Remember, I said COULD VERY WELL ... I am not passing final judgement AT ALL just yet.
The game is a lot darker and bloody than Sucker Punch would probably venture to do and sometimes it just fits one game better than others.
This guy is NOT Cole. He is IMMEDIATELY pissed, out for vengeance and has NO conscience at all. There are no Karma moments here.
Where Cole has electricity, Alex has more Alien/Organic weaponry; it just has a whole different feeling to it. This game gets your adrenaline pumping HARD.
They took the jumping, throwing and hammer fists concepts from Hulk: UD mixed it with the quarantine plot of inFamous and threw it all together in NYC...
The blood is a thing unto itself though. Within the first minute of starting the game, you see Alex literally splitting people in half!
It also shares a lot in common with Spiderman: Web of Shadows. There's even a "Web of Intrigue" that stores memories (movies) and helps to tie all the people you consume (that are part of the plot) together so you can re-discover your past.
Like I said before, it seemed like the reviewer wasn't all that interested --OR-- maybe he was rushed to review it after E3.
It is averaging 93 out of 100 at Metacritic presently!
I'm also seriously wondering about the different versions. Again, no pop-up or draw-in in my PS3 game! I can see clear across NYC, even while gliding. I've also had tons of panicking people, hunters, a hive, a helicopter, tanks and explosions on screen without any slowdown.
I wonder what's going on here?
"For those of you wondering how different Sucker Punch's Infamous is from Prototype, the answer is 'very'. While both occupy the same genre space, hitting stores with a super-powered protagonist imbued with freewheeling movement across an open-world pocked with missions and sub-missions, and gameplay that rewards exploration (both have the equivalent of Crackdown's agility orbs to find) but is very much combat-centric, Infamous is more elegant and refined in design, with more of a focus on ranged combat, while Prototype is – truth be told - more frenetic and fun. Prototype is more of a spectacle and puts more power and choice in the hands of the player. It can feel messier in design as a result, with something of a kitchen sink approach, but gliding about the city at speed, slicing and dicing enemies in the midst of massive firefights, having greater choice in upgrading your character, and generally giving you more variety in gameplay, are all big pluses. Well worth checking out." From IGN.Com's Prototype AU 8.5 / 10 Review
occupy the same genre space, hitting stores with a super-powered
protagonist imbued with freewheeling movement across an open-world
pocked with missions and sub-missions, and gameplay that rewards
exploration (both have the equivalent of Crackdown's agility orbs to
find)" and they were both released a few short weeks from each other...
How ever in the world can you compare the two?!
--So, apparently, all of the people whom are more forgiving sloths who've actually played the game seems to agree it's fun and "well worth checking out."
unless you don't like fun or have boycotted games from major publishers
(for whatever petty reason), I agree! Rent it or buy it, it's your
choice, but Prototype is a great "Summer-time" game to play and enjoy!

SteelAttack said:Nice impressions, Leo. I think I might want to give it a try, but the Uncharted 2 beta is swallowing all my gaming time.
Beta's are for the birds. Never understood the point in playing incomplete games!
Iga_Bobovic said:SteelAttack said:Nice impressions, Leo. I think I might want to give it a try, but the Uncharted 2 beta is swallowing all my gaming time.Beta's are for the birds. Never understood the point in playing incomplete games!
All the games I play are incomplete, so that fact has no importance to me.
SteelAttack said:Iga_Bobovic said:SteelAttack said:Nice impressions, Leo. I think I might want to give it a try, but the Uncharted 2 beta is swallowing all my gaming time.Beta's are for the birds. Never understood the point in playing incomplete games!
All the games I play are incomplete, so that fact has no importance to me.
How can you even play a game when you are so slothlike?
Well, if you enjoy dining on trash. Jump in with Archie!
gamingeek said:How can you even play a game when you are so slothlike?
Well, if you enjoy dining on trash. Jump in with Archie!
*sniffle* Why must everyone mock me so! *sob!*
**Reprinted from you-know-where in case anyone here wishes to know more about this game!**
Prototype could very well be a better game than inFamous!
It is visceral; it is beautiful in a dark, colorful kind of way; it does justice to NYC... Above all else it is a --B-L-A-S-T-- to play!
So much blood. So much destruction. So much violence. Sooo. Much. Fun!
More impressions to come!