Forum > Gaming Discussion > If you've never played Animal Crossing, why not?
If you've never played Animal Crossing, why not?
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Mon, 09 Mar 2009 16:46:35

Animal Crossing is a franchise that dates way back to the final days of the N64. It sold over 2.9 million on GC but really blew up with the DS version which outsold the Halo games and is still rising at something over 10 million units. The Wii version is already at 2.79 million and will easily outsell the GC version.

Before the DS version I always managed to avoid the AC games. They looked weird, I didn't  know what to expect. Buying the game was some sort of gamble I wasn't willing to take. Over the years I had heard enough from forumers to encourage me to try the game and so with the DS Lite purchase, I needed a new game to go along with it.

This was when I bought Wild World as an impulse buy.

Initially I was bewildered: this is IT? I thought. The game was tiny, restrictive, there was nothing to do. But as the days went by the game slowly opened up, gently rewarding you, not with OMG look at that mother******* boss moments, but with small daily rewards that went on for months and months. By the end of the year this alternative world had become my most favourite game of the year.

So I'm wondering, firstly if you haven't tried Animal Crossing yet, what are your reasons for not doing so?

And if you have, what were your very first impressions stepping into the game?

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Mon, 09 Mar 2009 16:52:08

Well my reasons for not buying it yet are that I simply have too many other games that I'm much more interested in getting before it. Not that I'm not interested in it just that I have other priorities. Perhaps one day I'll get around to it.


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Mon, 09 Mar 2009 16:58:05
The first thing I thought after playing the game for a while was "fuck, this is so cool and relaxing and laid back". No scores, no predetermined goals, no ending whatsoever. Just a tiny bubble of awesome, your bubble of awesome, evolving bit by bit each and every day, throwing small but neat stuff at you at each turn.
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Mon, 09 Mar 2009 17:01:59
All of the Animal Crossing games are epic win . . . except for the craptastic City Folk. Wild World is by far the best in the series, IMO.

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Mon, 09 Mar 2009 17:06:42
Ravenprose said:
All of the Animal Crossing games are epic win . . . except for the craptastic City Folk. Wild World is by far the best in the series, IMO.

Perhaps if I had played an Animal Crossing game before I would have the same opinion of the grumpy old fart above me, though. Nyaa
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Mon, 09 Mar 2009 17:10:40

SteelAttack said:
Ravenprose said:
All of the Animal Crossing games are epic win . . . except for the craptastic City Folk. Wild World is by far the best in the series, IMO.

Perhaps if I had played an Animal Crossing game before I would have the same opinion of the grumpy old fart above me, though. Nyaa

 LOL Back in my day, we didn't have to tend to no silly virtual grass, dammit!

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Mon, 09 Mar 2009 17:17:32

Archangel3371 said:

Well my reasons for not buying it yet are that I simply have too many other games that I'm much more interested in getting before it. Not that I'm not interested in it just that I have other priorities. Perhaps one day I'll get around to it.

So what does perhaps one day mean? Nyaa Because I've said that before and never picked up games. Pikmin 2 for example. Is is a case of a low price, or a dull part of the year? Or just lack of interest?

Is there something about it that just doesn't appeal to you? Because before trying the game I always saw it as a gamble and something weird.

SteelAttack said:
The first thing I thought after playing the game for a while was "fuck, this is so cool and relaxing and laid back". No scores, no predetermined goals, no ending whatsoever. Just a tiny bubble of awesome, your bubble of awesome, evolving bit by bit each and every day, throwing small but neat stuff at you at each turn.

Did you get into it immediately? Because it took me at least a week and a half before I really dug it. Does it ever feel pointless to you because of the lack of goals?

To me, in Wild World I got rich quick and ran out of items to buy so it lasted me 9 months. Which is ages to be fair to the game, I played it everyday.

In City folk with things like super expensive seasonal store ware at Gracies and uber items like fountains and windmills and seasonal events, + foreign events you can only see by visiting online. This will last me ages.

Ravenprose said:
All of the Animal Crossing games are epic win . . . except for the craptastic City Folk. Wild World is by far the best in the series, IMO.

So what were your first impressions of your first AC game?

I haven't tried the cube game, so the additions to City Folk over wild world are great to me. One thing that still annoys me about the game(s) though is a lack of inventory space for tools and items and even lack of storage space at home for items.

I have 3 characters because I needed the item space in closets. Eventually my aim is to have 4 characters with 3 rooms a piece.

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Mon, 09 Mar 2009 17:26:38

I consider the original AC to be a close second to Wild World, but the refinements made in Wild World make it difficult to go back to it. City Folk is basically a combination of the original AC and Wild World, only not done as well, IMO. The only new things in City Folk is the lame city and animal tracks; just about everything else has been done before in those other two games. Thought Jingle was cool? He was in the original AC. Like Wisp the ghost? He was also in the original AC. City Folk is a lazy port of two more successful games. 

Yes, I'm bitter.

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Mon, 09 Mar 2009 17:29:29

gamingeek said:
Did you get into it immediately? Because it took me at least a week and a half before I really dug it. Does it ever feel pointless to you because of the lack of goals?

Pretty much. Like, a couple days. I understood almost from the get-go that this is a game that needs to be experienced at a relaxed pace, in small doses, and without hurries of any kind. To be honest, the thought of it being pointless because of its lack of scores/goals hasn't ever crossed my mind.

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Mon, 09 Mar 2009 17:31:28

Ravenprose said:

Yes, I'm bitter.

OMG. Your bitterness is in stark contrast to the cuteness of your avatar. Reading your angry posts and watching your avatar causes my mental system to shutdown. LOL

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Mon, 09 Mar 2009 17:35:26

Ravenprose said:

I consider the original AC to be a close second to Wild World, but the refinements made in Wild World make it difficult to go back to it. City Folk is basically a combination of the original AC and Wild World, only not done as well, IMO. The only new things in City Folk is the lame city and animal tracks; just about everything else has been done before in those other two games. Thought Jingle was cool? He was in the original AC. Like Wisp the ghost? He was also in the original AC. City Folk is a lazy port of two more successful games.

Yes, I'm bitter.


SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:
Did you get into it immediately? Because it took me at least a week and a half before I really dug it. Does it ever feel pointless to you because of the lack of goals?

Pretty much. Like, a couple days. I understood almost from the get-go that this is a game that needs to be experienced at a relaxed pace, in small doses, and without hurries of any kind. To be honest, the thought of it being pointless because of its lack of scores/goals hasn't ever crossed my mind.

Interesting. Some writers have said that the game is about rampant consumerism because of the daily shopping, new items and stock market system.

Others have wrote that its a form of addictive risk free gambling, I'll give you this, for this mystery item etc. I can see that, for instance you never know what fish you are going to catch till it comes out of the water. You never know what item someone has sent you till you open the letter. You never know what is in those floating presents in the sky till you shoot it down.

Have you seen or shot down the UFO yet? In the DS game when I shot that bastard down it was like WHOA day. I even took a cellphone pic of it. I've seen him fly across really fast once so far over nearly 3 months and missed him.

Edited: Mon, 09 Mar 2009 17:55:34

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Mon, 09 Mar 2009 17:36:45

Oh yeah Steel, ask KK to play "K.K. Senor" here

Oh yeah and "K.K. Crusin'" f******* rocks!

Which brings up a great point. What were your first impressions of KK sliders performances? I was like.... WTF? LOL And then when cool songs started happening and since it was only on Saturday nights, it felt really special, a once a week performance.

"K.K. House" rocks too

"K.K. Metal" here

"K.K Mambo" here LOL

Edited: Mon, 09 Mar 2009 17:58:38

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Mon, 09 Mar 2009 17:44:11
Animal Crossing is what turned me into the monster that I am today.
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Mon, 09 Mar 2009 17:46:24

lordandrew said:
Animal Crossing is what turned me into the monster that I am today.

The fishing, flower planting, item collecting monster?

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Mon, 09 Mar 2009 17:49:05

It's not really price and not necessarily lack of interest. I mean I do have some interest in wanting to see what it's like but my interest isn't obviously as high in it as it is for numerous other games. I guess it's more of a game I'd get if there wasn't anything available that I really wanted or that was coming out within the next few weeks. It may be a game I pick up someday then again it may be a game I don't get. It won't be the first time that's happened and it surely won't be the last.


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Mon, 09 Mar 2009 17:53:36

Archangel3371 said:

It's not really price and not necessarily lack of interest. I mean I do have some interest in wanting to see what it's like but my interest isn't obviously as high in it as it is for numerous other games. I guess it's more of a game I'd get if there wasn't anything available that I really wanted or that was coming out within the next few weeks. It may be a game I pick up someday then again it may be a game I don't get. It won't be the first time that's happened and it surely won't be the last.

Yeah I know how that is.

I'm interested to see people's first feedback on these games because they are so unique to anything I've played before. It's sort of like the best harvest moon minus the chores and being all rewards.

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Mon, 09 Mar 2009 18:03:21

Yeah I mean for instance I played all the other Ace Combat games and I love the series so AC6 was a game I was very interested in but for whatever reason I just simply didn't get around to picking it up until now and it wasn't because of the price although it did work out in my favour. There isn't always a rhyme or reason it's just the way things go sometimes.


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Mon, 09 Mar 2009 18:11:47
I played AC on the Cube. . . for about 3 days.  I tried to get into it, but doing errands and decorating my home just never really seemed fun to me.  The only thing I really liked about it was getting to play the classic NES games.  If the new one had that feature again I'd probably play it, but I really can't get myself interested in it.
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Mon, 09 Mar 2009 20:21:47

robio said:
I played AC on the Cube. . . for about 3 days.  I tried to get into it, but doing errands and decorating my home just never really seemed fun to me.  The only thing I really liked about it was getting to play the classic NES games.  If the new one had that feature again I'd probably play it, but I really can't get myself interested in it.

Yikes. 3 days. Did you even get all your tools by then?

You only would have seen about less than 1% of the items. Seen no events or holidays. No villagers come and go either. Ouch.

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Mon, 09 Mar 2009 20:29:16

gamingeek said:

I can see that, for instance you never know what fish you are going to catch till it comes out of the water. You never know what item someone has sent you till you open the letter. You never know what is in those floating presents in the sky till you shoot it down.

Have you seen or shot down the UFO yet? In the DS game when I shot that bastard down it was like WHOA day. I even took a cellphone pic of it. I've seen him fly across really fast once so far over nearly 3 months and missed him.

This is so true. And it's what I was talking about before. UFO? I hadn't the slighest clue there was a fucking UFO in the game, lol. Just when you think  you have seen all the shit the game can throw at you, it surprises you with another little thing. Unless you are Raven, of course, in that case you have seen everything AC can offer to you and the dev team in underwear. Nyaa

It took me a good minute to figure out who were you talking about, lol. I have only seen KK perform once. Slider, I think, but yeah, the fact that he only shows up on saturday nights makes them special in a way. Now I wanna see him again. There are so many little things like this that make you feel the game like it is yours, you know? Different moments, memories and experiences for everyone.

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