If my 5 year old named video games
"Martians in costumes"
"A guy travelling through the mountains"
I only could get my 7 yo daughter to do the first couple. Then she got bored and left.
That is awesome. I want more. Robio your kids know Link, that is awesome. I like "Taking pictures" the most.
A guy travelling through mountains FTW. I would play it until I notice the Elder Scrolls part of the title.
We'll try this again in the future. It was fun, but getting him to do these was surpringly hard. Lots of "I don't knows" and sometimes he's already know what the game was and would just me the real name (which is why Super Mario Land 3D didn't go on this list).
A guy singing songs? Does Nathan resemble some artist I don't know about?
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travo (4m)
A while back someone (either Leo or Vader) posted some pictures of games that someone let their young child rename, and then asked I do the same. Sooooooo I finally got to that today. I'll just say this.... it's interesting what they see. Some is pretty much what you'd expect, and others are waaaaaaaaay out there.
"Nintendo Dress Up Disney"
"Taking Pictures"
"Link Saves The World"
and the winner is....
"A Guy Singing Songs"