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I still LOVE my PS2: Let's celebrate this system in light of the $99 price drop with this thread!
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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 03:06:01
In light of celebrating Sony's recent price drop of their old system that just keeps on going, I thought I make this thread and share my love for this little system that can...the PS2 (Slim).

After I got my 360 playing some of my favorite games of all-time like Street Fighter IV, Dead Space, Resident Evil 5, and the Call of Duty games, my PS2 was a haven for all the dust in my room. So one day, I decided to play my PS2 again and was shocked how muddy and horrible it looked! Than I finally got component cables for it and after playing it with those cables, I think the PS2 still holds up pretty well. I didn't get a HDTV for a long time and playing the PS2 like this really brought new life to it.

I still have so many JRPGs I still need to finish:

Wild ARMs 5
Dark Cloud 2
Valkyrie Profile 2
Rogue Galaxy
Persona 3

And I just picked up Shining Tears and saving up for Persona 4.
Shining Tears Picture

The PS2 is still great and is the best system for JRPGs.

Also, I just picked up King of Fighters XI and Samurai Shodown Anthology. What an amazing collection! It looks great on my HDTV with component cables.

Samurai Shodown Anthology Screenshot

I'm also playing through Resident Evil 4 again in progressive scan. I traded my Gamecube version for the PS2 one and it's worth it. It's still an amazing game after all these years.
Resident Evil 4 Picture

I got to get Shadow of the Colossus again.
Shadow of the Colossus Picture

Will PS2 go down in history as the greatest system of all-time? Arguably, I think it might. Regardless if it does or not, the PS2 is still running in my house. I think it still has a few more years of life left in it. There are so many more games that can come from Japan like Arcana Heart 2, Shining Wind, more SNK/Playmore games, a bunch of NIS or Atlus games, and even ports of PSP games.

And with the new $99 price drop, the PS2 is here to stay!

Edited: Wed, 01 Apr 2009 03:10:42


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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 04:50:00
With my shitty, non existant PS3 BC, I might just pick this one up. The downside is that I am already drowning in unfinished games as it is, dropping a good 20 games to that pile isn't going to help much. 
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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 05:08:36
Skip SOTC and head striaght for Ico! Nyaa

Anyway, at this point, I think it's fair to say that the PS22 is immortal.

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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 09:10:48

I have almost 300 PS2 games, and I'm not a Sony fan at all.  In fact I hated them for their false PS2 launch and I hated the PS3 this time around as well.

But the games are all that matter and that's what has won me over.  I have three PS2's and they all work.  I've had three 360's and none of them worked.

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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 10:32:03

No price drop here in the UK. Our currency is in the dumps.

Cant believe Sony crapped out on PS3 BC in europe. So many games I wanted to try. Alas there are so many news AND old games on current gen systems it looks like I will never get to play a great chunk of great PS2 games.

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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 10:33:44
i have more PS2 games than i have for any other single system and i don't know if that will ever change.  i think it still looks great (i think the same goes for the cube and the xbox) and will never have a problem with how games look (since anything from snes onwards can look great for me).  

but i do have a tiny problem (which seems to be growing though the more i get accustomed to the new ways of playing with the wiimote) with how some games control.  also the problem of too many games which steel touched upon is becoming more and more pronounced for a lot of us as our unplayed games piles seem to rise exponentially (i do realise that the root of that is consumerism but let's call it limited play time) and i don't even have a HD console like you guys.  i seem to have touched very few of the great ps2 games i got after having the wii ... yakuza 2, grimgrimoire, odin sphere, persona 3, castle shikigami II and since yesterday persona 4 are all great games that will probably have to wait forever to be played by me.

but i think the price drop is great news for gamers.  i think the fact that it's not being discontinued any time soon is great news for gamers.  


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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 18:20:26
I don't have a PS2 anymore, and despite having some games still and a desire to play them I don't foresee myself getting another one.  I had two die on me, and dealt with some seriously crappy customer service from Sony.  After I bought my second PS2 I said I wouldn't buy anything else from Sony for at least a generation.  I've stuck to that, despite a few temptations.  
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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 18:54:55
It's odd, but PS2 games just don't appeal to me in the least, even last gen. There's just something about the PS2's style of games that doesn't do it for me.

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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 19:00:26

Ravenprose said:
It's odd, but PS2 games just don't appeal to me in the least, even last gen. There's just something about the PS2's style of games that doesn't do it for me.

what do you mean by PS2 style of games?  there are so many games of so many different styles i think


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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 19:11:45

bugsonglass said:

Ravenprose said:
It's odd, but PS2 games just don't appeal to me in the least, even last gen. There's just something about the PS2's style of games that doesn't do it for me.

what do you mean by PS2 style of games?  there are so many games of so many different styles i think

It's hard to describe, but it's there (at least in my mind). Take away the multiplatform games, and the style of the exclusive games just doesn't appeal to me. It was the same with the PS1 and now PS3.

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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 19:20:03

bugsonglass said:

Ravenprose said:
It's odd, but PS2 games just don't appeal to me in the least, even last gen. There's just something about the PS2's style of games that doesn't do it for me.

what do you mean by PS2 style of games?  there are so many games of so many different styles i think

In Raven's talk, that means a distinctive lack of rodent-based games. LOL

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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 21:09:19
The PS2 is the single last gen console that I couldn't live without, since I can play so many Metal Gears on it, as well as Okami, one of my favorite action/adventures. The GC is very close, since it has Melee and I have all the single-player Zelda games, sans Twilight Princess (Wii). Xbox... great games, just nothing I couldn't get elsewhere, pretty much.

The new price cut is great. What's amazing is that this thing came out in 2000 and it's still selling, almost a decade later.

Hamster, do you not like the MGS series or Okami? What about FFX?

As for PS3 exclusives, the only ones on my radar that are of interest to me are MGS4, LBP, God of War 3, and possibly the Resistances. Do none of those appeal to you?
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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 21:28:55

Angry_Beaver said:
The PS2 is the single last gen console that I couldn't live without, since I can play so many Metal Gears on it, as well as Okami, one of my favorite action/adventures. The GC is very close, since it has Melee and I have all the single-player Zelda games, sans Twilight Princess (Wii). Xbox... great games, just nothing I couldn't get elsewhere, pretty much.

The new price cut is great. What's amazing is that this thing came out in 2000 and it's still selling, almost a decade later.

Hamster, do you not like the MGS series or Okami? What about FFX?

As for PS3 exclusives, the only ones on my radar that are of interest to me are MGS4, LBP, God of War 3, and possibly the Resistances. Do none of those appeal to you?

Out of your list, only LBP interests me. On PS2, hell Ico, SOTC, the platformers, pretty much all them, R&C J&D and the two GOW games.

Final Fantasy, missing PS1 and 2 means I pretty much missed FF completely.

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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 22:20:37

gamingeek said:

No price drop here in the UK. Our currency is in the dumps.

Cant believe Sony crapped out on PS3 BC in europe. So many games I wanted to try. Alas there are so many news AND old games on current gen systems it looks like I will never get to play a great chunk of great PS2 games.


So for some reason, I'm getting back into Bully. Is very very fun.

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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 23:12:33

Angry_Beaver said:
The PS2 is the single last gen console that I couldn't live without, since I can play so many Metal Gears on it, as well as Okami, one of my favorite action/adventures. The GC is very close, since it has Melee and I have all the single-player Zelda games, sans Twilight Princess (Wii). Xbox... great games, just nothing I couldn't get elsewhere, pretty much.

The new price cut is great. What's amazing is that this thing came out in 2000 and it's still selling, almost a decade later.

Hamster, do you not like the MGS series or Okami? What about FFX?

As for PS3 exclusives, the only ones on my radar that are of interest to me are MGS4, LBP, God of War 3, and possibly the Resistances. Do none of those appeal to you?

I tried MGS on Gamecube, and was bored by it. I played Okami on Wii; it's a decent game, but nothing I couldn't have lived without. I hate turn-based RPGs, so no FFX for me or the other bajillion JRPGs on the console (Mario RPGs are the only turn-based RPGs that I can stand . . . barely). God of War looks okay, but nothing special. I'd much rather play Gears of War and Halo than Resistance or Fallout 2. I do admit that LBP does look fun. When I look at most Playstation exclusives, I think, "meh." I'm sure they are all fine games, but they're just not for me.

Nintendo and Microsoft games click with me in a way that Sony games never have.

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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 23:18:14

gamingeek said:

Angry_Beaver said:
The PS2 is the single last gen console that I couldn't live without, since I can play so many Metal Gears on it, as well as Okami, one of my favorite action/adventures. The GC is very close, since it has Melee and I have all the single-player Zelda games, sans Twilight Princess (Wii). Xbox... great games, just nothing I couldn't get elsewhere, pretty much.

The new price cut is great. What's amazing is that this thing came out in 2000 and it's still selling, almost a decade later.

Hamster, do you not like the MGS series or Okami? What about FFX?

As for PS3 exclusives, the only ones on my radar that are of interest to me are MGS4, LBP, God of War 3, and possibly the Resistances. Do none of those appeal to you?

Out of your list, only LBP interests me. On PS2, hell Ico, SOTC, the platformers, pretty much all them, R&C J&D and the two GOW games.

Final Fantasy, missing PS1 and 2 means I pretty much missed FF completely.

Only LBP? That's actually the game I'd least want that I listed, just because I'm tired of platformers.

You need at least a PS2 so you can see what kind of experiences the Metal Gear series provides.
ICO bores me. I've beaten it, but I hate the movement and combat, and the lack of action when compared to other games. It's just really slow, and I don't find anything exciting about it, really.
The GoW games are superb, which is why I'm going to discipline Hamster below... with a HapticHamster.

Edited: Wed, 01 Apr 2009 23:48:19
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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 23:47:20

Ravenprose said:

Angry_Beaver said:
The PS2 is the single last gen console that I couldn't live without, since I can play so many Metal Gears on it, as well as Okami, one of my favorite action/adventures. The GC is very close, since it has Melee and I have all the single-player Zelda games, sans Twilight Princess (Wii). Xbox... great games, just nothing I couldn't get elsewhere, pretty much.

The new price cut is great. What's amazing is that this thing came out in 2000 and it's still selling, almost a decade later.

Hamster, do you not like the MGS series or Okami? What about FFX?

As for PS3 exclusives, the only ones on my radar that are of interest to me are MGS4, LBP, God of War 3, and possibly the Resistances. Do none of those appeal to you?

I tried MGS on Gamecube, and was bored by it. I played Okami on Wii; it's a decent game, but nothing I couldn't have lived without. I hate turn-based RPGs, so no FFX for me or the other bajillion JRPGs on the console (Mario RPGs are the only turn-based RPGs that I can stand . . . barely). God of War looks okay, but nothing special. I'd much rather play Gears of War and Halo than Resistance or Fallout 2. I do admit that LBP does look fun. When I look at most Playstation exclusives, I think, "meh." I'm sure they are all fine games, but they're just not for me.

Nintendo and Microsoft games click with me in a way that Sony games never have.

MGS on GC wasn't what it could have been. In some ways I find it better than the original, but there are stupid little things that annoy, such as endlessly spawning enemies, and some other issues. Plus, the GC controller isn't good for a game like that (not really surprising). Not sure how the game could be boring, unless the only games with action in them that you like have constant, tense action. (Sometimes I feel like I'm not even reading/talking with the same person who liked Animal Crossing so much before. Nyaa )  Maybe give MGS3 a try. If MGS1 bored you, don't try MGS2. MGS3 has more action, both in-game and in the cutscenes, than either of the previous two. It's my favorite in the series, barring MGS4 and Portable Ops, since I don't own the hardware for those.

Okami is definitely a stand-out action/adventure for me. I do admit that it can get overly long and boring at times, and that its difficulty is inconsistent, but I love feeling like I'm playing through an anime. Happy  The only action/adventure of the same type (i.e. RE and MGS are excluded) that I like better is possibly, POSSIBLY, Twilight Princess. The funny thing is that while I found Okami really fresh when playing it for the first time, TP actually bored me more the first time through. Of course, that might be because it's so similar to OoT, only far too easy... and not as much the fun kind of easy like Okami, but the more insultingly stupid kind of easy you find in Wind Waker. But if you like Zelda and anime, you should like this game. If you do like those, then I'm not quite sure what it is about Okami that's not cutting it.

I got tired of JRPGs a while ago. The only ones I can stand to go back to consistently are the two Golden Suns, and maybe FFVII when I beat it. But FFX has a great story and great presentation--facts like those probably contributed to its boring battle system not having as much of a negative impact on me as it otherwise might. Ironically, while turn-based JRPGs are the ones that bore me the most, they're also the only ones I'll really play much of, since if I have a lot of stats to keep track of, I like to take my time to plan. (In other words, I don't play RTSs, either.) I only put it on the list because it's in my collection of PS2 games that I really like (though it's probably on the bottom rung of those).

As I said above to GG, the God of War games are superb. I'm not sure where you could be coming from when you say that they're "nothing special". Have you played similar games that are unarguably better? I'm not really sure if Ninja Gaiden and DMC are similar enough for me to consider them as alternatives. I'd really like to know why you think what you do about the God of Wars.

I haven't played either Resistance, but I hear that Halo 1 is extremely simplistic compared to newer console FPSs. I wouldn't know. What I do know is that Halo 2 is very similar to Halo 1, and that Halo 3 is probably not too much of an evolution. Personally, I share your preference for Halo (3) over the Resistances, but that's only because I liked the Halos on the original Xbox, and because it's harder for FPSs to stand out as top tier this gen. But I won't actually know if the Resistances are better than Halo 3 until I play them. Until I do play them, my bias has no grounding.

Fallout 2 sounds (because I haven't played it) like a hybrid WRPG/FPS, so it's not entirely comparable to Gears or Halo. But it's from Bethesda, the Elder Scrolls company, so if you like Morrowind or Oblivion or FPSs, I'd say give it a try if you haven't already. Oh, and BTW, it's also on the 360, so I'm not sure why you brought it up. WinkWink

So you look at PS exclusive and think they're "meh". Hmmmm... puzzling. My hypothesis was that you're a shooter person, and of course you'd rather have some (that happen to be on the 360) over others (on the PS3), but the PS3 has shooters, nonetheless. And MGS4 is more like a shooter than any other entry in the series.

I can't understand rodents! Nyaa

/rantish multiple blocks of text

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Thu, 02 Apr 2009 00:19:34

Oops, I meant Killzone 2 instead of Fallout 2. I don't like Fallout 2 much either, though. WinkWink

MGS has waaay too much dialogue. That's why I found it boring. From what I've read of the later games, they have a TON of cutscenes which I also do not like (any cutscene longer than 1 minute can burn in hell, IMO).

My main gaming genres are: Racing, Nintendo (they get their own genre ), and FPS. I grew up in the late '70s and 80s where fast paced arcade games ruled the day, and I've never been able to fully adjust to modern story-driven games.

My enjoyment of Animal Crossing is an enigma to me. I really shouldn't like the series at all, but I do.

As far as my "meh" statement. Everyone does it, even if they don't realize it. Whenever I look at a game, my initial reaction to is either: blah, meh, hmm, or WOOT! Playstation exclusives fall into the "meh" catagory; they're not bad, but nothing terribly interesting either.

Edited: Thu, 02 Apr 2009 00:21:43

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Thu, 02 Apr 2009 05:26:37

Angry_Beaver said:

gamingeek said:

Angry_Beaver said:
The PS2 is the single last gen console that I couldn't live without, since I can play so many Metal Gears on it, as well as Okami, one of my favorite action/adventures. The GC is very close, since it has Melee and I have all the single-player Zelda games, sans Twilight Princess (Wii). Xbox... great games, just nothing I couldn't get elsewhere, pretty much.

The new price cut is great. What's amazing is that this thing came out in 2000 and it's still selling, almost a decade later.

Hamster, do you not like the MGS series or Okami? What about FFX?

As for PS3 exclusives, the only ones on my radar that are of interest to me are MGS4, LBP, God of War 3, and possibly the Resistances. Do none of those appeal to you?

Out of your list, only LBP interests me. On PS2, hell Ico, SOTC, the platformers, pretty much all them, R&C J&D and the two GOW games.

Final Fantasy, missing PS1 and 2 means I pretty much missed FF completely.

Only LBP? That's actually the game I'd least want that I listed, just because I'm tired of platformers.

You need at least a PS2 so you can see what kind of experiences the Metal Gear series provides.
ICO bores me. I've beaten it, but I hate the movement and combat, and the lack of action when compared to other games. It's just really slow, and I don't find anything exciting about it, really.
The GoW games are superb, which is why I'm going to discipline Hamster below... with a HapticHamster.

You... Hate the movement?!

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Thu, 02 Apr 2009 06:35:16
Yeah. I dislike the lack of control that the player has when a jump is performed, for example, as it makes Ico leap forward at the same time. I can get used to such a jump in a game like GTA, since escaping from and chasing enemies is so integral, but if I need somewhat precise movement, I like being able to control my jumps more (jumping in ICO is even less precise than it is in the GTAs). Also, running feels way too loose--it feels like it takes forever for him to stop after I've let up on the stick. In other words, control isn't precise at all, and I dislike that fact. I don't think I've played a game where control felt looser and made me feel, well, like I was in less control.

But as for combat, which occurs often, it's just plain horrible, and it takes forever to kill the enemies. What annoys me the most is how long Ico takes to get back up after he's been knocked down--gee, it's not like he has to save someone, is it? Nyaa

I'll give the game credit for charm and its puzzles, some of which (the puzzles) actually stumped me for a while (partially because of how the environment was designed and how it looks). I did go through it once, after a hiatus, and liked the ending. But this is a game I just can't see myself replaying at all, since it fails to hold me. I suppose I was only able to finish it because of how short it is.

Shadow of the Colossus looks more interesting, but I passed on that primarily because it's supposedly similar to ICO in particular ways, meaning that it probably wouldn't be worth my money (for me). ICO was so bland for me that I find it nearly impossible to empathize with those who are so eagerly awaiting the developer's next game. I suppose these are games that would classify as "meh" on Raven's scale when applied to me. But I just need to clarify that while these aren't my kind of games, I wouldn't call them bad, either.
Edited: Thu, 02 Apr 2009 06:37:31
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