Forum > Gaming Discussion > I'm whipping it out for all to see! Comparison time! (Girthy Game Collections!)
I'm whipping it out for all to see! Comparison time! (Girthy Game Collections!)
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Sun, 24 May 2009 18:17:43
Here is my current, complete collection of games, both download-able and store-bought:


MadWorld (Wii)
Punch-Out!! (Wii)
Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

CastleVania 3 (VC)
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (VC)
Super Metroid (VC)
Zanac (VC)

Bit. Trip Beat (WiiWare)
Gradius: Rebirth (WiiWare)
Mega Man 9 (WiiWare)

Dragon Quest V (NDS)
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume (NDS)

Art Style: Pictobits (DSiWare)
Dr. Mario Express (DSiWare)

Bionic Commando (PS3)
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel (PS3)
Street Fighter IV (PS3)

Bionic Commando: ReArmed (PSN)

I know this is probably a huge request for some of you, but we don't have anywhere here to show our collections! What have you guys got? I bet some of you have back-logs in the hundreds, no? 'Fess Up!

Edited: Tue, 26 May 2009 23:44:36
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Sun, 24 May 2009 19:11:46
Had a Commodore 64 with hundreds of games, but it disappeared.

Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Game Boy Colour
Nintendo DS
Sega Game Gear

Nanostray 2
Super Mario 64 DS
Mario Kart DS
NEW Super Mario Bros
Worms 2: Open Warfare
Clubhouse Games
Elite Beat Agents
Lost in Blue
Korg DS-10 Synthesizer
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

It's Mr. Pants!
Advanced Wars 2: Black Hole Rising
Gunstar Super Heroes
Lord of The Rings: Return of The King

Game Boy / Game Boy Colour
Pokemon Red
Pokemon Yellow
Pokemon Pinball
James Bond 007
Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
(I feel like there are more, but I can't find them)

Battle Chess
Warcraft II
Warcraft III
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
Rainbow 6
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2
Medal of Honour: Allied Assault
Black & White
Command and Conquer
(About a dozen, maybe up to 3 dozen more games ranging from Windows 3.1 to current I am too lazy to go downstairs and make a list of)

(I've made a full list before, but I'm too lazy to go downstairs again. There are around 20 of them. Below is what I can think of off the top of my head.)
Super Mario Galaxy
Godfather:Blackhand Edition
Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess
Spy Games: Elevator Mission
Super Monkey Ball
Red Steel
Link's Crossbow Training
Mario & Sonic at The Olympic Games
Battalion Wars 2
Super Smash Bros: Brawl
Guitar Hero III
Wii Fit

(Again, too lazy to go downstairs, off the top of my head)
Kirby Super Star
Tetris Attack
Street Fighter II Turbo
Super Mario World
Super Mario All Stars multi-game cartridge - SMB/SMB2/SMB3
Speedy Gonzalez: Los Gatos Banditos
Donkey Kong Country
Yoshi's Island
Addams Family Values

Edited: Sun, 24 May 2009 19:16:36

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Sun, 24 May 2009 19:12:59
OK, well, for this generation at least

-Battalion Wars 2
-Bully: Scholarship Edition
-De Blob
-Dragonball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2
-Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
-The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
-Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
-NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams
-Rayman Raving Rabbids
-Super Mario Galaxy
-Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Virtual Console:
-Adventure Island
-Super Ghouls & Ghosts
-Super Punch Out
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
-Wonder Boy in Monster World

-Tetris Party

-Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day
-Break 'Em All
-Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
-Chessmaster DS
-Chrono Trigger
-Clubhouse Games
-Custom Robo Arena
-Disgaea DS
-Elite Beat Agents
-Final Fantasy III
-Geometry Wars Galaxies
-Kirby Canvas Curse
-The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
-Madden 2005
-Mario Kart DS
-Mario vs Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis
-Mr. Driller: Drill Spirits
-New Super Mario Bros.
-Ouendan 2
-Pokemon Pearl
-Princess Debut
-Space Invaders Extreme
-Super Mario 64 DS
-Super Princess Peach
-Tetris DS
-Tiger Woods PGA Tour
-The World Ends With You
-Worms Open Warfare 2
Edited: Sun, 24 May 2009 23:42:47


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Sun, 24 May 2009 19:13:52
mate, i'm afraid i fall under the "i've got backlogs in the hundreds" category.  Just to show you how stupid i am, here's the games i bought in anticipation of my getting a ps3 (it may still be another month or so until i do so but i have been piling up on games):

1. Little Big Planet (i've had this for ages)
2. Street Fighter IV (it will be the first game that goes in my PS3 slot)
3. Metal Gear Solit 4: Guns of the Patriots
4. Virtua Fighter IV
5. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Game of the Year Edition)
6. Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destructions
7. Fifa 09
8. FarCry 2
9. Bioshock
10. Prince of Persia
11. Mirror's Edge
12. Dead Space
13. Soul Calibur IV
14. Fear 2
15. Dead Space
16. Condemned 2

i hope to get through at least 7-8 of this games in the summer but i'm so stupidly consumerist about games ... i wish i could stop


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Sun, 24 May 2009 19:28:30
Leo, you sold all your games?

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Sun, 24 May 2009 19:34:19
Like what?
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Sun, 24 May 2009 19:38:23
Oh. If you mean like Excitebots and Rune Factory.

Nephew got Bots. Mom got Rune.

I give em away when I start to get bored of 'em.

I rotate my games f-r-e-q-u-e-n-t-l-y ! ! !
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Sun, 24 May 2009 19:41:34
DAMN! I hope these are all collections and not only parts of collections that are waiting to be played!

...and at buggsy... GASP
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Sun, 24 May 2009 19:42:38
Shall we play the "What does our collection say about us?" game...?
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Sun, 24 May 2009 19:42:48

No I mean you play a lot of games and I remember you saying that you got rid of them and rarely keep any. 

Since the SNES I have kept most of my games and remembering the gba, and virtual console games alone will be too much. Damned if I can remember the Dreamcast either. 

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Sun, 24 May 2009 19:51:11

gamingeek said:

No I mean you play a lot of games and I remember you saying that you got rid of them and rarely keep any.

Since the SNES I have kept most of my games and remembering the gba, and virtual console games alone will be too much. Damned if I can remember the Dreamcast either.

I live like a nomad, I keep only enough stuff to pack into something like a foot-locker/trunk and go if I need to at any given time, so I almost never keep anything material.

It's great for keeping organized and travelling, but sucks if I happen to lose said trunk in transit, as happened last year...!

I have played practically every non-sports, non-pc game ever made, but almost never own more than 15-20 at any given time.

The Wii is probably my most favored console this generation because I can keep 150 games in the space of a hard-cover book, if I see fit to do so, but even my VC games have been reduced to like 4 at a time or so... (The nephew got the Wii that had 100+ games registered to it late last year when my grandmother got ill and I was running around dealing with that!)

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Sun, 24 May 2009 20:10:07

Xbox 360

1.Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts
3.Forza 2
6.Namco Museum Virtual Arcade
7.The Orangebox


1.Crimson Skies
2.Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
4.Return to Castle Wolfenstein
5.Sega GT 2002


1.Alien Hominid
2.Battalion Wars
3.Chibi Robo
4.Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
5.F-Zero GX
8.Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Master Quest
9.Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
10.Luigi's Mansion
11.Mario Kart: Double Dash
12.Mega Man Aniversary Collection
13.Metroid Prime
14.Metroid Prime 3
15.Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
17.Pikmin 2
18.Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
19.Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
20.Serious Sam: The Next Encounter
21.Sonic Mega Collection
22.Sonic Gems Collection
23.Soul Calibur 2
24.SSX 3
25.SSX on Tour
26.Super Mario Sunshine
27.Super Smash Bros Melee
28.Wave Race: Blue Storm

29.Animal Crossing

30.Resident Evil

31.Resident Evil 4

32.Starfox Adventures


1.F-Zero GP Legend
2.Gunstar Super Heroes
3.Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2
4.Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3

Nintendo DS

1.Animal Crossing Wild World
2.Brain Age
3.Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
4.Kirby Canvas Curse
6.Elite Beat Agents
7.Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass
8.New Super Mario Bros.
9.Mario Kart
11.Metroid Prime Pinball
14.Ouendan 2
15.Phoenix Wright
16.Race Driver: Create & Race
17.Sim City DS
18.Sonic Rush
19.Sonic Rush Adventure
20.Starfox Command
21.Tetris DS
22.Trauma Center
23.Tony Hawk's American Sk8land
24.Yoshi's Island DS
25.Yoshi Touch & Go

Atari 2600

1.3-D Tic Tac Toe
3.Air-Sea Battle
5.Asteroids (2 copies)
14.Burmuda Triangle
15.California Games
16.Canyon Bomber
19.Championship Soccer
20.Chopper Command
21.Chuck Norris/Artillery Duel (Double-Ender Cart)
22.Circus Atari
25.Commando Raid
26.Cosmic Ark
28.Cruise Missile
29.Crystal Castles
30.Defender II
31.Defender (2 copies)
32.Demon Attack
33.Demons To Diamonds
34.Desert Falcon
35.Dig Dug
37.Donkey Kong Junior
38.Donkey Kong (2 copies)
39.Double Dragon
43.Fire Fighter
46.Frogger (2 copies)
47.Frogs and Flies
52.Grand Prix
54.Haunted House
55.He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
56.Human Cannonball
57.Ice Hockey
58.Indy 500
60.Jr. Pac-Man
61.Jungle Hunt
65.Keystone Kapers
66.Kool-Aid Man
67.Kung-Fu Master
68.Laser Blast
69.Lock n' Chase
71.Mario Bros.
72.Maze Craze
73.Midnight Magic
75.Missile Command
76.Moon Patrol
77.Mouse Trap
78.Ms. Pac-Man
79.Night Driver
80.No Escape!
84.Pac-Man (2 copies)
85.Pele's Soccer
88.Piece O' Cake
89.Pitfall (2 copies)
90.Pole Position
93.Q*Bert (2 copies)
94.Raiders of the Lost Ark
97.RealSports Baseball
98.RealSports Boxing
99.RealSports Football
100.RealSports Tennis
101.RealSports Volleyball
102.River Raid
103.River Raid II
104.Sea Hunt
106.Skate Boardin
108.Sky Diver
109.Slot Machine
110.Sneak'n Peek
112.Space Combat
113.Space Invaders
114.Space War
115.Spider Fighter
117.Star Raiders
118.Star Trek
119.Star Voyager
120.Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back
121.Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
123.Street Racer
124.Street Racer
125.Super Breakout
126.Super Football
128.Swordquest: EarthWorld
129.Swordquest: FireWorld
130.Target Fun
132.Title Match Pro Wrestling
133.Trick Shot
134.Tunnel Runner
138.Video Checkers
139.Video Chess
140.Video Olympics
141.Video Olympics
142.Video Pinball
144.Winter Games
145.Wizard of Wor
146.Yars' Revenge

Edited: Tue, 26 May 2009 05:02:49

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Sun, 24 May 2009 20:17:11
I was about to make a sarcastic comment along the lines of "Damn! Like First-Person games much?"

...but then I saw that you had Tunnel Runner for the Atari 2600 and answered my own question.

You have been playing first-person games since the FIRST, first-person game!


...and it just dawned on me that my game-playing obsession started waaay before the NES. With the exception of the sports titles and ONE of the SwordQuest games, I have owned/played each and every last Atari 2600 game you have listed there, plus a boat-load more...!
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Sun, 24 May 2009 20:19:34
PS: What?! No MegaMania...? You sir, are a 2600 newb!
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Sun, 24 May 2009 20:22:08
...GREAT! Now I have the obnoxious, repetitive, overly bassy, drum-beat, theme of Reactor stuck in my head.

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Sun, 24 May 2009 20:27:50
...and I laugh at Star Raiders!

The only 2600 game I used to employ a co-pilot to play!

He would handle the separate key-pad while I piloted the ship...

...I would have have him flee in an escape pod when things got too hairy...

...meaning he would fling the key-pad at me, and make space-ship engine noises while running across my living room as I would explode in epileptic-fit inducing flashes of color on my TV screen...

...ah, the good old days!

Imagine, If GG hates NES games, how he would react to these...!

(Damn! I said react... just got the theme stuck in my head again! DAMMIT!)
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Sun, 24 May 2009 20:31:19
BEHOLD! The great-great grand-pappy of Crysis, Halo, Half-Life and Killzone!

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Sun, 24 May 2009 20:34:57

...and you thought the Wii-Remote was ahead of its time!
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Sun, 24 May 2009 22:21:38

phantom_leo said:
I was about to make a sarcastic comment along the lines of "Damn! Like First-Person games much?"

...but then I saw that you had Tunnel Runner for the Atari 2600 and answered my own question.

You have been playing first-person games since the FIRST, first-person game!


Tunnel Runner is epic!

phantom_leo said:
PS: What?! No MegaMania...? You sir, are a 2600 newb!

Yes, I am a 2600 newb. LOL Somehow that game never crossed my path; I'd buy it if I saw a copy, though. Happy

I'm also missing Pitfall II (had a copy once, but it refused to work Sad ), H.E.R.O., and Fantastic Voyage. Those are harder to come by, and are usually quite a bit expensive at around $10-20 each; even more if they're complete with box and manual.

phantom_leo said:

...and it just dawned on me that my game-playing obsession started waaay before the NES. With the exception of the sports titles and ONE of the SwordQuest games, I have owned/played each and every last Atari 2600 game you have listed there, plus a boat-load more...!

That's awesome! Retro gamers UNITE! Atari rules!

phantom_leo said:
...GREAT! Now I have the obnoxious, repetitive, overly bassy, drum-beat, theme of Reactor stuck in my head.



phantom_leo said:
...and I laugh at Star Raiders!

The only 2600 game I used to employ a co-pilot to play!

He would handle the separate key-pad while I piloted the ship...

...I would have have him flee in an escape pod when things got too hairy...

...meaning he would fling the key-pad at me, and make space-ship engine noises while running across my living room as I would explode in epileptic-fit inducing flashes of color on my TV screen...

...ah, the good old days!

Star Raiders is great. I used to pretend I was playing a Star Wars game because the enemies looked like Tie Fighters. LOL

phantom_leo said:

Imagine, If GG hates NES games, how he would react to these...!

(Damn! I said react... just got the theme stuck in my head again! DAMMIT!)

GG's a graphics whore. Nyaa

phantom_leo said:
BEHOLD! The great-great grand-pappy of Crysis, Halo, Half-Life and Killzone!


Yup, and Tunnel Runner better than all of those games too!

phantom_leo said:

...and you thought the Wii-Remote was ahead of its time!

It's better than the Wii Remote! Nyaa

Edited: Sun, 24 May 2009 22:54:20

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Sun, 24 May 2009 23:35:33

My collection is not what it once was, but it's good enough for what I need:


Super Smash Bros: Brawl
NiGHTS: Journey Into Dreams
Wii Play
Wii Fit
Wii Sports
Punch Out
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
Disney Trivia something or rather
Samba Di Amigo (fuck you, I think it's fun)
No More Heroes
Super Mario Galaxy


Lost Winds
Final Fantasy: My Life As A King
My Aquarium (what a piece of shit)
World of Goo
Defend Your Castle (overrated turd)
Art Style Orbient
Dr. Mario Rx

Virtual Console:

Donkey Kong Jr
Donkey Kong 3
Elevator Action
Sim City
Milon's Secret Castle
Castlevania 3
Super Castlevania IV
Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 2 (Lost Levels)
Super Mario World
Fantasy Zone


Mario Kart


Resident Evil 4
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Adventure DX
Sonic Collection


Dragon Quest VIII
Sonic Riders
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
DDR: Dance your ass off fat boy edition or something


Street Fighter Alpha 3

That's only about half of my actual VC collection, but there's a lot of crap on there that I never touched after the first few days of ownership and now it's sitting on a flash card and never gets looked at.  

I have a lot of turn over these days too.  At the beginning of Wii ownership I pledged I wouldn't sell any of my games this generation, as my PS2 library is pretty much nonexistant and there's a good number of games I would have liked to have gone back to.  But frankly I can't stand looking at a bunch of games just gathering dust on a shelf particularly when they could go towards the purchase of something else I want.  

Edited: Sun, 24 May 2009 23:36:29
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