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Iga's thread of playing seven games at once!! It is done!
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Mon, 29 Jun 2009 23:18:34

I finished MadWorld. I was fighting the vampire chick Elize and the story was getting more and more interesting. I could not stop playing, so I finished the game. Man I did so many cool things and fought so many awesome bosses. Won't spoil it for Aspro, go play it!

Also hard mode is real hard. Enemies actually attack you relentlessly, forcing you to use the dodge move.

Tomorrow it's No More Heroes time! 

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Mon, 29 Jun 2009 23:43:37
How awesome were those end credits?
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Mon, 29 Jun 2009 23:46:48

robio said:
How awesome were those end credits?

 They were fucking awesome. By far the funniest part of the game

P.S. I guessed correctly who the final boss would be. Did you?

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Tue, 30 Jun 2009 00:36:51

Iga_Bobovic said:

I finished MadWorld. I was fighting the vampire chick Elize and the story was getting more and more interesting. I could not stop playing, so I finished the game. Man I did so many cool things and fought so many awesome bosses. Won't spoil it for Aspro, go play it!

Also hard mode is real hard. Enemies actually attack you relentlessly, forcing you to use the dodge move.

Tomorrow it's No More Heroes time!

Wait till you see the end sequence of NMH.

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Tue, 30 Jun 2009 01:18:46
Hmm. In a matter of months, I find my Wii collection go from passable to sorely lacking. Need to get NMH, Madworld, Overkill for starters.
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Tue, 30 Jun 2009 04:48:46

Iga_Bobovic said:

robio said:
How awesome were those end credits?

 They were fucking awesome. By far the funniest part of the game

P.S. I guessed correctly who the final boss would be. Did you?

 I thought after that you'd get to fight the evil guy, especially considering he said he'd fight Jack if he had to. Sad

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Tue, 30 Jun 2009 05:16:41

SteelAttack said:
Hmm. In a matter of months, I find my Wii collection go from passable to sorely lacking. Need to get NMH, Madworld, Overkill for starters.

Ahh yeah. Fer sure man. I'm going to knock down MW soon (I'm on level 18 of Portal right now), not sure when I'll get to opening OK.  I bought it 'cause Foolz hypes it so much. But yeah, my Wii collection is probably the most solid one I have had since before my Dreamcast and SNES collections became watered down.  The way I see it there are about 30 Wii titles that are must-own.

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Tue, 30 Jun 2009 10:04:08

Iga_Bobovic said:

I finished MadWorld. I was fighting the vampire chick Elize and the story was getting more and more interesting. I could not stop playing, so I finished the game. Man I did so many cool things and fought so many awesome bosses. Won't spoil it for Aspro, go play it!

Also hard mode is real hard. Enemies actually attack you relentlessly, forcing you to use the dodge move.

Tomorrow it's No More Heroes time!

I didn't bother with hard mode, I got my katana and I restarted on normal Grinning

aspro73 said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

I finished MadWorld. I was fighting the vampire chick Elize and the story was getting more and more interesting. I could not stop playing, so I finished the game. Man I did so many cool things and fought so many awesome bosses. Won't spoil it for Aspro, go play it!

Also hard mode is real hard. Enemies actually attack you relentlessly, forcing you to use the dodge move.

Tomorrow it's No More Heroes time!

Wait till you see the end sequence of NMH.

The GOOD ending, where you seen the whole fight and not just having it cut off. Check youtube if you missed it.

No More Heroes - Real Ending

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Tue, 30 Jun 2009 12:03:43
^That last picture was just epic.

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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 09:14:13

Okay played some more No More Heroes

I gave up on the stupid bench press exercise. I was hitting my wiimote on the table to pass it. No added bit of strength is worth loosing a wiimote for. 

Did the assassination mission against Speed Buster. It started at the boss stop. Wait seems familiar, then I stepped in the bus. Okay! What, fighting in the bus, with a 2D perspective?! Damn you Suda, you are a genius! Yes Thunder Ryu is dead, no more stupid gym exercises! I am looking at you bench press!

The boss was something else. Avoiding a gaint laser. Awesome. So after I killed the old bat I did some more side missions. Hey look Thunder Ryu's gym is still open. 

*Enters it

Fuuuuuuuuckkk his soul is immortal. Shit more exercises Sad

Okay let's do one more assasination mission. First bring the katana to Naomi and do some jobs. Okay let's do some scorpion picking. Fuck one stabbed me and I failed the mission. 

*Drives back and selects the same job

Okay I will be more careful. Yes gold, time for some assasination missions!

Wow the last one were there are infinite respawning enemies gives you 100,000+ per mission. Wow that went quick I can now do another assasination mission. Let's go to Noami to see if she finished the sword!

Yes, she did. Okay let's buy it. Around 40,000? No bad, should have enough for the assassination mission. 


What?!!!! Dammit is was around 400,000!! I have almost nothing left. Good thing I found that assasination mission that pays 100,000+ each time. Time to get more money. The sword looks awesomely cool. But it's not really that much more powerful that the Tsubaki MK.II. Well time to buy a power booster to increase the power and perhaps a energy saver! 

The power booster is reasonably priced, it's mine. What?! The energy saver is 999,999! Why?! Oooo, you never have to replenish your sword, ever?! I will buy it, later!

Bad Girl you are next! Wow driving the motorcycle around killing people reminds me of MadWorld. The minigame were you have to drive around killing aliens! Oh Bad Girl looks hot in a very disturbing kind of way. Boobies! Not that hard though (I was talking about the difficulty of beating Bad Girl and not my penis, so shut it Steel). The ending is disappointing though. Travis is such a pussy. She standing over you, trip her!! Or pull out your damn sword. Never ever stab someone and leave your sword there. Congratulations you are now unarmed!

Today I will probably finsih the game!

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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 12:14:06

That bus level I found really hard.

Loved that boss. I mean if the whole game had been non-stop variety like that boss, the graphics, music, characters, everything combining. AAA game right there, easy.

You know you dont have to use the gym at all right?

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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 15:09:49

Iga_Bobovic said:

Today I will probably finsih the game!

I thought Bad Girl was pretty tough, but I suppose as long as you're willing to be patient you can probably take her pretty easily.  She just takes a long time to penetrate (her defense I mean).  But still how god damn funny was she when you first see her? "God damned that's smooth."  Good stuff right there.

Final battle really won't be that hard.  I was almost disappointed by that, but frankly I'd beaten myself up on so many other tough fights in that game I ended up welcoming an easier fight for a change. . .  of course. . .  there's still one more. . .  maybe.

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Thu, 02 Jul 2009 05:20:56

robio said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

Today I will probably finsih the game!

I thought Bad Girl was pretty tough, but I suppose as long as you're willing to be patient you can probably take her pretty easily.  She just takes a long time to penetrate (her defense I mean).  But still how god damn funny was she when you first see her? "God damned that's smooth."  Good stuff right there.

Final battle really won't be that hard.  I was almost disappointed by that, but frankly I'd beaten myself up on so many other tough fights in that game I ended up welcoming an easier fight for a change. . .  of course. . .  there's still one more. . .  maybe.

 It took awhile to kill him from what I remember, though. Not that it was hard, but it was an endurance test. 

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Thu, 02 Jul 2009 08:44:54

Okay back to No More Heroes

I did some side jobs and assassination mission to get money to buy the energy saver for my Tsubaki MK.III.

But I lost patience pretty quickly and decided to do the 1st ranked mission. I figure I would get paid alot! Yeah, I will buy the energy saver after I finish the first rank mission.

The mission itself was again awesome. Now I had to ride my bike through the highway, avoid enemies and crates. Then we have a narrow forest path, where you have to avoid enemies, jump over fallen tree logs and avoid motherfucking lasers. After a quick time event that let's Travis jump over a bridge, I came to the next part!

A Lost Woods like level. You had to follow Ryu's directions to get to the boss battle. Again the boss you are supposed to fight dies, by getting his balls punch out. But instead you fight your ex-lover and sister Jeanne (uuugh). Oh nice troll on Duke Nukem LOL.

Jeanne is annoying, her dash attack is difficult to avoid, and she avoids all your attack by leaning. How the fuck is that possible? No way is hell, can you avoid a sword strike by leaning you upper body! Your legs and hips will still be hit! 

I was losing badly, hell she even armbarred me! But I discoverred that you can spam the low charge on her. I was doing much better, but I still lost. The second try I immediately did the low charge thing. Wow she has little health. I even discovered when best to use the low charge. Needless to say, she died. Her death scene was awesome. 

I saved my game, and now I can see the true ending, ending or go back to Santa Destroy. I picked the last option, because I have 600,000 moniez. Almost enough to get an energy saver. Just have to do 3 assassination missions. Today I buy the energy saver and I end the game.

P.S. I found this on youtube

What Jeanne says in fast forward

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Thu, 02 Jul 2009 10:46:34
Oh yeah I saw that on youtube before. Love that stuff.  

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Fri, 03 Jul 2009 22:24:14

Okay my final playthrough of No More Heroes!

Okay did the assassination mission 4 times, the one with infinite regenerating enemies! This gave, enough money to buy the energy saver. Nice never ever have to recharge my beam katana!

Then I went back to my apartment. After saving, I could choose between "the ending" and "the real ending". I thought I should first see the ending before I watch the real one. The fake one is horrible, they show nothing. 

But what's that, what save?! I don't want to save. Shit I have to save. Dammit, better save on a new file, I do not want to delete the one I already have. So I have to start from the beginning, but I keep all my weapons. Damn, why can I open my other save file?!

Well, let me beat Death Metal on Bitter and then save. Wowie my sword kills all. Beam Katana >> Lightsaber. Fact. Okay I am saving. The old save file seems to be still there. Ahh, I can load my game from the pause menu. That's a relieve. Let's see the real ending!

Okay Henry is a fucking cunt. He takes way too much punishement and he can block most of you attack for no reason. How the hell is a backflipping enemy invurnable? Okay, I see after he flip attacks he is open to counter attack. His charge attack is also annoying. Damn he killed me!

Let's try it again. Yeah I am getting the hang of it. He is slowly but surely meeting his end. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS. HE FUCKING KILLED ME WITH A SINGLE STRIKE. Yeah it looks cool, but it's so cheap. I was so winning this.

Okay let's do it again. Okay he tried the single kill attack. Okay I am winning. FUCKKKKKK, the single attack thing killed me again.

Wow I am really getting the hang of it now. I can almost always darkstep his flurry. No need for emergengy evade. Just hit the analog stick left to right. 80% of the time you will see a black screen. This is you cue to hit the A button, hit it harder and more often than an abused housewife. Sometimes you will stun him and you can suplex him. 

Okay the Irish bastard is death, well not quite but the game is over. Can't wait for No More Heroes 2. My plan is to finish NMH on bitter and MW on hard and try some highscores. But first I will try some other games!

Americans when are you getting LKS? Maybe we can play together!

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Sat, 04 Jul 2009 15:35:13

So you saw the proper ending?

"Too bad there wont be a sequel" Nyaa

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Sat, 04 Jul 2009 20:31:12

Okay I played  bit of Okami today. I visited Kamiki village and had to draw the sun . Then I did all kind of side quest, fed a few animals and helped the inane Susano cut some rocks. The overworld is now open, but parts of it are poisoned. Reminds me of Twilight Princess a bit!

Okay, I explored a bit and found Hana Valley. Is this supposed to be a dungeon? Wow, no puzzles at all, besides a simple ball rolling, sun drawing puzzle at the end. After that puzzle I got the bloom power. I can now regenerate the rotten tree's. I regenerated the other Sakuya tree also. The life generation cutscenes are awesome to watch. I explored the overworld a bit and got my bomb drawing power-up. Then I went back to Kamiki village to regenerate all tree's and finally help mr. Orange regenerate Sakuya. Finally I got the lily drawing power-up and that's when I stopped playing. I am really starting to like this game, but they are few big annoyances!

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Sat, 04 Jul 2009 20:59:41

Iga_Bobovic said:

Okay I played  bit of Okami today. I visited Kamiki village and had to draw the sun . Then I did all kind of side quest, fed a few animals and helped the inane Susano cut some rocks. The overworld is now open, but parts of it are poisoned. Reminds me of Twilight Princess a bit!

Okay, I explored a bit and found Hana Valley. Is this supposed to be a dungeon? Wow, no puzzles at all, besides a simple ball rolling, sun drawing puzzle at the end. After that puzzle I got the bloom power. I can now regenerate the rotten tree's. I regenerated the other Sakuya tree also. The life generation cutscenes are awesome to watch. I explored the overworld a bit and got my bomb drawing power-up. Then I went back to Kamiki village to regenerate all tree's and finally help mr. Orange regenerate Sakuya. Finally I got the lily drawing power-up and that's when I stopped playing. I am really starting to like this game, but they are few big annoyances!

It's a great game, but yeah, it's not perfect. The biggest disappointment for me is the inconsistent difficulty. The bosses should increase in difficulty as you go, but they don't. The game does get kind of repetitive, too, but not to the point of annoyance for me.

The story is awesome. The art style is awesome. The sense of humor is awesome. The music is awesome. It's a long game. Just a few tweaks and there would be no question in anyone's mind that it is better than every Zelda (assuming they like the story, art, humor, and music, of course).

It's one of my favorite games.

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Sat, 04 Jul 2009 21:04:43

Angry_Beaver said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

Okay I played  bit of Okami today. I visited Kamiki village and had to draw the sun . Then I did all kind of side quest, fed a few animals and helped the inane Susano cut some rocks. The overworld is now open, but parts of it are poisoned. Reminds me of Twilight Princess a bit!

Okay, I explored a bit and found Hana Valley. Is this supposed to be a dungeon? Wow, no puzzles at all, besides a simple ball rolling, sun drawing puzzle at the end. After that puzzle I got the bloom power. I can now regenerate the rotten tree's. I regenerated the other Sakuya tree also. The life generation cutscenes are awesome to watch. I explored the overworld a bit and got my bomb drawing power-up. Then I went back to Kamiki village to regenerate all tree's and finally help mr. Orange regenerate Sakuya. Finally I got the lily drawing power-up and that's when I stopped playing. I am really starting to like this game, but they are few big annoyances!

It's a great game, but yeah, it's not perfect. The biggest disappointment for me is the inconsistent difficulty. The bosses should increase in difficulty as you go, but they don't. The game does get kind of repetitive, too, but not to the point of annoyance for me.

The story is awesome. The art style is awesome. The sense of humor is awesome. The music is awesome. It's a long game. Just a few tweaks and there would be no question in anyone's mind that it is better than every Zelda (assuming they like the story, art, humor, and music, of course).

It's one of my favorite games.

Dont ever say anything like that again. Its great, it's still no Zelda and it never will be.  

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