Iga_Bobovic said:Okay played a lot more Okami!
I did two dungeons. The sunken ship and the one you are shrunk down thanks to the hammer. The ship had an actual puzzle and the mini dungeon was more platform oriented. Both were nice. Beat the boss blight and helped a lady find her spaceship, for a Majora's Mask like moment.
I will need to collect some demon fangs quickly, the emperor has some nice stuff. One can help you teleport from origin save mirrors. Another one quickly replenish your ink! Also in the last few dungeons the enemy variety has increased dramatically. Before it was just Ogres.
Then I visited the Queen. Meh the priestress is hotter, she has greater "assets". She told me about Oni island. So I guess I will get to where GG is soon enough! The last part was really fun, hope it keeps up!
Once you beat Orochi that is when the game really begins. Its excellent after that point. It just takes forever to get to that point.
Okay I played a ton of Okami. I beat Oni Island and killed the Kyuubi (ninetails). I climbed a tower full of cats. I explored the ocean on a back of a orca. Did plenty of sidequest's in Sei-an city. Explored the innard of a sea dragon.
After Oni you get to explore a snowy new area full of half beasts - half men. And I discoverd Issun's village. Did these guys also do Minish cap? Because Issun's village looks like that. Now I am sent back 100 years in the past. I am going to redo the original battle with Orochi.
The weakest parts of the game remain the dungeons. Even the good ones are still quite short. Heck I think the first dungeons of both TP and Windwaker are more enjoyable than any dungeon I have faced in Okami.
Another weak part are the battles. Actually I think they are even weaker than the dungeons. Once in battle, I try to finish them as fast as possible. There is no lock-on and the enemies often attack you outside of your viewpoint. I also hate it when you are attacking you enemy with a combo, and then an enemy attacks you. But you can stop the combo attack, so you get hit often.
That are my biggest problems in the game.
gamingeek said:Dvader said:I haven't played Okami in a long time, can someone who is more familiar with it read Iga's post and tell me if he has crossed the mid portion of the game, you know what I am talking about.I dont think so but I haven't completed it yet.
I just finished Oni Island. How much further do I have Beaver?
I hope you aren't counting on me to sound in every time Okami is mentioned! I only saw this post of yours because the home page said that Iga posted something Okami-related.
I don't actually remember how far you are overall, but you still have a ways to go. Iga's in the last main area of the world map (snowy area).
Iga_Bobovic said:Okay I played a ton of Okami. I beat Oni Island and killed the Kyuubi (ninetails). I climbed a tower full of cats. I explored the ocean on a back of a orca. Did plenty of sidequest's in Sei-an city. Explored the innard of a sea dragon.
After Oni you get to explore a snowy new area full of half beasts - half men. And I discoverd Issun's village. Did these guys also do Minish cap? Because Issun's village looks like that. Now I am sent back 100 years in the past. I am going to redo the original battle with Orochi.
The weakest parts of the game remain the dungeons. Even the good ones are still quite short. Heck I think the first dungeons of both TP and Windwaker are more enjoyable than any dungeon I have faced in Okami.
Another weak part are the battles. Actually I think they are even weaker than the dungeons. Once in battle, I try to finish them as fast as possible. There is no lock-on and the enemies often attack you outside of your viewpoint. I also hate it when you are attacking you enemy with a combo, and then an enemy attacks you. But you can stop the combo attack, so you get hit often.
That are my biggest problems in the game.
Flagship did the pre-DS portable Zeldas, not Clover.
The dungeons are more like the rest of the game, unlike in Zelda, where they're usually pretty walled-off. Think of them more like that and they might not be as disappointing. Also, WW's and TP's dungeons could legitimately be compared to dungeons of prior games in the series (which is what makes the WW ones seem so weak, IMO), whereas there is no real precedent for anything in Okami.
I don't think the battles are weak at all. They definitely aren't complicated, but I find them to be fun, especially when I can poop (an improvement over the peeing, and also an addition) on an enemy and then also finish them off with the brush to get tons of demon fangs in just one battle. Try out different weapon types, and try out each individual weapon within the types; also try each as a primary and a secondary weapon. If you have the damaging dodge and jump moves, also use those. BTW, it's a good thing to finish battles as fast as possible, as you get more points from doing so. The absence of lock-on doesn't really bother me--if I remember correctly, attacking enemies works like in Ninja Gaiden, where the game directs your attacks toward the enemy either closest to you, closest to your line of sight, or the one you've just been attacking. Whatever the case may be, I generally have no problem hitting the enemy I want to hit.
Beaverman, I could write a retort and explain in detail why my point of view is different from yours. But I will not get a reply until after a month. So...
Beaver you are wrong. You should be ashamed for questioning my opinion. My opinions are the ultimate truth and can count as a scientific fact. Your opinions are subjective and in this case factually wrong. I would advise you to change your opinions to closer reflect mine.
Iga_Bobovic said:Beaverman, I could write a retort and explain in detail why my point of view is different from yours. But I will not get a reply until after a month. So...
Beaver you are wrong. You should be ashamed for questioning my opinion. My opinions are the ultimate truth and can count as a scientific fact. Your opinions are subjective and in this case factually wrong. I would advise you to change your opinions to closer reflect mine.
The eyes say you are clearly wrong... very, very RAWNG!
I understand that Okami's not everyone's cup o' tea... or the perfect Zelda clone. Its anime-ishness is probably a bigger factor in me liking it than it is for you. This includes the music and how Ammy reacts to Issun.
Angry_Beaver said:gamingeek said:Dvader said:I haven't played Okami in a long time, can someone who is more familiar with it read Iga's post and tell me if he has crossed the mid portion of the game, you know what I am talking about.I dont think so but I haven't completed it yet.
I just finished Oni Island. How much further do I have Beaver?
I hope you aren't counting on me to sound in every time Okami is mentioned!
I only saw this post of yours because the home page said that Iga posted something Okami-related.
I don't actually remember how far you are overall, but you still have a ways to go. Iga's in the last main area of the world map (snowy area).
Oh shoot, its been so long since I played it, I forgot. That's where I am.
Iga I dont like the combat either. Firstly it sections you off in flames, then there is no accuracy to it, its like a button mash most of the time with lots of celestial brush. I'm glad when its over.
gamingeek said:Angry_Beaver said:gamingeek said:Dvader said:I haven't played Okami in a long time, can someone who is more familiar with it read Iga's post and tell me if he has crossed the mid portion of the game, you know what I am talking about.I dont think so but I haven't completed it yet.
I just finished Oni Island. How much further do I have Beaver?
I hope you aren't counting on me to sound in every time Okami is mentioned!
I only saw this post of yours because the home page said that Iga posted something Okami-related.
I don't actually remember how far you are overall, but you still have a ways to go. Iga's in the last main area of the world map (snowy area).
Oh shoot, its been so long since I played it, I forgot. That's where I am.
Iga I dont like the combat either. Firstly it sections you off in flames, then there is no accuracy to it, its like a button mash most of the time with lots of celestial brush. I'm glad when its over.
I hated having the combat sealed off like that. If I want to fight in closed spaces I'd play a dungeon crawler. As for the actual fighting I enjoying using the prayer beads, but the disk fighting doesn't quite work in my book.
Played some more Okami. I finished the last dungeon before the final boss. Wawku Shrine is by far the best dungeon in Okami. It's long and it has multiple puzzles. Wow, we finally have a dungeon that is comparable to some of Zelda's dungeons. Most other dungeons are either short with one puzzle (sunken ship) or long with no notable puzzles at all.
I also met my past self. The one who beat Oro 100 years ago. Wow she is powerful, damn I am jealous. Huge bombs and multiple slashes FTW. After beating the two bosses I tried to enter Yamato's ark. But Issun said that it was a point of no return. I wanted to explore some more, so I did not enter the ark.
I explored some areas. The most notable being a secret hole that was guarded by a Blockhead. He had way to many weakpoints, their was no way in hell I could keep up. So I used the home button to pause the game after each weakpoint was shown, and I wrote it down on paper. But even then I kept failing. So I used posted it stickers and stuck them on the TV. So I knew exactly were all the weakpoint were. After that I wrote the weakpoint on paper, and then finally, I had him. So to defeat him I needed paper, pen and post-it stickers.
I also brought a water tablet and a golden ink pot. Wow my ink is refilling some much faster now and I can walk over water. Take that Jesus! Did some monster hunts in Kamui and then in Ryoshima Coast. After the fourth monster was captured in Ryoshima I tried to save, but then the game crashed. FUCK! I did not lose much progress, but still.
I will keep exploring until I get 100% or get bored. Whatever comes first. Then I will finish the game.
Okay I finished Okami. Did some side missions and then decided that I wanted to see the ending. I copied my save so I can still go for the side missions later. Now I have finished 3 games.
No More Heroes finished and I plan to do it again on bitter
MadWorld finished and I plan to do it again on hard and try some high scores
Okami finished and I plan to 100% it and maybe do a game+
Hmm maybe I will try Little King's Story next. Depends on the Americans, I might join them!
How did you like Issun's grandfather being Ammy's previous celestial envoy? Cool, eh? I loved seeing that super-powerful version of Amaterasu.
BTW, seeing as you were playing the Wii version, you need to finish off the game by seeing the complete ending, which was omitted in the Wii version. Just google it.
Thanks for the spoiler Beaver!
I actually considered putting a marker on my tv screen to beat that block head. I tried sticking bits of post it notes but they fell off
Angry_Beaver said:I still haven't beaten that Blockhead in the snowy area (Kamui?). But I don't have the Wii version, which means I pretty much have to remember all the spots... unless I do some video recording quick-like. There are one or two other optional ones, I think... the one in the snowy area is the hardest by far.
How did you like Issun's grandfather being Ammy's previous celestial envoy? Cool, eh? I loved seeing that super-powerful version of Amaterasu.
BTW, seeing as you were playing the Wii version, you need to finish off the game by seeing the complete ending, which was omitted in the Wii version. Just google it.
Yeah I saw the full ending on youtube this morning. Man the credit song was nice. A shame they cut it. I already expected Shiranui was Ameratsu. So the fact that Issun's grandfather was the previous celestial envoy did not surprise me.
But what's up with the moon tribe? The celestials talked about them like they were more powerful than they were. Did the moon tribe put Yami in the ark? Did they plan in making Okami 2: the celestial plane?

Almost done with Okami, just need to beat the Ark of Yamato to finish it 100%
I have collected all stray beads
fed all the animals
caught all fish
found all the different treasures
maxed out all my stats
did all the side missions I could find
have still 1100+ praise left
learned all the dojo moves
found all the secret paintbrush moves
brought all the tablets (walk over water, sleeping mat, ink pot, etc)
and even maxed out all my weapons with golden dust.
Tomorrow I will finish the game!
That Kaguya girl must be from the moon tribe, don't you think?
Iga_Bobovic said:Almost done with Okami, just need to beat the Ark of Yamato to finish it 100%
I have collected all stray beads
fed all the animals
caught all fish
found all the different treasures
maxed out all my stats
did all the side missions I could find
have still 1100+ praise left
learned all the dojo moves
found all the secret paintbrush moves
brought all the tablets (walk over water, sleeping mat, ink pot, etc)
and even maxed out all my weapons with golden dust.
Tomorrow I will finish the game!
That Kaguya girl must be from the moon tribe, don't you think?
You are more of an okami player than I am, congrats. I didnt care to 100% it.
Okay I finished the game, I've got all the bonus content that is available. Even the String of Beads. This will make me invincible, give me infinite ink and increase my attack power tenfold. I will try all the bonus content tomorrow.
I guess it's time to start a new game also. I will try to get a bit further in Eledees and perhaps I will start de Blob. No need to start a long game after finishing Okami.