Forum > Blogs > I will watch X-men the movie but I refuse to read the comic or watch the cartoon - ever
I will watch X-men the movie but I refuse to read the comic or watch the cartoon - ever
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Tue, 18 May 2010 13:06:23

Have you ever witnessed live action snobbery?

It really bugs me. Some of the most popular blockbuster movies are based on comics that became cartoons, that became movies.

Things like Superman, X-men, Batman, Spiderman, Transformers.

I know people who will happily sit there and watch the movie, but if you ever dare suggest they check out other sources of media which flesh out the backstories or even which do it better; they steadfastly refuse to, dismiss and ignore it.

People who refuse to watch a Studio Ghibli film just because it's animated. Who will happily sit through the trashy bullshit of Transformers 2 but won't touch a G1 cartoon. Even people who are curious of the X-men's backstories but wont ever contemplate watching an animated version of a comic book story that explains it in detail and started it all.

You have people who like the characters, like the universe and the tone but then wont ever concede to watch something simply because it's animated.

Why is it that there are some people who get to a certain age and dismiss anything slightly "kiddie" as reprehensible? It defies the logic centre of my brain.

Even more so because I know them, I know what they like to watch and I know there are things they would enjoy.

One time there was nothing on TV, so I suggested that my 60 + year old father watch Exosquad, a critically lauded animated sci fi show. He loves science fiction, but grumbled and complained and said that I could put it on and he would fall asleep during it.

2 hours later and we had watched 7 episodes in a row and he was enthralled and wanted to know what happened next.

Other friends and family are so godamn stubborn it almost feels like I have to force something upon them for their own good. Where is the trust? Where is the open mind?

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Tue, 18 May 2010 13:06:51
And on that note why have some of you fuckers not bought Endless Ocean 2 yet? Nyaa

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Tue, 18 May 2010 14:15:03

I never really fault anyone for not checking out comics when they're used as source material unless it's a really limited run and only goes for 5 to 12 issues, like League of Extrodinary Gentlemen or the Watchmen.  There's just too much of it there and it requires a fairly sizeable investment for them to find out what's good.  I mean, if someone wanted me to recommend what X-men books to read I would have a tough time even finding a place for them to start.  

However, for people who just dismiss them and call them childish, screw'em.  They're missing storylines that are frankly far better than anything than ever appeared in a movie.

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Tue, 18 May 2010 14:26:09

robio said:

I never really fault anyone for not checking out comics when they're used as source material unless it's a really limited run and only goes for 5 to 12 issues, like League of Extrodinary Gentlemen or the Watchmen.  There's just too much of it there and it requires a fairly sizeable investment for them to find out what's good.  I mean, if someone wanted me to recommend what X-men books to read I would have a tough time even finding a place for them to start.  

However, for people who just dismiss them and call them childish, screw'em.  They're missing storylines that are frankly far better than anything than ever appeared in a movie.

If you're sitting in the same room as them with the same material availible to them, that you offer to lend them for free and they just dismiss them....ugh.

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Tue, 18 May 2010 14:38:13

gamingeek said:

robio said:

I never really fault anyone for not checking out comics when they're used as source material unless it's a really limited run and only goes for 5 to 12 issues, like League of Extrodinary Gentlemen or the Watchmen.  There's just too much of it there and it requires a fairly sizeable investment for them to find out what's good.  I mean, if someone wanted me to recommend what X-men books to read I would have a tough time even finding a place for them to start.  

However, for people who just dismiss them and call them childish, screw'em.  They're missing storylines that are frankly far better than anything than ever appeared in a movie.

If you're sitting in the same room as them with the same material availible to them, that you offer to lend them for free and they just dismiss them....ugh.

Yeah in that case shove it up their ass and make them learn through osmosis.

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Tue, 18 May 2010 14:42:00

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Tue, 18 May 2010 22:22:02
Comics and cartoons are for teh kiddiez!

The VG Press

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Wed, 19 May 2010 03:02:29

I'm not buying Endless Ocean 2 because I am not European. It seems to be a pre-requisite.

I don't watch movies anymore unless it is an act of irony.  I just don't have the patience.  I don't read comics because they are too short.  I read manga, I buy the entirety of a volume becuase that is the equivalent of a novel.

But, that said, I don;t read novels either.  Only Biography or history.  So I guess I'm a big loser fiction wise.

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Wed, 19 May 2010 03:35:52

aspro said:

I'm not buying Endless Ocean 2 because I am not European. It seems to be a pre-requisite.

I don't watch movies anymore unless it is an act of irony.  I just don't have the patience.  I don't read comics because they are too short.  I read manga, I buy the entirety of a volume becuase that is the equivalent of a novel.

But, that said, I don;t read novels either.  Only Biography or history.  So I guess I'm a big loser fiction wise.

Fiction is for kids, don't worry.

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Wed, 19 May 2010 03:38:24

Foolz said:

Fiction is for kids, don't worry.

 Hey man, I'm not denigrating fiction.  I love me some Asimov etc... the problem for me is I consume it so fast that if you ask me an hour after I finish a book I cannot tell you the name of the protagonist.  So I avoid it, it's like chocolate versus protein.

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Wed, 19 May 2010 03:46:33

aspro said:

Hey man, I'm not denigrating fiction.  I love me some Asimov etc... the problem for me is I consume it so fast that if you ask me an hour after I finish a book I cannot tell you the name of the protagonist.  So I avoid it, it's like chocolate versus protein.

I know, but I was. Nyaa

However oen should not even joke about Endless Ocean. Sad

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Wed, 19 May 2010 19:22:44

aspro said:

I'm not buying Endless Ocean 2 because I am not European. It seems to be a pre-requisite.

So I guess I'm a big loser fiction wise.

The only reason you are a loser is because you wont buy Endless Ocean.

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