for about 4 hours straight, I smell a classic. This is definetly shaping up to be the best CV since SOTN. The game is GORGEOUS, such lush enivornments with vibrant colors.  The combat system is different and pretty decent. I sound like a broken record with all action games, it isnt DMC/Bayonetta tier, then again almost nothing is. I still think GoW has the better combat system so I would put this right under. I think the best action games need multiple weapons and this one seems to have just one but with many side weapons and cool light and dark magic powers.

I love the structure of the game, its not just action action action, there is platforming and levels with some exploration to them. Many areas you cant reach yet so you have to return later with new skills. It's broken up into small levels, reminds me of the classic CV maps, though this game is that time 100, its huge. You got the challanges for each level to do and of course harder difficulties, its jam packed with content and its all presented so beautifully.

The first titan boss was awesome, definetly copied from SotC though whats the problem with that. I guess the major negative I have so far is that its almost too much of the same thing sometimes. Games like DMC and GoW are always shifting you to something different every few minutes. This game feels too big for its own good at times, levels feel a bit too long with too much fighting of the same guys. For instance riding mounts is a great idea but so far its been used too often and for very simple tasks rather than making a cool level customized just for that creature. One level had you get from one creature to the next, to the next, just a bit too much. I think they need to introduce new enemies at a faster pace and it definetly needs more boss fights, I fought one in 4 hours, not a good ratio for an action game. And like many have said I don't see much Castlevania anywhere but no matter, the world that is presented is plenty interesting and I know eventually I will be in my favorite castle. The music is disappointing, its great but for a LOTR movie.

With that said it was still hard to put the controller down I can't wait to see what new location I visit and what battles await me. Its so nice to play an action game that takes the time to do the adventure elements as well.

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Tue, 29 Mar 2011 22:38:15

Juuuust wait! It's not all the same combat throughout the entire game! Some of the puzzles you'll be encountering later are things you haven't seen anywhere else before! It get's VERY creative... and some of the areas you'll visit... Wow!

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