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I played the Wii U.
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Joined: 2008-06-22
Thu, 25 Oct 2012 02:17:27

My local GS finally got the demo unit up so I got to try it out. The demo stand has a beautiful large HDTV which feels so weird for a Nintendo demo station. The only game available at the time was Rayman Legends but it had options for practically the entire launch lineup, those demos will be added as the launch comes closer. The real Wii U menu was not available, only a screen to choose your demo. It is a simple white background with game covers which you scroll through. This lead to the first moment to use the touch screen.

The Wii U pad feels very light and comfortable in my hands. The sticks and especially the d-pad feels great. The face buttons feel like buttons and yeah it is a bit weird to have the second stick above the buttons but it's something you will get used to in no time. The triggers are comfortable to hold, its the two shoulder buttons that kind of feel tough to reach, not cause they are in a bad position just cause of the way you are holding the pad when using both sticks. If I am playing with both sticks while holding all four top buttons my hands are focused on the very top of the pad, it still easy to hold but it feels weird. The screen looks nice, not ipad nice but I wasn't expecting it to be. The touch screen is very responsive, I found scrolling to work very well, again its no ipad but still very responsive.

Rayman Legends looks stunning by the way, the way it looked on the HDTV was eye popping and very colorful. Contrast that to the way it looked on the pad screen which had much duller colors and because it was on such a smaller screen the level of detail was lessened. Normally you wouldn't compare a giant HD to a smaller screen but when the two are occuring simultaneously it becomes very easy to compare the two. I don't think anyone is expecting the pad screen look as good as a giant HDTV, it does its job, when looking only at the pad it feels like a portable Wii U.

The Rayman demo allowed for two levels, one was one of those musical run through levels which I finished on my first try, it was no different from the ones in the first game. I used the d-pad which again is amazing, to run you hold the R trigger which again feels very comfortable. The other level was a normal platformer up until a point where you begin to control that green bug thing with the touch screen. This part of the level requires you to play as the bug while the computer plays as Rayman. Your job is to look down at the touch screen and raise platforms, cut ropes, and tickle enemies to make sure Rayman gets through the level. The screen is responsive, you just tap or swipe at what needs to be cut. While doing this I held the pad with my left while using my right to touch the screen, putting all the weight of the pad on my left, I assume when sitting you can use your lap to balance out the weight. At one point of the level I reach a platform you can rotate which allows you to tilt the pad to tilt the platform, works well but the game got frozen in a way, the AI rayman would not move anymore so I had to start over. I was able to redo that section and it worked fine the second time but the demo time ended soon after. Personally I am not to fond of Rayman levels being filled with moments where I am just tapping on a screen, hopefully this does not happen often.

I will try back later to hopefully play more games. My first impression is definetly positive but it does not leave that wow first impression the Wii did way back when, that felt like something unlike anything I have ever experienced. This feels like a game where you look and play on an ipad on certain moments.

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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 03:26:00

I was just thinking about the pad and more complex games where I will need to be using all buttons on the controller, like say something like AC3. It would be weird to be using all the triggers, sticks and buttons. If I had to choose I would rather play on a normal controller.

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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 03:31:58
I seriously doubt it would be that complicated.  AC 3 comes next week!!

Do you say it's would be weird due to the width?
Edited: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 03:33:53
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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 04:32:12
travo said:
I seriously doubt it would be that complicated.  AC 3 comes next week!!

Do you say it's would be weird due to the width?

Its weird due to the placement of the shoulder buttons, which are where they should be, its just the shape of the device makes it a bit harder to reach if my hands are on the other face buttons.

Country: GB
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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 10:53:23
People say the demo wii u controllers were light, but did they have batteries installed? I assume they were hardwired for power.

Nice to hear about the d-pad, the wii and GC d-pads were too tiny and clicky, not responsive enough. Wiis was okay most of the time but could have been bigger.

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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 10:54:24
How big are your hands? Length and width please.

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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 12:23:15
How big is your manhood?


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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 12:29:58

Small enough to enjoy RE6?

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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 12:30:08

I kid.

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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 14:26:48

We need to know also your ball size.

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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 15:09:15

Small enough to enjoy....... oh wait I did that already.

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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 15:55:22
I play the wii u and the only questions you have are my dimensions. Lol
Country: GB
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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 16:06:05
I need to know your hand size, if the shoulders are hard to reach, do you have small hands compared to me?

What is there to ask?

Um, was Rayman 1080p 60 FPS?

What did these mega textures look like?

Were the analogs clicky?

Is the screen big enough or did you expect larger/smaller?

Could you test the wireless or was it tethered?

If you get a chance, try and go to the options of the system menu and see what audio options there are.

There's not that much we need to know about the system, it's and HD system with a touch screen controller. The games use of the features is what is interesting. Hope you can play Zombi U.

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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 16:06:56
What was the sound like out of the wii u pad speakers?

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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 17:50:30
Give me an hour and ill answer you. Good questions btw.
Country: UN
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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 18:03:59
I tried it too! Dimension questions and full pictorial spreads are available via PM.  Nyaa

The sprite work and resolution in Rayman are both stunning! All the action and movement on the screen at once was actually dizzying for a moment! I had to take a few steps back from the demo... But, the sprites, again, WOW!

The controller is admittedly a bit awkward. It does feel wider than I expected and it WILL take some getting used to. I agree with Vader about the onscreen swiping and poking being a bit distracting.

Wii was more of a revolution to me. Wii U is an HD system at a time when HD has become commonplace. The control is the difference, but it may be off-putting for some...
Edited: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 18:05:01
Country: CO
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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 18:09:06

Being the only one here with expertise in medical sciences, I shall curate all pics regarding manhood dimensions, so they will be forwarded to me.

Thank you.

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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 19:22:18
Sticks are clickable.
Impossible to leave demo screen. Home Button disabled. Dashboard inaccessible.
Only Rayman playable for now due to age appropriateness of games.
Controller DEFINITELY tethered.
Country: US
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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 19:31:44
Lets play hands, penis or balls!

GG my dimension is 18cm by  9cm.

What did I measure?
Country: US
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Joined: 2008-06-22
Thu, 25 Oct 2012 19:33:52
Rayman was STUNNING. Not sure the specifics but better than origins.

I thought the screen would have been bigger. There seems to be a lot of wasted space on the pad. Would not be surprised if a larger screen pad comes out later.

Leo answered the rest I think.
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